REUNITED - reunited after 14 days, 21 hours
Blonde Ginger neutered microchipped male named Sunny. 1 year old.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
September 1, 2024
3 weeks ago
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen your sweet Sunny, but I wanted to check in because I lost my cat a few years ago and was able to find her over the course of 6 days, so I learned a lot by searching for her in that time and would love to I’ll share in the hopes that something in there helps you in finding your lost cat too. First of all, I’m so sorry you are going through this. It is an emotional and overwhelming experience to be sure, but please please please just don’t lose hope. Lots of cats are found after being lost, especially since they stay close to where they were lost. Number one thing, don't be discouraged!! It's emotional and depressing that this happened, but the more resolute and focused you are the more effort you can put towards finding her. its so important to keep a positive attitude and just know you're doing everything you can for your lost pet. When cats run off, unlike dogs they usually don't run far. For example, my cat was found hiding under a shed only two blocks from where we lost her. She stayed under there for 6days we think, until she got hungry and came out for food.They stay to the shade, along bushes and under small spaces around a house. If they're scarred, they can stay put wherever they're hiding for up to 2wks without any food or water (it's crazy!). Sometimes cats just come back on their own if they're used to being out. So be sure to leave a window open or something if possible. You might get lucky. Cats are active during dusk and near dawn, so that's likely when they'll be less scared and come out looking for food. Flier your neighborhood (with good fliers, something with a highlighted background like put the fliers on top of poster board so they're more visible to moving cars. This site has some great resources on what makes a flier that people will actually notice: For your fliers, be sure to include the date you lost her as well as the major intersection. We also put an ad in the paper. Be sure to post on the Reddit page of your town, with details and be sure to check it frequently and follow-up on any leads. Also share on other social media and ask people to re-share. Go to every house within like 2 or 3 blocks (or more if you can) of you and ask if you can look along their shrub line, or along the edge of their property (and along the interior of their yard if they'll allow). Go around the block calling their name and walk around with whatever snack they love and shake that container. They may not come out, but they'll hear you and are more likely to stay put if they know you're close. Do this at different times during the day, but again near dusk and Dawn they'll be more active for sure. Our plan was doing all that above, and passing out flyers to local shelters and vets, in case they show up there. We also left her cat bed and carrier out the whole time she was lost. if you put something they know the smell of outside, it may lure them closer to the house at night, or at least let them know they're still in the right area (along with hearing your voice crazily walk up and down the street calling their name and shaking a treat jar). We also heard advice about putting a litter box outside as well, but I haven’t tried it personally. It may be worth a try. Just another way to let your cat have a chance at smelling their own scent while they’re outside and scared, and either it lures them closer or keeps them in the same area at least. With all that, the thing that finally got her back to us was catching her in an animal trap from Harbor Freight (link: We bought about 5 and borrowed some from nice neighbors too. There are some great YouTube videos about how to use them, but you basically find a good tucked away spot that they'll feel comfortable going into, cover it with like towels or blankets, and line the inside with some too (so they don't get turned away by the feel of walking on metal), put some food inside of it and then set it out just before dusk. Then check them every two hours during the night (yes it s, but you'll likely catch other cats or opossums, so if you don't clear them out that's a wasted trap for the night & trapping an animal all night isn't cool anyway, so that's worth the multiple midnight alarms.) Be prepared to re-bait the trap each time you go by bringing extra food with you over the night and also be ready to let annoyed animals out of the trap. Highly recommend bringing some gloves and a flashlight or headlamp. Do Not put traps out during the day, because again animals shouldn't be trapped in there during the heat. Only use them between dusk and dawn. The crazy part of us finding her was having a neighbor dog that was apparently good at tracking smells from our cat’s bed & when that dog was really interested in a certain area, the neighbor put a trap out there and that same night she was caught. So, kinda random but if you know anyone with a dog that has a good sniffer maybe they could get you in the general zone. Good luck!! You can find them!
4 weeks ago
Go around late at night calling them with food and flashlight to catch their eyes. Check around your neighborhood under houses and in small places where they may hide. Put stuff out that has yours and their scent on it. Hang flyers around for people to see. Check shelters and vets daily. Update chip info if they have a chip and its has not been update since a move. Ask neighbors to check in their garages incase they ended up trapped in one. I pray you get your baby back safe and soon.
4 weeks ago
Here are some tips that may be helpful in locating your lost Kitty Hero. Indoor only cats and limited outdoor access cats and or litter box outside, it can attract predators and aggressive Tom cats. Because indoor only cats hide so well, they never go far they go into survival mode and hide in silence they will not always respond to This is the time they become most active and responsive. Place some dirty socks and pillowcases outside. Your scent will attract your kitty. If you have a garage place the items near the garage door and crack the door enough for her to get in. DO NOT leave food as likely to be ed by a predator. Don't give up, it can take weeks to find a missing indoor only cat. Use a flash light to see the glow of his eyes. Survival mode last 5 to 14 days. Once their hunger gets toa maximum, they snap out of it but this is a dangerous time because they come out of hiding. Make mini flyers and hand them out to your neighbors. Most people don't pay a attention to posted flyers. It's VERY VERY important that you look for her as late at night as you can. If you have other cats, watch them. If they are spending a lot of time looking out a certain window, that’s a good indication the missing cat is in that area. Wildlife and motion activated cameras are also helpful. MY FRIENDS CAT WAS GONE 3 WEEKS.
4 weeks ago
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