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Tiger is Missing in Solon, OH

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I rescued him and his sister from our back yard. It took a long time to get him to trust me but he did, and is so affectionate. Was so careful to not let him outside. My husband was cleaning off our 12 year Brittany (she has incontinent issues) and he slip past him out the door. My heart is breaking.


Dark grey strip like a Tiger, has been neutered.


Solon, OH 44139


Between Harper road and Lander road in north Solon.


July 30, 2024

Kelly C.

1 month ago

Put out something that he's familiar with that carries his scent (a bed, a blanket but NOT a litterbox), call for him in the quiet, still hours (12am-7am) THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, put out food in intervals (not at night) when you can keep an eye out. Lost pet cats go into survival mode super fast, you may need a humane trap if he doesn't turn up right away. Talk to your neighbors (most don't go far and find an open garage or shed to huddle down) and put signs in your local pet store (if someone takes him in they will need litter and food). I hope you find him 🍀


Ken J.

2 months ago



Bill J.

2 months ago

I'm sure he/she is hiding nearby or could have been accidentally locked in a neighbor's garage - talk to all neighbors in a several block radius. Posters are helpful and do notify police and animal shelters.. Most importantly, I would get a chair, a bowl of her/his favorite food or tuna, a used litter box for scent, and stay outside your door in that chair tonight and every night until he/she comes home. You must monitor the litter box! The scent of litter boxes attracts predators like wild dogs and coyotes and most experts suggest caution. In my advice post I specify that you must remain outside to monitor the litter box. Animals can smell these a mile away and the last thing you want is to lure your kitty into a coyote ambush. Here’s a recent joyous post discussing a lost kitty who was found: "Thank you all for help in finding Patty! She was found by kind neighbors a street over. She was stuck in a tree. Patty is getting all the love, dinner, fresh water, and all the attention.” Thank you Patty for reminding us to look in all possible places including high trees and utility poles especially at night. Kitties can climb up a tree or pole to escape from a predator often in the middle of the night when they are active. Yes, I know it’s cold tonight but so is it cold for your baby – just bring blankets and a warm hat. Cats hide during the day but will come out late at night when they feel its safe. You need to be there when she/he comes back because he/she will not hang around and wait for you. Be patient and call her/him by name often. This will require some work and inconvenience but it will be well worth the effort.


Darcy D.

2 months ago

If you can get a live trap that will help. Have neighbors check all garages and sheds in case he got stuck in one. Also check nearby sewers, and in trees because a cat that was missing was rescued out of one. At night go outside with a flashlight and some treats or a bag of cat food and call for him. Play ringtones of kittens meowing, he might hear it. Shine the flashlight in bushes so you can see his eyes glowing. Many people have found their lost pets between midnight-6 am. Be sure to check all surrounding shelters,rescues and vets in case someone found him and brought him there. Check with your mail carrier as they see alot on their routes.You can also go outside when it gets dark with a laser pointer and shine it on the lawn- he might see it.If you have a baby monitor put it outside so you can hear him.Leave the garage door up a little bit and put some food in there so he can go in. And most importantly- don't listen to anyone who tells you to text a number or code or to go onto Instagram for "pet trackers" or "pet detectives ". Those people are scammers preying on people with lost pets and these pages have tons of scammers who need reported and banned.


Kim K.

2 months ago




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