Lost Pets Database for Miami, FL
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976 missing pets in your search

Reported 3 days ago, updated 20 hours ago
Chacal Male Dog
LOST PET ID: 71269055
Miami Gardens, FL 33056
Black and gold yorkishire terrier, Por favor si alguien lo encuentra o lo ha visto me puede contactar al. Su nombre es chacal pero responde por (niño). Se perdió el 02/14/25 en horario de la mañana sobre la 7:25 a 7:30 de la mañana en el área de Miami gardens 32 ave NW y la 180th st. Mi dirección es 3226 NW 180th St, Miami Gardens FL 33056. OJO: El perrito padece ( Enfermedad Renal) está en un tratamiento de cada 15 días necesita sueros. El próximo tratamiento le corresponde el 2/25/25. Por favor la persona que lo tenga si no lo quiere devolver al menos llévelo al veterinario 🙏🏻😭. No puede comer todo tipo de comida, los huesitos para limpiar los dientes tienen que comprarse en mercados orgánicos porque los que venden en Walmart u otras tiendas contienen sustancias que empeoran su situación. En el agua hay que ponerle unas vitaminas todos los días que necesita ingerir. Tampoco puede comer nada que contenga pollo y la carne de res y ves por mes y muy poquito porque le da cólicos y vómitos. Por favor de corazón les pido que le presten atención a las necesidades del perrito. No duden en contactarme a la hora que sea al. Please if anyone finds him or has seen him, please contact me at. His name is Chacal but he answers to (niño). He got lost on 02/14/25 in the morning around 7:25 to 7:30 in the morning in the Miami Gardens area 32 ave NW and 180th st. My address is 3226 NW 180th St, Miami Gardens FL 33056. NOTE: The dog suffers from (Kidney Disease) and is on a treatment every 15 days and needs IVs. His next treatment is due on 2/25/25. Please, if the person who has him doesn't want to return him, at least take him to the vet 🙏🏻😭. He can't eat all kinds of food. The bones to clean his teeth have to be bought in organic markets because the ones sold in Walmart or other stores contain substances that make his condition worse. Vitamins have to be put in his water every day, which he needs to eat. He can't eat anything that contains chicken and beef every month and very little because it gives him colic and vomiting. Please, I ask you from the bottom of my heart to pay attention to the needs of the little dog. Don't hesitate to contact me at any time at.

Reported 3 weeks ago, updated 1 day ago
Niña Female Cat
LOST PET ID: 71206383
Homestead, FL 33030
$1,500 REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN !!!! No Question asked. Niña is Lost! She has a DEAFNESS Problems. Color Black and White. She's been missing since January 22, 2025 in Sonoma at the Vineyard. Please if you have any details on where she may be. Contact me. Rewards For Safe Return !!! RECOMPENSA DE $1,500 POR UN REGRESO SEGURO!!! Sin preguntas. ¡Niña está perdida! Tiene problemas de SORDERA. Color Negro y Blanco. Ha estado desaparecida desde el 22 de enero de 2025 en Sonoma en Vineyard. Por favor, si tiene algún detalle sobre dónde puede estar, comuníquese conmigo. ¡¡¡Recompensas por un regreso seguro!!!
Lost Pet Data for Miami, FL
There are 976 missing pets in the area.
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When you have a missing pet, it can be difficult to know what to do in the moment.
How do I find my pet? Do I have to visit the pet shelters in my area in person, or is it okay to just call? How can I get the word out to my local community in Miami?
With our free tools and premium add-on services, PawBoost helps lost pet owners find their furry loved ones – 1,875,914 pets reunited and counting!
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Frequently Asked Questions
I lost my pet. What should I do?
Take advantage of online platforms – they help you get the word out, quickly and easily. You can report your lost pet to PawBoost in no time flat. We’ll send an email alert to our local members, post to the PawBoost-powered Facebook page for your area, add your pet to our lost & found, and make a lost pet flyer – all for free.
Other sites that help you raise local awareness for your lost pet with minimal time and effort are Nextdoor.com – a PawBoost partner – and Craigslist. Both of these sites have very active lost & found sections mainly used for lost pets. We highly recommend you use these resources in addition to PawBoost!
Visit your local shelters and animal control agencies in person. Details can get lost in translation over the phone and that might lead to missed connection.
If chipped, make sure your pet’s microchip is registered and up to date. If you don’t know your pet’s chip manufacturer or number, your vet should be able to help locate this information.
Put up flyers and tell your neighbors to be on the lookout. The more you engage the Miami community, the better your chances of a happy reunion!
Read our full guide on how to find your lost pet for more actionable tips.
Where do I report a lost pet in Miami, FL?
If you lost a pet, we would like to help. You can report a lost pet to PawBoost for free to help find your pet in the Miami area. Millions of pet lovers have signed up for our local lost & found pet alerts, and that includes pet lovers near Miami!
Do I have to pay for premium PawBoost services to find my lost pet?
You don’t have to pay to find your lost pet with PawBoost. PawBoost’s free pet finder services have helped millions of people reunite with their lost pets.
PawBoost does offer premium upgrades to help increase the reach of your lost pet alert.
You can learn more about what free and premium services PawBoost offers here.
What are the PawBoost Posting Guidelines?
• PawBoost does not take part in foster care or custody disputes. If you believe someone has wrongful custody of a pet, PawBoost is not the place to resolve that dispute.
• PawBoost is a platform for LOST and FOUND/STRAY pets ONLY.
• Please do not include personally identifiable information about other individuals in your posting.
• Please do not use profanity.
• Only images of your pet or a pet you found should be submitted. Please do not submit images of anything else.
• Must be 18+ years of age to post on PawBoost
• Please do not post the same pet more than one time.
• Please do not include links to other sites in the post message.

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