Featured Happy Tails! August 2024 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in August
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out August’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Sevi: Lost Cat Reunited in Manatee County, FL!

“We accidentally left the porch door ajar, and Sevi slipped out at night. He’s never been outside before, so it was very scary. Thanks to PawBoost and a friendly neighbor, we got our boy back. My neighbor notified me through PawBoost that she had seen Sevi behind her house. My husband and I rushed down about a dozen homes, eventually spotted him, and were able to capture him. Sevi was missing for eight nights, out in the rain and a tropical storm. Many people in the PawBoost community are willing to help, knowing how important pets are to families.”
View Found Pets near Manatee County, FL
Found Dog Reunited in Huntington Beach, CA!

“This dog wandered up to the door at Starbucks. She was very friendly and followed me around while I tried to find her owner. When I couldn’t locate them, I decided to take her to a nearby veterinary office to scan for microchip. She jumped right into my car. Unfortunately, this pup wasn’t chipped, so I created a found pet alert for her through PawBoost! They helped with sharing the alert to Facebook and got me in contact with her owner within just a couple hours. I was able to reunite this pet with her owner in about three hours. PawBoost is very user-friendly and did a fantastic job at creating awareness through the found pet alert. Thank you!”
View Found Pets in Huntington Beach, CA
Enzo: Lost Cat Reunited in Cleburne, TX!

“Enzo went missing during a thunderstorm on a June night; that was the last time we saw him. The next morning came and there was no sign of him. A month later, we got a text that someone had found Enzo and she turned out to live a mile away from us! Enzo’s finder said he appeared on that rainy June night and she had been taking care of him until she was able to identify him online and found my PawBoost alert. Enzo was missing for about a month before we were reunited. I would recommend PawBoost to anyone who has a missing pet or finds a pet so they can return them to their owners.”
View Found Pets in Cleburne, TX
Toulouse: Lost Cat Reunited in New York, NY!

“Toulouse was on a walk with us in Central Park when lightning struck and the unimaginable happened; he escaped his carrier and leash in fear and ran into the bushes to hide. He is an avid leash walker and typically enjoys the park, but the sudden storm caught us all off guard. We searched day and night for him, hoping he would come out in better weather. Eventually, Zachary, a PawBoost user, posted a picture of him across the Central Park Transverse on PawBoost. Zachary had spotted him while walking his dog, and his PawBoost alert helped us realize Toulouse had crossed the street and found a spot to hide!
We were encouraged after searching for so many days without any luck, so we headed out there before sunrise. Hearing the shaking of his favorite treat bag brought Toulouse out into the open, where we were able to get him into his carrier and bring him safely home. Toulouse was on the loose for 12 long days before we were able to bring him home. If it wasn’t for PawBoost, we wouldn’t have found Toulouse. Their community of concerned pet owners is the reason we were able to find out that Toulouse had been spotted nearby.”
View Found Pets Near New York, NY
Zoey: Lost Dog Reunited in Ottawa, ON!

“Zoey wandered off from my mom’s backyard. A wonderful woman saw Zoey and picked her up and brought her home for the night. The next morning, Zoey’s finder saw the lost pet alert and contacted me on my number I included through PawBoost. Zoey went missing in the evening and she was reunited with me the next morning, about twelve hours in total. Thank you to everyone so very much from the bottom of our hearts! We are so very grateful for Zoey being found safe. Thank God and thank you to everyone who helps share and send information to help lost pets get home! You all are truly wonderful!”
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