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Reunited Cat in Los Angeles, CA 90026

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REUNITED - reunited after 7 days, 5 hours






He has an injury in the side of his ear. He also now that his whiskers looks to be half the size of the others.


Los Angeles, CA 90026


January 18, 2025

Vago's Owner Says

Thank you to the people who suggested to look in my neighbors garage omg he really was there and I am just so thankfor

Kevin A.

3 weeks ago

Go around late at night calling them with food and flashlight to catch their eyes. Check around your neighborhood under houses and in small places where they may hide. Put stuff out that has yours and their scent on it. Hang flyers around for people to see. Check shelters and vets daily. Update chip info if they have a chip and its has not been update since a move. Ask neighbors to check in their garages incase they ended up trapped in one. I pray you get your baby back safe and soon.


Donna Z.

3 weeks ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Cat. Here are some tips that may help you. Posters posters posters posters, everywhere including the houses behind you. Tape them to the sides of peoples mailboxes. Include the date last seen the location last scene and any other important information as well as a good picture. Tell all of your neighbors that are immediately near you to please check their security cameras and their garages , Their sheds, and under their crawlspace. If there is an opening. Cats have a tendency to hide rather than run, chances are your cat is close by. Always remember to call the shelters and check to see if anyone has turned in your cat. Don’t forget to look up Cats will often go of trees are on rooftops especially if they’re avoiding predators. There are websites you can use that will help you print flyers and make Robo calls to your neighbors if I use their name Facebook will take me off and delete this post but you can find them. Put your clothes that you have worn with your smell on it outside your door. Also, if it’s possible and there’s no other animal in the house that needs to be contained open a window when you’re there so the cat can come back in the house. I would advise getting a trail cam and set it around your house so if your cat is coming back when you’re not there or sleeping you will know. Go out and look for your cat at predawn hours and after the sun goes down is when they’re most active. If you have big bushes or a crawlspace that is probably a likely place that they can go especially in this heat. chances are there are Community cat colonies near you with a feeder, you may not know because they need to be discreet if you post on the Facebook group LA underground cat rescue net work, and see if any feeders in your neighborhood I’ve seen your cat show up to their feeding station. Most feeders are aware of who is a regular at their station and who is new. Most importantly don’t give up when the posters come down put them back up again. Most cats come back within a couple days Summit takes a little longer but don’t give up keep calling also, talk to landscape workers gardeners and delivery trucks they sometimes have eyes on things when you’re not there. I will pray for the safe return of your cat


Drew B.

3 weeks ago




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