Renee C.
2 months ago
Missing kitty tips:
Get busy with these tips.
Acting quickly is best.
Important - If pet went missing from home, do these tips at your home.
If pet went missing while away from home, return to the area pet was last seen.
Then modify / use these tips at the site pet was last seen.
- If kitty is an indoor cat it will typically stay in a 3 to 7 house radius of her home.
- Indoor/outdoor cats can be up to 17 + houses away.
- Kitty will hide during the day and only come out after dark between dusk and dawn.
- Kitty may not come when called.
- The majority of cats return home between 2 and 4 AM.
- Go door to door and tell your neighbors and nearby businesses that your cat is missing, give them a description of kitty or share Kitty’s photo with them, and give them your ph number. photo and your ph number. The more eyes on the lookout for your kitty, the better.
- Offer a reward if you are financially able to do so.
-Place neon colored Lost posters / signs in your yard and in the neighborhood. List the reward on the Lost Cat signs.
- Ask your neighbors to check in their sheds, garages and any vehicle or building that may have been open around the time kitty went missing. Kitty might have sought shelter there / hidden and then become trapped.
- Also ask your neighbors if they have a ring doorbell or outside cameras. If so, they may have a photo or video of your kitty which will tell you what direction kitty was going.
- Make a scent trail in your yard and on your porch with your unwashed laundry and sheets. Hang items over bushes and on your porch railing. Let trail lead to your front door, open garage or open window. Also out Kitty’s bed or blanket outside.
- Leave an entry door or a window open that kitty can climb through.
- Around 10PM warm rotisserie chicken or just chicken broth, put it outside. This is also a scent to lure kitty out of hiding and back home. Warming it makes scent travel further.
- Throughout the night get up and go out side. Walk the 3 to 5 house radius and call softly, listen carefully.
- Bring a flashlight or use the flashlight on your phone. Kitty’s eyes will reflect back at you.
- Look both high (trees/rooftops) and low (under bushes or porch). Kitty could be stuck up in a tree or locked in a neighbor's garage.
- A lady reported finding her cat recently. She set her alarm for 2 am, opened her front door, turned on her TV on low, placed an open can of cat food in the house near the door. Kitty came walking into the house.
- One man set his alarm and got up every hour and another slept on the couch and heard the cat scratching at the door.
- Another tip is to use the warm chicken broth and make a trail of it from the street or yard up to the house. Even pour it in the bushes and trees where the wind can carry the smell.
- your scent trail should always lead home. So start and end your walks at home.
- Other people have used catnip to help lure their cat home.
Alternatives to leaving a window or house door open.
1) open your garage door instead, even leaving it open just a few inches from the ground will do. Have a laundry trail go through the garage door opening and place some laundry in a comfy spot kitty can lay down.
2) sit outside overnight on your porch or in your driveway.
Let the laundry trail lead to you while you sit outside.
Have an open can of tempting wet cat food or canned tuna with you outside while you wait for kitty. You can also have cat nip or other delicious scented food with you.
While outside sitting at night and on your walks, talk in a normal voice, or in the voice you use when you talk to your pets.
Yes, doing these tips requires some effort but to find a much loved pet, it’ll be worth it. These kitty finding tips have worked. Good luck and don’t give up!
Lastly, if it’s in your budget, hire a pet tracker while pet’s scent trail is still fresh.
And consider using a drone to search a large area.