Featured Happy Tails! March 2019 – Lost & Found, Dogs, Cats & Pets That Were Reunited in March
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Read March’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Lilly: Lost Cat Reunited in Austin, TX!

“Our family was on vacation and we hired a pet sitter to stay at our house to care for our three cats and our dog. Our cats are mostly indoor but are allowed to go outside for a few hours a day. They usually stay in our yard or the neighbor’s yard and ask to come back in after a few hours.
Our pet sitter had been letting them in and out for 5 days, and the last day she let them out and let us know that two of the three cats were still outside when she left after walking the dog. We were delayed a bit in our travel so we got home later than expected.
When we went to the back door to let Lilly and Fivey back in, only Fivey was there. I found out later from a neighbor across the street that on the day Lilly went missing, our neighbor saw her crossing the street and then put her back in our yard.
We put out posters, posted to Nextdoor, Austin Lost and Found Pets and PawBoost. We walked the neighborhood several times a day and checked out every lead in person. Each time, it was not our Lilly.
Then I got a call from my vet and someone had found Lilly! She was at a vet clinic a few miles away. The man that found her in his yard the night before lives on 10 acres of wooded land, almost 25 miles away!
He heard something rustling in the leaves after dark and discovered a scared and hungry Lilly that eventually decided he was safe. All we can think of is that she accidentally got into a vehicle or someone intentionally took her that far and then she managed to find his cabin in the woods.
PawBoost was able to help me keep hope and keep looking. Having the support of my neighbors and people online was helpful. She is in my lap while I type this and has eaten several extra times since she’s been home. I get the feeling she is glad to be home from her adventure. Thank you!”
Olive: Lost Tortoise Reunited in San Diego County, CA!

“Olive, my Russian tortoise, is housed inside the house so we take her outside occasionally to get some sun and exercise. I was about 10’ away from her, stooped down to pull a couple of weeds, looked up and she was gone.
I searched around the house for hours and then every day but no luck. I know these tortoises can travel fast and far so I immediately posted on PawBoost in hopes that maybe someone would find her.
Weeks later, my neighbor texted me that her gardener had found her way down the street! She survived all the rain and cold. She was very cold but quickly warmed up in the sun, is eating and looks great!
PawBoost is one of the first places I look to when I hear a pet is missing or found. Recently, I saw a post of a missing dog on PawBoost and minutes later a friend posted on Facebook that her friend had found a dog that fit the description of the missing dog. I forwarded her the post and the dog was reunited.
As someone who’s involved with pets and rescue, I really appreciate sites like PawBoost that gets the word out when a pet is missing!”
Mysty: Lost Dog Reunited in Kansas City, MO!

“My wife and I left Mysty with someone while we took our son to the hospital. We were confident in leaving her with them because we’ve done it a few times. Apparently she got out of the fenced yard.
She was missing and alone for 3 days. I did everything I could think of, including call shelters, and even looking for her myself, to no avail. We felt so defeated when we came home to an empty house.
I looked for different methods to find her. I had never heard of PawBoost before, but I read what it was about, and figured I’d give it a shot. But I didn’t tell my wife, as to not get her hopes up. I kept getting updates about people responding to the post, and then someone posted a picture of her.
Then, I got a call and they told me exactly where she was. Mysty was in shock, limping, and hungry, but otherwise was fine. She came running to me. My wife was amazed at how quickly PawBoost worked, after I told her about the post.
I would absolutely recommend PawBoost. We were able to find Mysty before we were even able to post/pass out lost dog fliers. Thank you to PawBoost, and all of its subscribers.”
Dexter: Lost Dog Reunited in Chancellor, VA!

“Dexter went missing one Saturday when he and his canine companion, Chance, slipped out of the front door. Together they ran into the woods and out of sight. Later that night, Chance was back, but Dexter was still missing.
The next day, we found PawBoost and after filling out the missing dog form it was automatically posted to my local PawBoost Facebook page. Dexter’s lost flyer was shared dozens of times within hours. Along with the help of PawBoost, and other friends and residents posting and re-posting, the family who found Dex was able to get into contact with me.
I feel certain without the help of PawBoost and the good people in my area helping out, finding Dex would have been a lot more difficult and who knows how long it would have taken. I would highly recommend this site for anybody with a similar issue. If it helped me it could help you. Many thanks to the PawBoost Rescue Squad and to all the people who took the time to help.”
Reese’s: Lost Dog Reunited in Mesa, AZ!

“Reese’s went missing just after moving into our new home. The saddest part was that, I had literally JUST gotten her back in my possession after a long divorce and of course, having to acquire a home for her also.
Within a week, she had gotten out the front door while I was at work. This was just around Thanksgiving 2018, which made the holidays much more difficult. I made fliers, put them in mailboxes, went to the shelters and found myself resigned to the idea that; I KNEW she was safe.
Fast forward to the beginning of March 2019, I was hesitant to respond to this person texting me so late that they had my Reese’s, but I did. The pictures flew in and this awesome family reunited me with Reese’s.
They had JUST lost their fur baby! The man who found PawBoost to post his lost fury family member, took the time to look back from when they came across Reese’s! Sure enough, he found my post on PawBoost and reached out immediately knowing the ache his family was currently experiencing over their lost family member.
Needless to say, this family is the exact representation of what PawBoost is meant to be! They may not have known about the website when they initially came across my Reese’s; however, they were kind enough to contact me immediately and return her!!
Regardless, when I wasn’t making progress hitting the pavement, having the emails with easy to follow links as well as continued messages coming in asking if she had yet been found; put me at ease enough to hold out hope!!!
After having her every day of my life for the last 10 plus years; needless to say being reunited was both a relief and blessing. I hope this family has the same kind of awesome story at the end of it all.”
Love these Happy Tails? We love sharing them! Click here to read more.
April 1, 2019 at 2:31 PMI know how terrifying and sad it is to lose your pet. I always post and share both lost and reunited pets on Facebook. I would love to hear the way in which pets were able to be reunited with their families.
Louise Hanson
April 2, 2019 at 5:17 PMWhen someone on our Nextdoor Neighborhood site posts a pet that they have lost or one someone has found, I always suggest that they post to Pawboost, as well as to tow local lost & found sites, all with links to each site. Lost or found pets can never ber posted to too many sites to try to ensure happy family reunions.
April 3, 2019 at 7:37 AMI love pawboost.com I always recommend it my friends and family and everyone