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Marshmello is Missing in Black Forest, CO

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My chonky boy is very missed. He's my little rolly


Large neutered and chipped white and grey tabby. Blue eyes. Injured front tooth


Black Forest, CO 80908


Brentwood ests


September 6, 2024

Kenda C.

5 months ago

Still missing!


Kenda C.

5 months ago

Black Forest and Shoup


Sharon B.

5 months ago

Put out a scent station and file a lost cat report with HSPPR. You might want to check drain/sewer pipes for meowing. They will sometimes seek shelter in one and then can’t get out.


Denise B.

5 months ago

Aaaaaawwwww ❤️ Beautiful Boy... Marshmellow will try to come back in, the same way he left, so leave that window or door ajar if you can 🥰 Hope he's home soon 🏡


Annette D.

5 months ago

Tips specific to cats: The main way a cat who has never been outside can find its way home is by smell. Same for a cat who has gone missing from a place it doesn’t know. But this also helps with indoor/outdoor cats who have managed to get displaced and disoriented. It needs familiar smells leading back to the house (or in the area cat was lost from) dirty clothing/ towels/ sheets from the owners. Do this immediately (from wherever the cat got out) to keep your cat in that area. Replace with other dirty clothing every couple days. Tear up dirty clothing and drop every 600-800 feet (at least) in a radius leading back to where the kitty was lost from (if not home). Put their favorite bed, blanket, toys or even cat tree on your porch. If an outdoor kitty, could be hurt nearby so look high and low in hiding places. Put kitty’s favorite bed or cat tree outside to bring him/her home as they will recognize their smell. Also leave out fresh water 24/7 and food when your cat is used to eating. Your kitty should be nearby initially but will begin to roam looking for food, water and shelter so putting out food at his/her regular meal times is important. Be very careful leaving food out overnight if you live in an area with predators. THIS ONE IS SUPER IMPORTANT. Borrow a humane trap from a rescue or shelter if possible and put some of your dirty clothes inside so your scent is on them as well as some stinky wet cat food or tuna. Never leave a trap unattended as whatever is trapped can become bait for another animal. Go out late at night w catnip, stinky mackerel a carrier and towel and read out loud softly. it is always best not to actually call your cat’s name. Cats instinctively know that they can become prey. When your cat is hiding in silence, avoiding predators real or imaginary, the last thing he wants is for you to focus attention on him. When you call his name, he instinctively feels that you are shining a spotlight on him, pointing him out to any predators in the area, as in the example of the little birds calling attention to the Screech Owl. Calling your cat’s name will probably increase his anxiety. Even if he wants to be with you, his fear of predators will outweigh his drive to come home, in most cases. In a few cases, calling a cat’s name has worked, but given the potential for making things worse, you shouldn’t risk it. There are other ways to attract him to you. Might be too scared to come when s/he hears her/his name but if s/he just hears your voice in general s/he may come back out. they stick within a mile or two of home usually. Leave food out regardless. Take a red or low light flashlight and look under decks, sheds, anywhere low for a pair of eyes. Kitty could be hurt and hiding so look high and low. Kitty will likely be nearby especially in the first day or two. If you have other cats in your house record their sound and play it outside when it’s quiet. Download a cat sounds app and try some of those meows. Just make sure you listen to them before you play them outside because some of them can be a bit angry sounding. Sadly, indoor/outdoor or just outdoor only cats always come home...until they don’t. Kitty could be hurt nearby so look high and low and everywhere. Please keep them safe by keeping them inside. When an indoor-only cat goes missing, they are likely hiding in fear and are usually not too far from home, at least initially. A house cat is most likely to seek shelter near or in human structures as opposed to taking off into the woods/fields, etc. On the other hand, when an outdoor-access cat goes missing it usually means that something happened to prevent the cat from coming home. These cats may be trapped, injured and hiding or deceased nearby. Or they may be displaced and lost farther from home, which makes them much more difficult to find and therefore you need to immediately consider a much larger search area.



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