Renie H.
3 weeks ago
You need to first call and inform chip company if they're chipped, then you should definitely make a report online for the humane society/pound and let them know, because they can call you if they show up, but you should actually go daily as well because they don't always know for sure and your eyes are better then theirs. Next go and checkout pawboost and nextdoor apps and post on the other lost and found sites in your area and on fb. Also post on them with as much information and pictures as you can to help the searchers know who and where to search. Put your clothing and something of theirs on the front and back porches so their and your scents are outside and they can smell them. DO NOT set kitty's litter outside, because predators will smell the litter and stalk it for your kitty. DO NOT put food and water out either as other animals and predators will be coming in for a free meal, plus your kitty needs to not have a full belly so they'll be more apt to stick around home. Scared cats tend to hide during the day and they will stay in shrubbery or bushes or in the window wells of houses with bats or crawl spaces. Indoor cats who get out are generally only 2-5 houses away in both directions from your home and or across the street or behind your house. Get flyers made up and take them with you as you go and walk your neighborhood. Go out in the evenings to call when it's quieter. Use your printed out flyers to put up posters around your neighborhood, talk to your neighbors as well and touch things down low, to once again leave your scent for them to follow home. When it is dark, take a flashlight and crawl on your hands and knees and shine the flashlight into the shrubs, bushes, window wells, etc, so that their eyes will shine brightly back at you. If you do find your cat, remember they are scared, so reach and move slowly so as not to scare them and they take off in fear. Lastly beware of those that are trying to tell you to use pet detectives or pet trackers, especially those that use a instagram IP, they can be scammers, with no info on their pages and don't even live here, so go to their home page and check them out before you do anything, make sure they're legitimate. Don't give up hope, keep the faith, and hang in there, will be praying that they come home safe and quickly.