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Discord is Missing in Reminderville, OH

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If anyone sees her or knows anything please contact the number or. We are all worried sick and just want our angel back. Her mother is crushed and we are making sure to look as often as we can, with the dangers I so badly hope someone does have her right now. She is very friendly so if you do see her and are able to crate her so we could pick her up it would be beyond appreciated. We all are just desperate to have her safe and back with us. I am completely willing to provide the financial compensation that I can if it means getting her back .


She is a ginger very small cat. She has a genetic deformity that she was born with that affects her heart and breathing. She is incredibly loving and trusting.


Reminderville, OH 44202


california street, lloyd avenue


July 31, 2024

Talla C.

1 month ago

We are still looking for Discord. If anyone is able to please help with the search. Her medical issues have been adding more worry. Through nextdoor someone mentioned a possible sighting of her on Lena Dr, Aurora, OH 44202. Somewhat near Streetsboro. We are searching every night. I desperately hope someone took her in or to a shelter because of the dangers outside.


Jaimee M.

1 month ago

Try getting a humane trap and leaving a blanket / shirt or something that may smell familiar on top of it. That’s how my friend got his cat back. Also maybe smelly food like tuna. I’ve also heard leaving their litter box outside may help attract them as well. Best of luck. ❤️


Marlene B.

1 month ago

Put her litter box outside, under cover, along with some really smelly cat food and some clothes you wore recently to attract her. Check carefully around the outside of your house and your neighbors’ houses. Cats don't usually go far initially and they can tuck themselves into unbelievably small and unusual spaces. One person found her cat hiding in the grill on her patio after searching for three days. Go out late at night when it's quiet and call her softly. Make large, easily read flyers and post them around your neighborhood with the cat’s picture and your contact info. Post a lost ad on Ask your neighbors to check garages, sheds, under decks - anywhere a cat can hide and get shut in. Borrow a trap from a shelter or vet. Don’t give up. Good luck!


Carole J.

1 month ago

Put something with scent outside Bedding your unwashed clothing her box anything that has your cats scent Check out sheds garages and under porches they don't go far from home Check out the neighbors and let them know that your kitty is missing Put out a sign in your yard with pictures and contact information Go outside early morning while dark and sit down and don't stand or walk around it scares them all they see is feet Calmly call name If likes treats shake bag and again listen for meowing could be stuck in a garage or shed or under porches Don't put food out it might attract other cats and animals and scare your baby away If you have to put out food get a routine time and place to feed and stay with food they eat and run away Outside neighborhood cats are territorial and they will fight over food and scare your baby away especially at night If chipped contact you company and make sure your information is updated and file a lost cat report Do not chase your kitty may scare her further away from your home Take a flyer to your local vets office and shelter and one to your local mail carrier If you have a local newspaper with a lost and found ad some people don't have internet access or Facebook People are taking cats to the shelters that they think are strays Check out the shelters in person and take a flyer or photo there also If all else fails put out a HUMANE trap then with wet food or tuna and cover with a towel to keep calm and warm if caught and check it out every 2hours and don't leave overnight unattended You can face the entrance of the trap towards a window or door to keep a better eye on it Prayers sent Some people suggest leaving a door open alittle bit may come home on there own Put something with scent outside Bedding your unwashed clothing toys Anything that has your cats scent Cats are night creatures May try to come home early morning while dark and try to get back inside This works well Also


Talla C.

1 month ago

Indica Flower Thank you for the advice. I will try checking with neighbors, and also check with local shelters and vets.



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