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Wilbur is Missing in Calgary, AB

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Can you please help us find our cat? Please check your garage! Wilbur is very timid and likely to hide if approached, so please be very gentle and patient. By now he is hungry and scared! If sighted, please let us know immediately, at any time. 🙏 Alternatively, if you can bring him to Glamorgan Animal Clinic or to Calgary Animal Services, we will be so grateful to see him safe and sound. This little guy deserves every chance at a good life 💕 Thank you for your help!


Please check your grge! Our boy is a very shy and sweet 10-year-old rescue with a blind left eye. Unaltered male. Licensed but not micro-chipped. Left ear notched, Right ear bent. Sleek build and short fur. Solid grey on top with faint tabby markings. White underbelly and paws. Grey head and ears, white blaze between his eyes and white around mouth, greyish nose. Distinctive markings: large grey spot on right flank; smaller spots (like buttons) on chest / belly. Tail curls at the end. Pink paw pads. He is the LOVE of our life! 💖




Calgary, AB T3E 3L1


*Neighbourhood of Glenbrook, possibly Killarney or Glendale*


November 19, 2024

Sandy C.

2 months ago

We used to, a year sgo, see him a lot. I haven't seen him in ages. I'll keep my eyes open. We live on 30 the ave and 41 Street. He used our yard as a pass through to the alley.


Patricia W.

2 months ago

Awe,Wilbur needs to be found safe and sound 🙏 😩


Shirlene O.

2 months ago

You may have to borrow a live trap from an animal rescue. I think The MEOW Foundation lends them out. They can also be bought from Canadian Tire or stores like that. Place the trap in a safe area where you can see it all the time and put some warmed canned tuna inside. Canned tuna can be smelled for a long way - it should bring hungry kitties running. Never leave it set up over night. During winter it is very important to watch it so no kitties freeze. If you catch a kitty please take it to a 24 hour Veterinary clinic and they can check it for a micro chip or tattoo. Hopefully they can find it's family soon. Any kitties you can catch will be much safer at a Veterinary clinic or The Humane Society. They will be safe - warm - fed and not have to worry about coyotes - bobcats or cars. The less kitties alone and starving on the streets - the better.


Shirlene O.

2 months ago

Also look into getting some motion sensor cameras. They will help you see if he is coming around at night. They will let you know what kind of animals are coming into your yard - if there's lots of territorial males chasing other kitties away. Please catch as many strays as possible and take to a 24 hour Veterinary clinic. They can check them for mirco chips or tattoos and hopefully find their families. Or keep them safe until Animal Services can pick them up. It's a win win. Less territorial cats chasing or fighting with your kitty and less cats breeding while homeless. Plus with winter many cats will freeze - starve or be eaten by coyotes or bobcats or hit by cars. I really hope you find your sweetie safe and soon.


Shirlene O.

2 months ago

Please don't give up looking - he's probably hiding somewhere close. Go out and take his favorite treats and call. Ask your neighbors to check their garages - sheds - under stairs - decks and bushes. He's probably hiding somewhere close and feeling scared and confused. Ask your neighbors to check more than once - cats are very good at hiding. Check at night late when it's quiet as that's when he may feel safer to come out. Put out his some of your worn clothes. The scent will help him find home. Go out at night when it's quiet and take his favorite treats. Call him softly and listen for soft meows back - especially near garages and sheds he may have become trapped inside. Take a flashlight and look under bushes and other hiding places for reflective cat eyes. Ask your family and friends to help you make posters and put them up all over your neighborhood - especially near stores and your community center. Call Veterinary clinics and animal shelters in case someone brought him in or called about spotting him. Post on YYC site too - they have a very large following. Don't give up - keep looking especially at night. I hope you find him soon. I'm sharing. Please post in YYC group too. They have a very large following. The more people looking for your kitty the better. Please also consider building a catio for your kitty. Catios can be any size or shape and they keep your kitties safe. They also save the lives of many small song birds. Please consider building a catio - you can Google them for ideas. I hope he is found safe and soon.



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