Beverly F.
1 month ago
Tiffany Mauldin He is out there getting into fights with other unneutered tomcats, fighting over females in heat, probably ending up with FIV and FELV 😞 That's why he's coming home injured! Unneutered tomcats will travel up to 5 miles for a female in heat. You're really lucky that "so far" he's been able to make it back home. For Pete's sake, when he returns this time, get him neutered AND microchipped. He'll be more likely to stay around the house then. It's very dangerous for cats out there - not just other unneutered tomcats looking for girlfriends, but cars, coyotes, dogs, eagles, owls, and people who don't like cats. If you haven't already, put up flyers everywhere as many people aren't on social media. Since he's not microchipped, give flyers to every vet clinic, rescue, and shelter in the area in case he turns up. Since he's not neutered, ask all of these places if they know of any local TNR groups and community cat feeders, and give them flyers too (if applicable). Ask your neighbors to check their cameras, garages, sheds, and crawlspaces. Look up in trees in case he was chased. Go out in the wee hours with a flashlight and look for glowing eyes. I hope he comes home soon. 😞 Good luck <3