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Sassy Cat is Missing in Dayton, NV

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Sassy Cat








Sassy is very friendly and has a "loud" meow. She always has something to say, which is why we love her so much!!! Please if you see her call. She is missed and loved very much!!!


Sassy has blue eyes and is typical siamese cat (dirty white/grayish black). Sassy has a saggy belly because I think she had a litter of babies at some point before I got her.


Sassy's Chip #985112008127018


Dayton, NV 89403


Holley Drive


July 27, 2024

Ann N.

7 months ago

Shared đź’•đź’•


Pat R.

7 months ago

from SPCA on how to find a lost cat: look around for the closest hiding places. Bring a flashlight look in storm drains; in the heavy brush; up in trees, inside or under sheds; inside garages; under decks; and inside bat crawl spaces – any place where your cat can hide. Stay close by – newly adopted or indoor-only cats are often found within a 3 house radius of their home. Remember your cat may not meow back when you call even though your cat is most likely close by. Your cat is most likely hunkered down to the ground and ready to dart away from any perceived threat – even from you! A cat’s instinct is to hide, stay put, and NOT meow. Put Food, Water, Litter Box, and Bedding Outside: place near the point of escape or close to a good hiding spot nearby. Use strong-smelling canned cat food that your cat can smell from a distance, so your cat knows where to go for food a can of tuna or sardines works wonders. Go out extremely late at night and early mornings with a flashlight and can of tuna, keep your garage door or patio door open a little so the cat can get in. LEAVE YOUR DOOR OPEN SLIGHTLY DURING THE TIME YOUR HOME SO IT CAN GET BACK IN, MAYBE EVEN PUT SOME FOOD BY THE DOOR. Talk to Neighbors: Immediately start talking to your closest neighbors. and ask them to actively search their own property for your cat. Put signs up in your immediate neighborhood with large print saying, “LOSS CAT.” Include a photo, date lost, and phone number where you can be reached 24/7. It could take days, or longer, to get your cat back inside. Do not give up if your cat fails to show up after a day or so. And do not just wait for your cat to come back. You need to actively search for and lure your cat back home. Keep looking in those same old hiding spots – depending on how much time has passed, your cat may be moving from one hiding spot to another. Also, try new spots and enlarge your search area step by step, house by house. Post on "Next-door" app for your area, Go out looking for your fur baby and when found keep the cat inside. check, for found pets. I would also check the Nevada Humane Society and look at pictures of cats up for adoption, in case kitty was found and not claimed in 5 days and sent there for adoption.


Rosemarie B.

7 months ago



Jan C.

7 months ago

Please add the date of when your kitty went missing. Here’s a list of things to do, don't do, and other info to help get you reunited again with your little one. Do: Check particularly at night, late night, early morning (flashlight to see glowing eyes). Look under cars, in bushes, garages, sheds, and on roofs. Check a radius around your house and neighborhood behind you. Put cameras outside facing all directions. Talk outside, they could hear you and come out. Update microchip info. Put dirty clothing or sheets outside. Put flyers up. Contact nearby vets. Be proactive and out there, this has the highest chance of being reunited. Post/search through lost/found and sites (list below). Do Not: Put dirty litter outside. It attracts coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, etc. and territorial cats. Put dirty clothes, sheets, etc instead. Lots of rescues shun putting the litter box outside for safety reasons. Set a trap and just leave it, always monitor a trap multiple times a day. Post/search/list: Note about shelters: Updated daily, don't limit by zip cause they don't always put one, and info can be wrong or missing (age, color, gender). Go asap. 24petconnect (Updated multiple times a day) petfbi petco love lost lostmykitty pawboost (free and paid versions. Watch for scammers. Some will say someone on IG helped them, they have your pet text or write them on messenger, or sometimes they’ll send a pic that looks similar enough to your little one and say they have them to meet up)


Jennifer T.

7 months ago

Clearly, I'm technologically challenged!!!



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