Featured Happy Tails! December 2021 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in December
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out December’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Featured Happy Tails
Alex: Lost Cat Reunited in Seymour, IN!

“We think our cat Alex slipped out of the door at some point when we had company and they were leaving. He’d always been curious about the outdoors but had never really been out there before. By sharing pictures, putting up fliers, and just spreading the word that our cat was missing through PawBoost, we got a lot of tips and tricks that really helped!
I had been warming up wet cat food and setting some on the front and back porch twice a day for a few days. We caught the neighbor cat eating it so I didn’t put any out the next morning. That night, my husband heard our cat meowing under his car, probably waiting for food! Alex was out roaming for a week before we finally caught him! It was a roller coaster of emotions.
I’d lose hope, then hear from another parent at the bus stop that he thought he saw him hanging out nearby for a couple days, then I’d lose hope again when he said he hadn’t seen him. The sightings happened around the time we started setting food out, so he was probably already hanging around our house!
A friend recommended PawBoost and I got a lot of tips and advice from everyone that we wouldn’t have thought of otherwise! For some reason fliers didn’t even cross my mind before I saw them on PawBoost! Thank you all so much for keeping an eye out for him, sharing posts, and just sending good thoughts our way!”
Tony: Lost Dog Reunited in Hialeah, FL!

“Tony was walking outside, as he usually does around the block. It started raining – Florida’s unpredictable thunderstorms – and he became disoriented and wandered off. A week after he went missing, thousands of people had seen his Facebook alerts. One of them saw another post on a neighborhood app, looking for Tony’s parents because he had shown up at their house.
The person recognized him right away and put them and our family in contact. If it weren’t for the exposure we got on the alerts (especially Facebook), maybe we never would have found him. All around it was a community effort by good people which resulted in a happy coming home story. Thank you!”
Camila: Lost Cat Reunited in Troy, MI!

“When we went out of town for a night, Camila got out from a window. We came back home the next morning and she was nowhere to be seen. We canvased the neighborhood and were told that she had been seen in a backyard with another cat. We searched at all hours of the day and night, calling her name and banging on canned tuna. We got permission to go into people’s yards and we went deep into some woods.
The days got rainy and cold. Staring in the middle of the woods, we felt hopeless, as they seemed so vast and loud with the trees shaking and the stream growing higher and higher. We made flyers and talked to anyone that would listen. We followed everyone’s advice and left food and blankets outside, just in case she caught a whiff of a familiar smell. After 4 days of no luck, our motion censored cameras alerted us to her movements outside our home. We cried very happy (ugly) tears.”
Peanut: Lost Cat Reunited in Quakertown, PA!

“We think Peanut was accidentally shut in a vehicle or trailer. He was found over 10 miles away, on the other side of a long lake with no access around it. The only way for Peanut to end up that far away was if he hitchhiked his way there. This also explains why he couldn’t find his way back home. My husband Aaron and I were absolutely devastated. Aaron lost his mom to cancer in September, and we had just attended her memorial service the day before Peanut went missing. Losing Peanut compounded the grief we were already experiencing.
We’ve had Peanut for 7 years or, I should say, Peanut has owned us for 7 years! In September 2014, we were walking along the side of a country road and heard a small animal ‘screaming’ in the surrounding woods. When we investigated, this tiny black and white kitten came running up to us and climbed right up the leg of my jeans. We couldn’t locate a mother or litter, so we brought him home and he’s been with us ever since.
We would not have been reunited with Peanut if it weren’t for PawBoost! The amazing woman who found him saw his PawBoost alert on Facebook and recognized Peanut as the cat that had been hanging around her home. She immediately called Aaron and emailed me, and within an hour Peanut was back home with us! I’ve never cried so many happy tears before.
PawBoost was the easiest way to get Peanut’s information out to a large group of people in our local community. Peanut’s post had 119 shares and so many kind and encouraging comments. A personal post by Aaron or me would never have received that much traction. It was also lovely to see how many pets had been reunited with their people through PawBoost.”
Hitch: Lost Dog Reunited in Morriston, FL!

“Hitch has always stayed close to us. Except this one day… He got out of the property to search for us, after we left for an appointment. We came back to see that he had left and we started driving around and calling immediately. The next morning we posted flyers in the neighborhood.
My 3-year-old daughter kept telling me to go to one property in particular. I called and there was no answer. That night we made a PawBoost alert. 24 hours and over 100 shares later, we received a call from the person who owned THAT property. To our surprise, they were taking care of him. A pastor who was driving by the neighbor’s house had mentioned to them that they found the lost dog that everyone was looking for.
They hadn’t left their property, so they had no idea about the flyers that were posted in the neighborhood. We were so thankful for PawBoost. If someone doesn’t have a social media account, like we do not, this allows you to spread the word.”
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Eileen Allar
December 31, 2021 at 4:41 PMPaw Boost is great!!! Very thankful for it!!
January 1, 2022 at 11:55 PMWonderful to see so many people reunited with their adored pets. We lost our Cat, Felicity, and we know how scary it is.
Maria Garcia-Rocco
January 24, 2022 at 2:41 PM”LINDO” ,tan color Chihuahua dog missing aprox. 3 weeks ago in Phoenix, AZ (around: Camell Back and 29th St, very close to GRAND CANON UNIVERSITY.) has not been found. He has a red heart and also his info (his name and my phone number pending from his collar. His picture and info is been posted on Pawboost. Please keep an open eye for a tan male Chihuahua dog with a red and a black medals on his collar.
Thank you so much