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Goosey is Missing in Cape Coral, FL

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This is the only picture I could find but she would be bigger (1 year). Orange, white and black.


Cape Coral, FL 33990


Near SE 21st place


December 11, 2024

Dawn F.

2 months ago

Advice from Bring Ace Home - A Lesson In Faith and have helped rescue many lost pets. It’s not too late. I’m sure he/she is hiding nearby. Cats are scared to death when they get out and hide as fast as they can. Sometimes they won’t come out of hiding for days or even weeks. Even if they hear their owner. Their brain is in survival mode. One cat we helped took 14 days to show up at the trap on owners front porch. First thing to do is look around outside under your’s and neighbors porches, sheds and tiny areas you think he/she wouldn’t even fit in, because usually they can. Put out the feeding station I refer to in #2. Then follow the tips our rescue uses to find lost cats: 1. Hang lots and lots of posters. Every stop sign and intersection in your neighborhood. Then go to major intersections. I am talking a hundred plus signs. 2. Get some cans of Mackerel. Take the juice and put it in a spray bottle and add some water. Spray it in the trees and bushes and along your home foundation. Spray it leading to a big bowl of Mackerel near the door he got out of. You may need to get a trap (Home Depot, Lowe’s, Feed Supply Store) and possibly a camera, unless you have a home security camera. Set it up near the door he got out of. Put the bowl of mackerel in the back of the trap. Spray the juice leading to the trap and into the trap. Line the bottom of the trap with your dirty towel. Change the food and towel twice a day. 3. Look under nearby sheds, decks, bushes. Cats can get in the tiniest hiding places. Ask neighbors to check garages and sheds. 4. Sit outside in the evening talking calmly. Talk and say his name like you would if he was with you. You may have to do this for several hours for several nights. It could take weeks before he shows up. Don’t go after him if you see him. Just keep talking and have him come to you. 5.Put items of the cat near your house and in trap 6. Walk around the neighborhood to get your scent out. 7. Go out with a flashlight at night, calmly walking around looking for the glow of his eyes. Calmly talking to yourself saying his name, so he hears your voice. 8. My personal advice: YouTube search “How to Find a Lost Cat” video. Great information. I know of a blind cat that was found after a month. He/she is most likely hiding close by and scared. Cats usually come out at night. Don’t give up. Many people give up too soon. This could be a marathon, not a sprint. 🙏🏻🐾❤️ Cats are typically not scent animals like dogs with their owners scent. Do have cat nip on hand, a laser light toy and maybe a cat toy wand. Often when owners see the cat outside the cat is not ready to come home and will run. Sprinkle catnip on area and sit on ground a distance away. Let them roll in it and "take the edge off". Crawl closer and distract it with toy wand or laser. When distracted, grab it and get a good grip on the back of it's neck and hold tight against you and get in house fast.


MaryAnn B.

2 months ago

Please check all local waterways n cs. Post on pawboost your local Nextdoor app and neighbor app. Put out his/her blankie or leash with his/her scent. Ask neighbors if they have cams so this way maybe you can follow or see which way he/she went or if someone stole or took him/her. Call animal control report him/her missing n he/she is chipped. So if they find her will take him/her home not shelter. Also put out you worn cloths also food. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻ing you find him/her.`


Cliff T.

2 months ago

Please print a sheet -& make many copies!- of your cat's photo plus YOUR name, address, phone. Then.. pass the sheets around for homes in many blocks around your home, as your cat might be in someone 's home for safety!!. It is important you physically go to each home, because your cat may be around their home, attracted to whatever may be around neighbors ' homes! At night & in the early morning, bring your -, buy if you need!-- a powerful flashlight & as you walk around your neighborhood, shine the light under all vehicles, bushes, alongside homes- where cats like to hide & secure themselves for their own safety! Do this immediately-- the longer time goes by -- the harder it will be to find your cat!


Cliff T.

2 months ago

Around here, cats will hide in/under cars to stay warm now that our temps have dropped. Grab a powerful flash light & walk your streets..all around...shining your light under cars & against homes , bushes & fences.. looking for the glowing reflection of your flash light(s) in your cat's eyes! If it likes dry catfood, carry a zip lock bag filled with dry kibble shaking it to make your cat look up & toward the noise, so you can see your cat! Good luck.. it's a very anti-feline world here in sw Florida where coyotes & such look for an easy dinner.


Cliff T.

2 months ago

Have you tried - or seen these techniques - pasted below -& taking active intense attempts to find that cute Furbaby.....



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