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luna is Missing in Princeton, FL

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Luna is a 2 year old tuxedo male. He's neutered. His feet are all white so it looks like he's wearing socks. He's a sweet boy , but aggressive with with cats. He likes dry food better than wet food. Was last seen wearing a blue collar with a bell on sw 248th st. Princeton, FL.


Princeton, FL 33032


sw 248 st hmstd


January 13, 2025

Allison B.

3 weeks ago

Put anything outside that smells familiar and like YOU , a towel or piece of clothing. Cats can smell for miles. Also put stinky stuff out like tuna, sardines, clam juice. Walk around at night with a flashlight looking under cars, in bushes and up in trees his eyes will reflect in the light. Clang his food bowls walking around to calling his name. Ask your neighbors to look in and under sheds, decks, in garages in case he’s locked in. Good luck I hope he comes home soon 🙏🏻 Also post on petco’s site called love lost… And on Nextdoor and lost and found pets Facebook page for your county Post flyers and ask around with your neighbors in case someone took him inside. My friends cat was once in the house across the street for a month! If you’re not certain he got out please check everywhere inside I once read of a cat stuck in a recliner chair and dresser drawer. More good tips The cat must be able to associate the outside of her home (that he is unfamiliar with) with the inside of the home that he knows. The ONLY way he will be able to do that is by smell. So she should put things that smell like her and the inside of the house (used towels, unwashed t-shirts, blankets, pillow cases) outside the last door he went out of. Cats have an amazing sense of smell. Also put his food and fresh water there too. Cats almost always hide within a 3 house radius when they get out. They aren’t active during the day but may come out at night. If he’s not back by dark, she should go out late tonight, when it’s really quiet and her neighbors are all asleep, and search for him with a flashlight. She should walk around slowly, calling his name, and pausing each time to listen for faint meows. Pausing each time to listen for faint meows is critical, because lost cats don’t usually come running and he may have to be coaxed out of hiding. His eyes will reflect in the light and it will make it easier to see him.


Paula V.

3 weeks ago

The only way a lost cat can find its way home is with its nose. Immediately put out the dirty litter box along with anything that stinks of the cat and of you. Cats know our scent.too. put out your stinky socks your smelly sneakers something you sweated in overnight even your dirty underwear seriously and also put out the cat's food along with the dirty litter box. Cats usually stay within a five house radius of their own home for up to a week sleeping in the bushes and coming out at dusk Dawn and late at night so those are good times to call out and shake the treat bag. They can smell up to one mile away from their own home. It's also important to go on all the lost and found pet pages in your county and on all the neighborhood pages and post this everywhere. Then go back look at every single photo to see if anyone could have found your cat. Good luck


Leslie S.

3 weeks ago

URGENT 🚨Post as lost /found on the Ring doorbell app. Your pet may already be posted as seen or found 🙏🏼🙏🏼It’s free- you do not need to own the doorbell to use it. People post lost, found, and sightings of loose pets DAILY-It works like Nextdoor and POST ON NEXTDOOR APP TOO!… but RING is more anonymous. SO RING is called “Neighbors” in the App Store. Before you submit your post, make sure your contact author link is on BEFORE SUBMITTING it, and include streets missing from and check your comments and texts and phone calls periodically. Still need to go door to door asking neighbors to check security cameras because there’s other companies besides Ring & you may get a person or vehicle description of your dog being picked up so you can report as stolen and submit footage to the “report a crime” link on the local news stations. I’ve seen it get dogs returned by airing it on the news.


Gab K.

3 weeks ago

Please read till the end..Walk around calling your cat as you always do. Look under bushes and in hiding places. Look at dawn and dusk with a flashlight to catch the glare of your cat's eyes. Leave garage door and lanai partially open if possible. Your cat will try to get back inside ..most likely at night. Use a trap...The only way to find his way home.or to the trap is by smell. Use some of your used clothes, put them outside and around the trap. A friend of mine used her shirt and dragged it through the neighborhood. Her cat found the smell and followed it home. It is all about the smell. You can also cut a shirt of yours into small small pieces and leave a scent trail back to the trap. I read a few days ago that a lady put out a trace with the old litter throughout the neighborhood. It worked. Her cat came home! Use the litter to lead your cat to the trap. Also try to distribute flyers throughout that many as you can ( 3 miles radius at least). Check shelters in person...don't just call. Put battery operated trail cameras outside. Your cat might show up in the middle of the night. When you know the time you can wait for for your cat and slow blink to make contact. NEVER GIVE UP! I read once that you can put a chair outside and cover it up with a blanket and the cat can jump up and hide under the blanket and feels safe. They said you should put one of your shirts under the blanket and food and water next to the chair. It might be worth a try to put up a chair



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