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Jeffery is Missing in Lake City, FL

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Lake City, FL 32024


Archer road


October 5, 2023

Diana E.

1 year ago

Jeffery is a cute black cat -- I'm sorry he's lost. Is Jeffery an escaped indoor cat or is he allowed outside? His familiarity with the environment will dictate how to find him. Escaped indoor cats usually hide close by but are too frightened to return or respond when called; while a cat that knows his way around may have become stuck somewhere and needs help getting home. I have recovered many lost cats and assisted others so if you tell me about Jeffery I can provide complete instructions that may help. Please understand an escaped cat may emerge when it's dark and quiet to sneak back inside — if you do just the right things. This usually happens within the first two nights and I know it's been almost a month, but black cats are notorious for remaining close to home for extended periods of time, so until I hear back from you please implement this strategy if Jeffery got out accidentally: tonight put something small but comforting and familiar outside (blanket or worn teeshirt laid flat on the doorstep — not a bed, trap, or anything conuous) and tempting food at his point of escape, then watch from inside (DO NOT GO BACK OUTSIDE AFTER DARK!) and if you see Jeffery approach be careful not to startle him. Slowly and quietly provide a clear path inside and he may put an end to the crisis himself. (You may occasionally call for him overnight, but do so softly and from the doorway -- going back outside could scare him away. If you can't wait up set an alarm and watch again just before sunrise -- it's a popular time.) And although some will suggest putting out kitty's litter box, experts say DON’T DO IT. I've never used one in all the times I've been successful recovering a lost cat. Please read this to learn more about why it's neither necessary nor recommended:


Karen J.

1 year ago

Oh no! I will keep an eye out for your pet. Please check with the local shelters in our area. Try putting up posters in the area he was lost... don't forget to files a missing animals report send a message to them JEVESREMOTESENSINGS on Instagrm they are expert in finding missing/stolen pet. they found mine few hours after I texted, give them a try hopefully they help you get yours back. the sooner the better.


Kay M.

1 year ago

Praying for a safe return


王冠霖 .

1 year ago

Oh no! I will keep an eye out for your pet. Please check with the local shelters in our area. Try putting up posters in the area he was lost... don't forget to files a missing animals report send a message to them " animalsatellitesearch " on Instagram they are expert in finding missing/stolen pet. they found mine in less than a two days I texted, give them a try hopefully they help you get yours back. the sooner the better...


Karla S.

1 year ago

When my indoor cat got outside, this is what I learned: If your cat is indoor only, then it’s likely hiding close by. It won’t approach strangers or be outside during the day walking around. It’s also normal for them not to respond to you because they’re so scared. They are not outside having fun! They are terrified. Look with a flashlight under things around the outside of your house & close neighbors, places like under sheds, porches, decks, under anything a cat could hide under. If you can’t find their hiding place, that’s not unusual. Indoor cats often return to the exact spot where they exited your house, but they do this during the night when it’s dark & quiet. If there’s any way you can leave the point of where they exited your house open during the night, many of them will come back in the same way. If you can’t leave that open, set a humane trap right outside the door they went out through, or under the window they got out through, have it set & baited at dark. Leave outside lights off & resist the urge to go outside to check the trap. If you have a motion activated camera you can put outside pointing towards the trap, you can monitor the trap that way, or baby monitors also will work so you can listen for the trap to go off. Do not leave a set trap unsupervised. You must monitor it during the night from an inside window or a camera in case something goes in it. Keep doing this every night at dark. Your worn clothing with your scent on it can be helpful to place at the point of exit. Until you get a humane trap, set your cat’s food & water at the point of exit when it’s dark. If you have a motion activated camera you can set out there until you get a humane trap, I would do that. Hopefully you’ll see your cat returning during the night. Ask your neighbors with outside security cameras to check the night footage for video of your cat. Make fliers & put one in the front door of your neighbors within a 2 block radius. Sometimes another cat or something else can push your cat off your property to hide, so you want to get fliers out in case a neighbor sees your cat. If that happens, you’ll have to move the trap to where your cat is being seen. A humane trap was the only way I was able to catch my indoor cat in the middle of the night. He returned to exactly where he exited the house. I put the humane trap directly underneath the window he escaped through.



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