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Reunited Cat in Ashburn, VA 20147

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REUNITED - reunited after 1 days, 0 hours






My cat is a medium-sized domestic shorthair with a gray and black tabby coat, a white chest, white paws, and a white patch on the face. It has striking yellow-green eyes, a pink nose, and large, pointed ears with slight tufts of fur. The cat wears a blue collar with a small bell attached. Its symmetrical tabby markings and white whiskers make it easily recognizable. If found, please please please contact me as soon as possible.


Ashburn, VA 20147


February 3, 2025

Bilal's Owner Says

UPDATE: FOUND! we just found Bilal, thank God and thanks to everyone for the support!!

gps i.

2 weeks ago

we are the **GPS investigation team**we help in tracking lost pet to there home message us for the rescue of the lost pet


Jennifer R.

2 weeks ago

Try these tips: Indoor cats that get outside usually stay close but they will hide b/c they get scared of the new sounds and textures outside. Check all hiding places (under decks/porches, sheds, bushes, parked cars, up in trees, in storm drains or other exposed pipes). Ask your neighbors to check those areas of their yards and to open their sheds/garages in case the cat went in unseen and got locked in. Post flyers in your neighborhood b/c not everyone uses fb or knows about these lost/found pet sites. File a report with your local shelter and give them a picture so if someone brings in your cat they will be able to more quickly reunite you. Go in person and ask to see all the cats. Do not rely on staff to visualize your cat the same way you do. Do not rely strictly on pictures posted on their website in case the site is not up-to-date or not all-inclusive. Cats will come out at night to search for food so put a dish of smelly cat food outside near the door the cat most likely went out. You can also try going out at night with a flashlight to see if you can get the reflection of the light in its eyes. Shared and prayingFollow these tips...they work :) Owners of lost cats on the lost and found pet pages have said that these tips work, especially numbers 1, 3 and 5: 1. Put wet/smelly food out in the evening. Pick it up during the day or if you notice it's attracting strays. 2. Put a trail of dirty litter from the box all along the edge of your yard and along trees and bush lines close by and along side any chin trails. Do not out the entire litter box outside. 3. Put out an unwashed article of your clothing or a dirty sheet/towel/t-shirt. You can also make "scent strips" from these items and place them in trails leading to your door. 4. Go out in the evening with a flashlight and look under porches, sheds, etc. 5. You can make chum trails leading to your door by using a can of canned tuna in water (no oil) or canned cat food and a gallon of warm water. Shake well and sprinkle in trails leading to your door. 6. Your cat will be most active between dusk and dawn. Trying shaking a bag of treats and softly calling your cat's name while searching with a flashlight to catch the reflection of your cat's eyes. 7. Get fliers up right away with phone numbe r asking for sightings right away and ask neighbors to check garages, etc. 8. File a lost report with the appropriate shelter and visit *in person* often. Most cats do not go far, especially those that are not used to spending time outdoors. Every 2 seconds a pet is lost..MICROCH IP!! !



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