Featured Happy Tails! December 2022 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in December
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out December’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Featured Happy Tails
Ziggy: Lost Dog Reunited in Cobb County, GA!

“My dog, Ziggy, got out one day, unbeknownst to me. A landscaper or construction worker working nearby spotted Ziggy outside unsupervised and took him home to Jonesboro. We posted Ziggy’s missing information all over the internet. His posts and PawBoost alert were shared hundreds and hundreds of times. People all over the United States were looking for him, in Georgia, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Nevada and so on. Someone saw our alert and shared the information with the person who found Ziggy. They called us and we scheduled a time and location to meet.
Ziggy was missing for six and half days before we were reunited. Getting the pictures and information in front of as many people as possible as quickly as possible is critical in getting reunited, so PawBoost was essential. There was a bit of a language barrier between the family that kept Ziggy safe, but we gathered someone working in the area saw him wandering and picked him up! Thank you to everyone who shared, sent good vibes, reached out, searched, and called a friend! This is a true miracle. It would not have happened without the extraordinary help and love we received from the community. So thank you, we love you, and we will do our best to pay it forward!”
Monte: Lost Dog Reunited in Holland, MI!

“Monte was with our dog sitter who said he ran out of her car when she opened the door. All of our efforts in searching for Monte were in vain, and we were getting pretty worried into the next day. Luckily, PawBoost was a huge help! Someone in the community saw our lost pet alert and directed me to a Facebook post that featured our Monte! The post was in a private group that I never would have found or seen if PawBoost hadn’t been there to help.
Monte was missing for about 20 hours and I don’t think I would have found my dog any other way. I was informed when I picked him up that Monte was microchipped twice (once with my information and once with his previous owners). However, only the previous owner’s chip was triggered, so I never would have gotten a notice that he was located. Thankfully, someone within the PawBoost community let me know that they had seen a local posting about a missing dog and, by the grace of God, it was Monte! Thank you so much to everyone who was willing to help locate our lovely pup. I am seriously beyond appreciative and cannot put into words how happy I am to have found Monte!”
Oreo: Lost Dog Reunited in Lehi, UT!

“Oreo got spooked while going to the bathroom outside. It was already dark outside, and she is very small with black fur. The temperature was due to be in the teens that night. I was worried sick about hyperthermia. I walked and drove around for 14 hours straight looking for my pup. I posted on every lost pet site I could find. I even put up fliers, went to the pound, and the police station.
After the second freezing night, I had basically lost hope of her being alive. However a construction worker two miles away heard barking coming from a hole in the ground and pulled her out. She had spent two long very cold nights in that hole. The man had found my post on PawBoost and, next thing you know, I heard knocking on my door, and there he was with my sweet dog! Oreo was missing for two days in harsh weather conditions. If it wasn’t for PawBoost, that construction worker wouldn’t have known where she belonged. Thank you!”
Maggie: Lost Dog Reunited in Chandler, AZ!

“While dog-sitting Maggie for our son, Maggie bolted the fenced yard when a service truck entered our property. She’s a grey pitbull with white markings and is very shy and skittish with strangers. This all happened on a Thursday at around 9:30 in the morning. I spent the rest of that Thursday and Friday glued to social media and the internet, contacting groups to get the word out, PawBoost was among them. Our son, Tim, arrived from from his back-country hiking trip on Friday night and then we were all worried sick.
By midday that Saturday, we were alerted to sightings of Maggie via PawBoost. Tim rushed over to verify and she was still there! It wasn’t hard for him to retrieve her, as it seemed they both missed each other like mad. Maggie is now home and safe! We’re so grateful to everyone that helped spread the word. We are so, so happy to have her back! PawBoost was with us and was helping us throughout the entire ordeal. We truly appreciate all of your assistance. Maggie was missing from Thursday morning to midday Saturday, about two and a half days in total. PawBoost’s assistance truly helped keep me calm throughout Maggie’s disappearance, we can’t thank you enough.”
Cheeky: Lost Dog Reunited in Lakeside, CA!

“Cheeky’s daddy was doing some work on the fence around our yard, and turned his back for one minute, when Cheeky slipped out of the yard and went on a very scary field trip alone. Thank God that a nice lady found her while driving and, when she opened her car door, Cheeky jumped in, terrified! The nice lady took her home and kept her safe from the coyotes and cars while she looked for us. She had just learned of PawBoost that same day, and began searching for Cheeky’s alert.
Her brother helped her look for Cheeky’s picture and, right away, they knew she had found our Cheeky! She messaged us immediately, thanks to PawBoost! Cheeky was allowed to sleep with the nice lady and crawl in under the covers just like she does at home. She was missing a little more than 24 hours, but it seemed like a lifetime! I loved the option of making and being able go print flyers on the PawBoost website. We put out a total of 40 flyers in our immediate neighborhood and the busy surrounding streets with the help of PawBoost. Thank you to everyone who helped our lost dog be reunited with us!”
Love these Happy Tails? We love sharing them! Click here to read more.
Cheryl Walker
January 2, 2023 at 10:00 AMjust gotta love those happy endings !!!!!!
January 3, 2023 at 11:08 AMMade my day reading all these wonderful stories. Ty pawboost
Debbie Maher
January 3, 2023 at 7:05 PMSo good to happy ending’s 🙏🏻I’m in Louisiana do you have any happy endings in my state? God bless to all for helping to reunite these fur babies with their owners 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ras Shambu
January 4, 2023 at 7:48 PMVery Very Happy to see them reunited with their loved ones!
Marion Church
January 5, 2023 at 8:51 PMThat is amazing that they all found their beautiful pets . Thank everyone for all your help for rescuing these innocent pets . 🙏
Nancy S.
January 6, 2023 at 10:40 PMSo happy for all these reunited pups.
Nancy S.
January 6, 2023 at 10:41 PMI’m still searching & praying for my 4 year old, tri-colored, female, Australian Shepard, Ember. She is chipped & lost in Pacific Beach area of San Diego, CA. She was found but I cannot locate the finder or where Ember is now. If anyone has any information on my sweet girl I would be eternally grateful. She is so loved & terribly missed!