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Kira is Missing in Lansdowne, MD

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Por favor ayúdanos a encontrar a nuestra gatita, no estamos completos sin ella... No hay día que no lloremos por ella, pensando que quizás esté pasando frío o hambre.... Sería el mejor regalo de navidad que ella regrese a casa...💔😢


Her paws are white and she is scared. She has a little white on her nose.


Lansdowne, MD 21227


Lansdowne high school


October 11, 2024

Lost a.

3 months ago

LOST A PET IN BALTIMORE COUNTY? ❗️Please begin working on the checklist (items 1-10) below as soon as possible ❗️ 1. Put something outside that has your scent on it (an unwashed shirt, socks, or blanket/sheet). Put out smelly food/treats, too (microwaved wet food, grilled burger, fried chicken off the bone, etc.). 2. File a lost report with animal control (BCAS): County lost pet form: https://www.baltimorecountymd. gov/departments/animalservices/lost. html 3. Upload your information and a photo to Petco Love Lost site. 4. When stray animals are brought to BCAS, they are held for 72 hours. Please check the shelters often, and in person. Do not rely on the shelter to contact you. 5. Put up fliers for at least two to three miles in all directions. Place them in plastic page protectors turned upside down to protect from rain. Secure with tacks and fluorescent tape (or print on bright paper to draw the eye). Make your fliers bright/visible and easy to read - LOST, picture, phone #. Remember...not everyone uses Facebook! Fliers are the #1 way missing pets get home. 6. Walk your neighborhood, speak to neighbors, and hand out fliers. 7. Post on Facebook to lost and found pet groups, neighborhood/community groups, yardsale sites for your area, etc.. 8. Post to NextDoor, Neighbors, Ring, Craigslist, Pawboost (use the free option) and Petfbi. 9. Mount a photo on bright posterboard and hand write LOST, REWARD and your phone number in large print visible from a car. Place at intersections. You can cover these signs with cellophane from the dollar store to protect from rain. Home Depot and Lowes sell blank signs with stands and you can mount bright poster board to these. 10. Check Craigslist (for sale, pets and lost & found sections) and Facebook sites regularly. ❗️ Do not respond to anyone who texts you asking for a code. Likewise, do not contact anyone who asks that you reach out via Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger or only via text. They are scams. ❗️


Lost a.

3 months ago

Most cats don't go far, and many are found within about 400 yards of home. Put wet/smelly food out in the evening. Pick it up during the day or if you notice it's attracting strays. You can also microwave it to increase scent, and walk around with it after sundown. We've been told that mackerel is especially effective! Put out an unwashed article of your clothing or blanket. You can also make "scent strips" from these items and place them in trails leading to your door. Go out in the evening with a flashlight and look under porches, sheds, etc. Bring treats or an open can of tuna or wet food. You can make chum trails leading to your door by using a can of cat food and a gallon of warm water. Shake well and sprinkle in trails leading to your door. Your cat will be most active between dusk and dawn. Try shaking a bag of treats and softly calling your cat's name while searching with a flashlight to catch the reflection of your cat's eyes. Get fliers up right away and ask neighbors to check garages, etc. Post to Nextdoor, Craigslist and Pawboost (free option only). File a lost report with the appropriate shelter and visit *in person* often, if allowed .


Lost a.

3 months ago

If not already done, please post to the county lost and found group so the post can be shared:


Dottie H.

3 months ago

Report your cat missing to your microchip company if chipped. Google They are linked to the shelters. File a lost animal report by phone or online. If you are in the county call BCAS @ 410-887-7297, if in the city contact BARCS @ 410-396-4695 or SPCA @ 410-235-8826. BCAS in the Cnty. prefers you fill out the lost pet form online If in Harford Cnty. call Humane Society of Harford County 410-836-1090, email, address is 2208 Connolly Rd, Fallston, 21047. Report your lost pet to BARCS by filling out our online lost pet form. If you see your pet's photo on BARCS' website, please contact them immediately at There address is 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225. If found in PA contact the Pennsylvania SPCA @ 717-917-6979. Many animals have similar descriptions, so please include a photo of your missing pet when sending the form. Check the shelter sites online daily to see if his/her picture is on there. Also go in person to the shelters! Maryland stray hold is only 72 hours, so it's important to visit the shelters quickly and often. Put up flyers, not everyone is on social media. Be sure to look everywhere in your house in case he/she's hiding or stuck somewhere. Ask neighbors to check their cameras for sightings. Put something with your scent and his/her scent outside and a little feeding station with smelly foods. Also go out at night with a flashlight and treats. Look everywhere he/she could be hiding and look for her little eyes. He/she could be scared and hiding. They usually stay within a five to seven house radius and return between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Contact a tracker or a drone service. Bob Swensen at Lost Animal Resource Group- LARG, Precision Drone Services, Deer Recovery and Lost Pet Search and Rescue Prayers for a safe return.🙏🤞🙏🤞



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