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Brioso is Missing in Gardena, CA

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Black and white with black racoon mask


Gardena, CA 90249


St. Andrews and Gramery


October 21, 2024

Lisa W.

3 months ago



Donna Z.

4 months ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Cat. Here are some tips that may help you. Posters posters posters posters, everywhere including the houses behind you. Tape them to the sides of peoples mailboxes. Include the date last seen the location last scene and any other important information as well as a good picture. Tell all of your neighbors that are immediately near you to please check their security cameras and their garages , Their sheds, and under their crawlspace. If there is an opening. Cats have a tendency to hide rather than run, chances are your cat is close by. Always remember to call the shelters and check to see if anyone has turned in your cat. Don’t forget to look up Cats will often go of trees are on rooftops especially if they’re avoiding predators. There are websites you can use that will help you print flyers and make Robo calls to your neighbors if I use their name Facebook will take me off and delete this post but you can find them. Put your clothes that you have worn with your smell on it outside your door. Also, if it’s possible and there’s no other animal in the house that needs to be contained open a window when you’re there so the cat can come back in the house. I would advise getting a trail cam and set it around your house so if your cat is coming back when you’re not there or sleeping you will know. Go out and look for your cat at predawn hours and after the sun goes down is when they’re most active. If you have big bushes or a crawlspace that is probably a likely place that they can go especially in this heat. chances are there are Community cat colonies near you with a feeder, you may not know because they need to be discreet if you post on the Facebook group LA underground cat rescue net work, and see if any feeders in your neighborhood I’ve seen your cat show up to their feeding station. Most feeders are aware of who is a regular at their station and who is new. Most importantly don’t give up when the posters come down put them back up again. Most cats come back within a couple days Summit takes a little longer but don’t give up keep calling also, talk to landscape workers gardeners and delivery trucks they sometimes have eyes on things when you’re not there. I will pray for the safe return of your cat


Drew B.

4 months ago



Pam P.

4 months ago

Some tips for getting him home: If you haven’t yet, leave some articles of your unwashed clothing (socks, shoes, t-shirt, a pillowcase) outside for him/her to smell home. Change these out daily to keep the scent fresh. Never leave food or a litter box out, as this attracts coyotes/predators. 📍>>If you can, starting tonight please leave a door or window (even a garage door) cracked open for him/her to return through, especially during the night when it’s quiet out and when cats are most active; this works well, but may take a few nights if they are in hiding. Leave the articles of clothing near the opening. It helps to leave some food out inside the home to help lure him/her in. Don’t give up - cats typically attempt to return home during the night/early morning hours (~1a-5a).<< Your cat is probably hiding nearby. Go out late at night w/ a flashlight and look for your cat’s eyes. You can try shaking a treat bag if your cat normally responds to that. Check shrubs, under cars, crawl spaces, up in trees and on roof tops (in case your cat has been chased). If you see your cat outside, he/she may be too scared to come to you - sit quietly and have some tuna, Churu paste cat treats and even a wand-type toy to help lure them over to you. Have neighbors check their garages/sheds. Leave out some water, since it’s hot out. Post signs around the neighborhood (even further out at intersections in case kitty has been chased out of the area), since some people are not on social media. *Beware of scam calls/texts/emails/messages that ask for a code - do not respond to them. Also, ignore all the commenters/scammers telling you to follow a link to a pet rescue/drone service on Instagram, FB or a website- all scams that ask for money.* (especially on PawBoost) Post on NextDoor and on local Lost & Found Pets group pages. Check and notify surrounding animal shelters and leave flyers there - also, take flyers to vet offices/ER vets, where someone may take your cat for a chip scan. If microchipped, notify the chip company that your cat is missing. Update/verify contact info if needed. If you have motion sensing cameras, check them to see if kitty has returned to the yard. Best wishes.


Kathy W.

4 months ago

Why are there so many missing kitties 😭 How to find your lost kitty. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Also, beware of the scammers, since I no longer can see their posts, they've obviously blocked me from calling them out.



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