Scott B.
1 month ago
TRY THESE TIPS!!! Everyone PLEASE take a second and copy and paste this to anyone who made need it!!!
Cats rarely go far and are often found very close! Indoor only cats are found the closest to home! They hide very well, especially when scared!!! Cats are very active at dusk and dawn and tend to move around more at night. The most successful things you can do;
1-Walk your neighborhood, talk to people as you can.
2-Talk to your mail carrier they see lots of animals!!!
3-Post fliers in your area with contact information and your cat’s photo!!!
4-Call for him or her, they know your voice!
5-Put their food/water, litter box and cat nip outside your house to draw him back as they can smell these a mile away.
6-Check nearby garages, especially under porches, decks, dense bushes, etc. They often wind up at your neighbors house!!! A strong flashlight will catch a cat's reflective eyes two blocks away at night and save you tons of time!
7-Let your neighbors know your kitty got out and give them your contact info.
8-Post on Facebook about your missing cat like community forums from your area. Call local animal shelters, etc…Run ads in local newspapers too! Try lost cat sites like LostMyKitty, Sam The Parrot-Face Book, PawBoost, Lost Cats of whatever county you're in, etc…
9-Get an Air Tag or other tracking they are very cheap and then you will know where to look!
Cats can disappear for days, weeks, months, years and return so never give up!!!! If someone took your cat call the authorities it's against the law here in Ohio to hurt or put an animal in danger. Get the cat micro chipped and have a collar on at all times. Indoor cats escape often!