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Bear is Missing in Peoria, AZ

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Please share and help us bring him ! He’s been apart of the family for 10 years and my niece misses him terribly. He’s a very friendly dog. I lost him when I stepped outside to empty our mop bucket and some fireworks went off at the same time which spooked him and made him run off. Unfortunately our fence hasn’t been completed and that’s how he got away. We searched all night and the following morning for him and no neighbors had seen him. We checked local shelters and didn’t have any luck there either. He was last seen on N 79th Dr and Cholla St. We’d appreciate all the help we could get to bring him for the holidays!


Black German Shepard with white fur on his snout. He has brown fur along his stomach and legs. He’s a senior dog


Peoria, AZ 85381


N 83rd and Cholla St, Peoria


December 22, 2024

Theresa L.

2 weeks ago

Could this be your dog?


Lex H.

2 months ago

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Maricopa County has three shelters and the Humane Society has two and your dog could get picked up but be at the shelter in Mesa they don't take it to the one closest to your house. They put them wherever they want to put them based on room and availability and things like that. So driving to the shelter by your house and being in touch with them in no way shape or form covers all the bases. Most dogs are picked up in the neighborhood by people and taking into their homes and then posted somewhere. The faster you post on neighbor and next door the faster people see your post and get your dog back to you after a week they turn it over to a shelter or they find a new home for it or they give it to a rescue once it goes to a rescue they begin to look for new families to adopt and take it to adoption events they no longer look for the owner. There are 35 Plus rescues in the valley so you can make a list of rescues and pull them up on Facebook and start going through the photos he would likely be with one that specializes in Senior Dogs if he's even with the rescue. But this is why it's important to post multiple times a day the first week on the neighbor app and the next door app. Had a guy recently that was putting Flyers up on Indian School and 83rd Avenue and checking the pound by his house and his dog was all the way across Maricopa County in a shelter on the other side. If you access Petco love lost you can upload a photo of him and it does search and it checks all of the Maricopa County shelters both Humane Societies post on neighbor post on next door plus dogs posted with rescues up for adoption so it covers all of those this is why I suggested Petco love lost. Lapping the neighborhood checking with neighbors and neither of them have him? Neither of what? I only ask because five shelters plus 35 rescues doesn't qualify as neither so I'm not understanding what locations you checked. There's 20 to 40 rescue volunteers on Facebook pretty much at all times and that's what they do all day is help other people look for their pets. It's best when people access these things the first week because the more time goes by the more places owners have to look and post. Really hoping he's okay there's a lot of coyotes in your area.


Lex H.

2 months ago

Stephanie Nava have you tried putting his picture in on Petco love? They have a facial recognition search option. It's not perfect but it's a good one to check as well. I think it pulls up rescues too so if somebody took him in and took him to a rescue because they were worried about taking him to the pound because he would be euthanized then he would show up on there. Also I'm pretty sure there are three shelters for Maricopa County and two locations for the humane society. So that's another reason the Petco site would be good.


Stephanie N.

2 months ago

Lex Harrison Thank you for your input. I’ve already checked local shelters and animal control and neither have him. They already have a photo of him and are keeping an eye out for him. I’ve lapped around the neighborhood multiple times and no signs of him. Checked with neighbors as well and nothing. I’ve started on creating posters and am hoping whoever picked him up will return him.


Lex H.

2 months ago

The owner is not in here. Can someone search for her on next door and let her know she needs to follow the comments in here in case her dog shows up.



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