Meredith K.
3 months ago
If s/he is not accustomed to being outside, s/he is probably close to where s/he got out. Most indoor only cats don't go more than about a 5 to 6 house radius from where they got out. S/he is probably hunkered down, hiding somewhere close by. Search low and high, go search the bushes at night with a flashlight and look for her/his eyes. Ask neighbors to look in their garages and sheds. Go out very late at night or very very early morning, stand in one place near where s/he got out and call her/his name in a calm voice.
Don't put out the litter box, it will draw predators. You can put out her/his favorite bed, blanket, toy, or your worn clothing.
You can also rent a humane trap, set and bait it with her/his favorite food and put your used bed sheets over it. Don't put out a trap unless there has been a confirmed sighting of the cat. NEVER LEAVE THE TRAP UNATTENDED. Be sure to check it every every 30 minutes or so.
Post everywhere you can (Pawboost, Lost & Found Pets pages for your city & county, Nextdoor, the Buzz page for your city) and be sure to put up flyers in the neighborhood, and in everyones' mailboxes or under door mats, in the several block radius. Not everyone is on social media.
Also check your local animal shelters to see if s/he was found and turned in as a stray. Many of them have websites with photos of the cats. If they have a deceased pets page, check there too. There won't be photos. The color, & age will be listed, as well as city & nearest cross streets.
I hope you find her/him safe and sound really soon