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Ozzi is Missing in Colorado Springs, CO

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Missing microchipped fixed male cat! o! Has anyone seen this pretty boy?? He's a mostly indoor cat but loves to go outside and explore. He's never went far and super friendly so I have a feeling someone took him in or he got picked up. He always comes back especially at night when he's called. I've already reported him lost to his microchip company which the microchip has all his contact information and address up to date if he is scanned.. I would love to have him back! He's a registered emotional support animal to my 12yr old daughter after her 10 month old baby brother past in 2020. She's had this cat since he was a baby and he's missed dearly! Lost in the 80915 area.


Brownish with gray white between nose white socks gray tail blue eyes


Colorado Springs, CO 80915


Near Moffat circle Colorado springs Colorado 80915


December 19, 2024

Sharon B.

4 weeks ago

Put out a scent station and file a lost cat report with HSPPR. They don’t usually go too far. Go outside at night using a flashlight and search for their eyes under cars, decks, bushes and sheds. You might want to check drain/sewer pipes for meowing. They will sometimes seek safety in one and then can’t get out.


Leslie S.

1 month ago

This is from rescue organizations & why: “Specific search tactics: kitties by instinct will hide during the day and not come out to you even when they hear or see you walking past because they’re naturally hiding from predators. best search when it starts getting dark, through the night and early morning with a low beam flashlight. You’re looking for their eyes to reflect back to you since they won’t come out immediately. Bring their favorite meat or smelly treat to coax them out when you see them. Search where cats typically hide underneath porches and decks and neighbors backyards go door-to-door, asking neighbors to check backyards. They hide under parked vehicles and deep inside bushes and shrubs, “inside storm drains”, and in between neighbors houses underneath belongingsand post those flyers. And search further with those flyers because they can get chased farther by another animal. ALSO can be locked in the neighbors garage or shed so you do need to go door-to-door, go a few blocks over if the cat has been chased farther away by another animal. If somebody is out of town, ask a neighbor if they can contact them, or family member to gain access especially if you hear your cats meow on the other side of a garage or shed door that you can knock on somebody’s property who’s out of town or away for the day”.


Leslie S.

1 month ago

URGENT 🚨Post as lost /found on the Ring doorbell app. Your pet may already be posted as seen or found 🙏🏼🙏🏼It’s free- you do not need to own the doorbell to use it. People post lost, found, and sightings of loose pets DAILY-It works like Nextdoor and POST ON NEXTDOOR APP TOO!… but RING is more anonymous. SO RING is called “Neighbors” in the App Store. Before you submit your post, make sure your contact author link is on BEFORE SUBMITTING it, and include streets missing from and check your comments and texts and phone calls periodically. Still need to go door to door asking neighbors to check security cameras because there’s other companies besides Ring & you may get a person or vehicle description of your dog being picked up so you can report as stolen and submit footage to the “report a crime” link on the local news stations. I’ve seen it get dogs returned by airing it on the news.


Lynn G.

1 month ago

Pls post cross streets. Get out calling kitties name esp early and late when it's quiet. Look high and low with a flashlight. And post on NextDoorcom in your neighborhood


Mj B.

1 month ago

He/she won't be far away. Go out at night with flashlight and look for shiny eyes. Leave an opening so he/she can get back into your house. Check nearby (within 3 typical city blocks) sheds, containers, hidey holes, garages. While walking, crinkle treat package. Put up posters for folks in the area who are not on line. A nice neighbor might have let him/her in. Also please do not forget to post to 719 Lost and Found Pets of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Lost Pets Facebook page, Pawboost, the Humane Society, and, very important, Nextdoor (a free app for folks near your house). Finally, go to catsinthebag dot org for ideas on how to find him/her and get him/her back home. At night leave a door or window partially open...many roam in the dark when it's quiet and some come back into their homes.



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