Maria E.
6 months ago
Look everywhere in the house....cabinets, under box springs (where out cats sometimes hide)....everywhere. Go out with a flashlight tonight, call and call for her. Look under decks, on porches, in backyards, in sheds, in locked back yards (let the homeowners know that you are looking for your cat), up trees because cats, when afraid, climb trees. Put flyers up and put one in front of your house so neighbors will know it is your cat if they see her. Put a flyer on your car window so when you are parked or go shopping people will see it. Call and call for her. Cats generally do not go far from home so it is important that they hear your voice because she is likely afraid and if she hears you she will come to you. If you see her - sit on the ground, DO NOT GO AFTER HER because she will move further from you if you do that. Walk within a 1/2 mile radius and call for her. Check with your local humane association, don't just call them, go in with a photo of her and your contact info on it. Someone may come in with another kitty and see that yours is lost. Check the humane association EVERY DAY because they get surrenders all the time. When you go out and call for her bring something to secure her with if she comes to you or she may likely get loose again. Leave a window to your house open a little and crack the front door and garage door open so she can come back in if she is near your house. Put her bed or other scent items (your tee shirt or dirty socks) out near your door or window so she can smell her own and your scent. Again, cats who get out don't usually go far. Notify your neighbors in case she is on their property. Don't give up hope, my kitty, who was indoor only, got out and was gone 6 weeks (she was really skinny but she came home) and I attribute that to me calling her every single time I was outside. If she does come to you, either sit or stand still and let her smell you so she knows you are her person then slowly move toward her and pick her up. She knows you are worried about her and looking for her, she feels your energy. Don't give up. Sending positive energy to both of you for a speedy reunification.