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Reunited Cat in Los Angeles, CA 91326

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Honey Tu-loos


REUNITED - reunited after 49 days, 6 hours






Tiny, light tan color


Los Angeles, CA 91326


December 15, 2024

Kevin A.

2 months ago

Go around late at night calling them with food and flashlight to catch their eyes. Check around your neighborhood under houses and in small places where they may hide. Put stuff out that has yours and their scent on it. Hang flyers around for people to see. Check shelters and vets daily. Update chip info if they have a chip and its has not been update since a move. Ask neighbors to check in their garages incase they ended up trapped in one. I pray you get your baby back safe and soon.


Teresa R.

2 months ago

Prayers to find your cat very soon 🙏🙏🙏❤️


Betsy K.

2 months ago

* GOTTA GET THEIR “FAMILIAR / HOME SCENT” OUT THERE !! * My personal experience has been first putting my other indoor-only cat/s in a secure closed off bedroom (someone literally told me they could not do this because their other cats would get out 😳), dimming/turning off most or all inside/outside lights and leaving our doors (especially door/window escaped through) open in the very early morning. (Cats have a very keen wide-ranging/radius sense of smell; therefore, it is so important to get their familiar “home” scent out into the airwaves.) Every time, my little escape artist has come bolting through the door between 3:00 — 5:00 AM straight for his litter box. More than likely HONEY TULOOS is very close by just scared to come out until it’s really dark and really quiet. Prayers for a quick safe return !!🙏🏻


Ruth O.

2 months ago

Lost Cats‼️ Indoor only cats and limited outdoor access cats never go far. They go into survival mode and hide in silence. Most of them will not respond when they are in survival mode. 3 AM is the best time to find a missing indoor only cat. This is the time they become most active and responsive. Sit and quietly call for your kitty. Try to stay low, standing is intimidating to cats. Place some dirty socks and aqapillow cases outside. Your scent will attract your kitty. If you have a garage, place the items near the garage door and crack the door enough for her to get in. DO NOT leave food or litter box outside, it can attract predators and aggressive Tom cats. Because indoor only cats hide so well they are not as likely to be ed by a predator. Don't give up, it can take months to find a missing indoor only cat. Use a flashlight as late at night as you can to look in trees, under cars and in bushes. Try to look for the glow of her eyes. The best chance of you being reunited with your cat is to do a methodical search of the area. Most indoor only cats will be within 160 feet of your home. Survival mode lasts 5 to 14 days but can last longer. Once their hunger gets to a maximum theyqq snap out of it but this is a dangerous time because they come out of hiding. The majority of cats will try to make a break for home on the 5th night. In addition to posted flyers, make mini flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. Some people don't pay attention to posted flyers. It's VERY VERY important that you look for her as late at night as you can. If you have other cats, watch them. If they are spending a lot of time looking out a certain window, that’s a good indication the missing cat is in that area. Wildlife and motion activated cameras are also helpful. a lot of people are successful trapping their indoor only cats. If you decide to trap, you must watch the trap closely, predators can a cat in a trap.


Pam P.

2 months ago

Post on NextDoor, Ring, San Fernando Valley - SFV Lost and Found Pets and All Things Pets San Fernando Valley. Some tips for getting your kitty home: If you haven’t yet, leave some articles of your unwashed clothing (socks, shoes, t-shirt, a pillowcase) outside for him/her to smell home. Change these out daily to keep the scent fresh. Never leave food or a litter box out, as this attracts coyotes/predators. 📍>>If you can, starting tonight please leave a door or window (even a garage door) cracked open for him/her to return through, especially during the night when it’s quiet out and when cats are most active; this works well, but may take a few nights if they are in hiding. Leave the articles of clothing near the opening. It helps to leave some food out inside the home to help lure him/her in. Don’t give up - cats typically attempt to return home during the night/early morning hours (~1a-5a).<< Your cat is probably hiding nearby. Go out late at night w/ a flashlight and look for your cat’s eyes. You can try shaking a treat bag if your cat normally responds to that. Check shrubs, under cars, crawl spaces, up in trees and on roof tops (in case your cat has been chased). If you see your cat outside, he/she may be too scared to come to you - sit quietly and have some tuna, Churu paste cat treats and even a wand-type toy to help lure them over to you. Have neighbors check their garages/sheds. Leave out some water, since it’s hot out. Post signs around the neighborhood (even further out at intersections in case kitty has been chased out of the area), since some people are not on social media. *Beware of scam calls/texts/emails/messages that ask for a code - do not respond to them. Also, ignore all the commenters/scammers telling you to follow a link to a pet rescue/drone service on Instagram, FB or a website- all scams that ask for money.* (especially on PawBoost) Post on NextDoor and on local Lost & Found Pets group pages. Check and notify surrounding animal shelters and leave flyers there - also, take flyers to vet offices/ER vets, where someone may take your cat for a chip scan. If microchipped, notify the chip company that your cat is missing. Update/verify contact info if needed. If you have motion sensing cameras, check them to see if kitty has returned to the yard. Since she/he is still so young, she/he may respond to sweet, gentle meowing sounds - either do this yourself or download a cat communicator type app to your phone and play sweet, gentle, friendly meowing/purring sounds to lure her/him out of hiding. Best wishes.



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