Amy L.
2 months ago
Message to owner: Please put outside something you just wore like a t-shirt, kitties have great sense of smell, he may smell his way back. Please also check with the local shelter in case he is there and check often and preferably in person, sometimes they don´t give right information over the phone and additionally you can check the web page 24petconnect you just need to enter your zip code and you can also submit a Lost Pet report there.
Check with local vets, you never know if someone took it there injured or sick, talk to your neighbors, post flyers preferably with a picture and give one to your mailman, post one in your closest Petco or Petsmart, post a flyer in the windows of your car specially the rear window, call his name specially at night and go out looking for him, look in the bushes with a flashlight which will reflect his eyes.
You can also post him in Craigslist Lost and Found, in the web page 24petconnect which is linked to some shelters, in pawboost, nextdoor, findingrover and in MyLostPetAlert, in the Facebook page RGV Kitty Lovers (Lost and Found) and in the Facebook page of RGV Lost and Found Cats.
If your kitty is not neutered and he comes back, please have him neutered because un-neutered males are going to try to escape when they smell a female in heat, can roam far and get lost and will be fighting with other males and are more at risk of getting diseases like Feline leukemia or Feline Aids which are transmittable only to cats mainly by saliva in the bites, and one very important thing is that he is not going to be impregnating females and making more kittens, there are way too many and sadly not enough homes. if your male cat is indoors only, he can start spraying your walls, doors or furniture to call the attention of a female in heat so please, have him neutered and you will have a healthier, happier and better behaved kitty. In the upper valley there are 2 ladies who take kitties to get spayed (or neutered) to their vet in Reynosa and bring them back, when kitties are pregnant I think it´s about $70.00, otherwise is $50.00, their names are Otilia Meza and Daly Rodriguez, In the lower valley Erica Lerma Aguilar and Aleida Cedillo take kitties to get spayed or neutered to Matamoros and bring them back, it´s $60.00 but believe me, it´s the best money you will ever spend because a kitty and her offspring can have 370,000 kitties in 7 years so by spaying a cat, you are preventing this amount of kitties.
Be careful with SCAMMERS who ask you to give them your cell phone number so they can send you a code OR TO REACH OUT TO A NUMBER OF SOME RESCUE SITE (OFTEN ON A POPULAR SOCIAL MEDIA SITE LIKE INSTAGRAM OR FACEBOOK) that helped them in the past to find their pet, be very cautious of those, so many are scammers, also be careful if they ask you to message them for tips, don´t trust that, they could easily post them here like the rest of us do.
If you have your phone number listed and have offered a reward anywhere, be very careful of people saying they found your pet, if that is true, they should give a proof and send you a picture of your baby, if they don´t, they just want your money, or if they ask you for your cell phone, DO NOT GIVE ANYONE A CODE that they ask for (sent to your phone) when they say they want to verify it’s you. This is how they reset your information, these are scammers
Prayers so you find your baby soon