Featured Happy Tails! February 2023 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in February
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out February’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Featured Happy Tails
Roscoe: Lost Cat Reunited in Tucson, AZ!

“Roscoe chewed through a zip-tie that kept thick plastic netting up on our second story balcony. Then, early in the morning, he lept from the second story and took off into the dark. PawBoost put our missing pet alert up on Facebook, and someone in the community saw that and commented a link to a post in a local lost pets group that had pictures of a cat that looked similar. This cat ended up being our Roscoe, and I was able to contact the person who made the post. Roscoe was missing for 21 hours before we were reunited. By posting his alert to Facebook and being a constantly checked resource by local groups, PawBoost put our lost pet alert out there enough that someone was able to connect us to Roscoe’s finder. I would never have been able to locate said posting without the added visibility that PawBoost gave us. Thanks to PawBoost and everyone involved.”
Teo: Lost Dog Reunited in Fayetteville, NC!

“Recently, Teo has been getting out of our fence. He normally comes back, but not yesterday. We searched for hours. I posted signs and ended up going to bed without knowing if he was alive or safe. I posted him on a lost pet alert through PawBoost and a couple other sites. When I woke up the next day, someone replied to my lost pet alert on PawBoost and showed me a pet alert about a found dog. It was my baby! I’m a personal trainer, so it was hard to even meet my clients because I was so sad.
During one of my sessions was when I received the call saying they have my Teo. The guy who found him says he jumped out of the window at the Jack Britt School intersection and a lady stopped her car and got him. I’m just so thankful that I found this site and was able to post his alert in time and others shared it. The shares are what helped me find him. I’m so, so thankful. Teo was missing for about 15 hours before we were reunited. Thanks to PawBoost, I was able to find him in less than 24 hours. Thanks!”
Harper: Lost Cat Reunited in Boston, MA!

“Harper escaped out of our back porch during the day when no one saw. We were reunited after 24 hours of searching and efforts from the entire community. Thanks to PawBoost, I received over 250 shares on social media. Because of the lost pet alert, people in my neighborhood were helping to look for her and notified me of sightings, including that a cat was heard two yards over from mine. I was able to go over there, call for her, and listen for her sounds, and ended up finding her hiding under the stairs. We are so grateful for PawBoost and the amazing people in the South Boston community. Harper was missing for just around 24 hours. This was such a great way to get the information out about my missing pet. It also provides incredible peace of mind. Thanks for the help!”
Thumper: Lost Bunny Reunited in Fort Worth, TX!

“Our daughter forgot to fully shut Thumper’s enclosure. By the time we noticed he was missing, we couldn’t know how much ground he might have covered. After much time spent searching for our beloved bunny, we decided to take to social media and made a lost pet alert through PawBoost. Shortly after we posted he was missing, someone reached out with the street he was last seen on and we were able to find him hiding behind a trash can! Thumper had been missing for about 16 hours by the time we were reunited. The volume of people PawBoost was able to reach in those moments helped get the word out so fast that, within minutes, we were able to find his last location and get him home safely. Being able to reunite Thumper with our four year old daughter meant the world to us; she was heartbroken and scared he was gone forever. Thank you to PawBoost and their community for all their help!”
Rusty: Lost Dog Reunited in York County, VA!

“We had workers at the house one day and the gate wasn’t closed all the way. It seems Rusty wanted to take himself for a walk. After we realized he was missing, I asked a friend for help since she has a Facebook account, and she posted Rusty’s alert on PawBoost for me. Within 50 minutes of the alert being posted, she was contacted about my dog! They asked for his name and whereabouts, since he was microchipped and they knew his name as a result of getting his chipped checked. Rusty was missing for six hours, but once his alert was posted on PawBoost, we had information about him within 50 minutes! It was amazing how fast someone contacted us about my dog and I got him back. I was so thankful, since he is so old and deaf. Thank you for everyone’s help!”
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