Featured Happy Tails! March 2021 – Lost & Found, Dogs, Cats & Pets That Were Reunited in March
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out March’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Lily: Lost Dog Reunited in Kingston, IL!
Cora: Lost Dog Reunited in San Francisco, CA!
Debo: Lost Dog Reunited North Charleston, SC!

“Debo was gone for the longest 7 days of my life. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to squeeze him and tell him how much I loved him ever again. The love in my heart for this dog is immeasurable! He lost 12 lbs and was severely dehydrated and malnourished.
No one was able to catch him. He had traveled at least 8 miles, crossed a 4-lane highway, and was extremely confused, but still trying to find home. As soon as he realized he was safe, his poor muscles and legs shut down, and he was no longer able to walk. He has since been fed, slept in my bed (despite his smell), and is getting a bath. He went to the vet and all of his bloodwork is normal! Just his weight loss, dehydration, malnutrition, some raw tootsies, and exhausted muscles to work on. DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR LOST BABIES!!!
We had an amazing network of people helping look for my baby – most that had never met him. (Tip: FLYERS AND CONVERSATIONS!) We looked everyday all day for seven days and still wouldn’t have found him if it weren’t for the pure generosity of the community! We had ladies walking their dogs looking, amazing neighbors driving around leaving out water and food in case he came back, men on bicycles checking daily, help from animal control, and the numerous social media shares that helped us bring my baby home!!! THANK YOU ALL for helping me hold my baby and tell him I love him one more time. Well it’s been a few hundred now, but you get the point. THANK YOU! He is home!”
Newbie: Lost Dog Reunited in Lynchburg, VA!

“Newbie went missing when we were transferring her from her dog run outside to the house. She usually is a good girl and can run into the house without a leash. But this time she darted away from the house and into the streets. At first we were trying to go after her, but because she is a hunting dog, she can run for miles without being worn out. So throughout the day we would go outside, see her running up and down the street, try to call for her, but she continued to run.
A person from across our main street had seen her approach them and their dog. Seeing that she was a little friendly, they were able to call her over and see the tag that was on her collar. They called my wife, who then contacted me and told me someone had her and they weren’t far away. I was running errands, but as soon as I got back, I sat on the floor in our common area of the kitchen and just held and hugged her.
For those that saw Newbie’s alert and commented on her possible whereabouts, and being inclusive for her search, I thank you! She’s skinnier than when she darted, but lots of love and wet food are helping her get back on her energetic paws!”
Hoku: Lost Cat Reunited in Waialea, HI!

“I was devastated when 7-month-old Hoku broke out of the house early in the morning through a window. He was able to squeeze through the opening and push the screen out around 5:30 am, after having his breakfast. He is an outdoor-indoor cat and typically knows his way home if he is close. I can only imagine he got spooked out of his territory by the garbage truck, then got lost in the 6-ft tall cane grass, trying to find his way home.
I posted about 100 missing kitty flyers through the neighborhood and along the bike path. I also posted like crazy on various social media sites. I got so many possible sightings, as well as numerous heart-wrenching calls, none of which turned out to be Hoku. But I knew I could not give up hope, even though there were moments when everything seemed hopeless. Eventually, someone saw my poster while walking their dog along the bike path and said he may have seen Hoku in his neighborhood about 2 miles away. I really didn’t think anything would pan out, but friends encouraged me to stay hopeful. We posted about 50 more missing kitty flyers over there, just in case.
Two weeks later, I got a call from another woman who feeds stray cats. She was certain she saw Hoku. I checked that area for 2 days and found nothing. On the 3rd day I took a bike ride to check the area once more. I was just about to give up and head home, when I saw a little striped tail and faint white blob playing, making its way back into the tall grass. I turned my bike around, shook some treats and called “Hoku!!!” The kitty turned around, started meowing like crazy at the sound of my voice, and ran to me as fast as he could! I couldn’t believe it was my Hoku!!!! It was an incredible moment that I only thought existed in fairytales! I had to check his back paws for his spots to be sure it was him. He was so dirty and stinky! After a bath and lots of love, he is so happy to be home and won’t leave my side! It just goes to show, you should never give up hope!!!!!
PawBoost an incredibly useful tool to help give your missing pets exposure. Between good old fashioned flyers and the internet, I’ve been reunited with my Hoku boy. I feel so incredibly lucky and forever grateful. SO, NEVER GIVE UP!”
Found Cat Reunited in Philadelphia, PA!

“This sweet kitty was on my front patio one night. I left him food and made a little shelter. He kept coming around. I then saw him in the outdoor shelter in my yard. I bought a microchip scanner and scanned him. He was chipped! Bad news, the owner never registered him. The chip company told me the SPCA purchased that batch, and led me to his owner’s name. Meanwhile, it got very cold, so I took him inside.
I messaged everyone with the owner’s name on Facebook. One answered and said it was her cat, but they moved somewhere that they could not have a pet, and had given the cat to someone. She was heartbroken that he was outside. She asked if her niece could adopt him so she and her husband could visit him. The rescue that I work with got his shots updated, and we were on our way to reuniting him. Everyone was so happy!
It took a couple of weeks to find the owner. It was great to know that PawBoost is able to spread the word about lost and found pets across such a wide audience.”
Fenway: Lost Dog Reunited in Severn, MD!

“Our little feisty escape artist Fenway managed to get out of the yard via a small hole in the fence. I had let her outside to use the bathroom. I then returned to a video meeting that I was taking part in. I told my son to let her in. He thought I’d let her in and I thought he let her in. Some time went by and all I was thinking was, ‘Oh no, she’s gone.’ She is 10 and she’s done this once before, but it was very short lived.
Fenway went to a neighbor’s house. My neighbor stated that she asked around and said that nobody knew the dog or where she lived. While I was out looking for her, I spoke with a guy and explained she was missing. He must have told the woman who found her, because she came to my house at 9:30 and explained that she had found her, but that she had taken her to Frederick, MD and given Fenway to her aunt.
I was very thankful that she came forward and returned my baby. PawBoost was able to help in that many people saw this post. Oddly enough, a friend in MA saw this post and I hadn’t even told her Fenway was missing. PawBoost works! Thank you!
Fenway went missing on one of the darkest days in history, a day when many of us thought humanity and civility was dead. To know that good empathetic people are out there was heartwarming. PawBoost reaches the masses and helps reunite pets and their families.”
Love these Happy Tails? We love sharing them! Click here to read more.
April 2, 2021 at 11:02 AMI love seeing the stories of reunited pets. I often wonder and want to know the “tails” of happy endings. So thank you for sharing. I wish there were stories connected to every reuniting story.
Thank you, PawBoost for your tireless efforts. You totally rock!
LeeAnn Smith
April 4, 2021 at 4:48 PMI am an animal lover since I was able to walk and and prayerfully happy and relieved that all these pets have been reunited and found by compassionate people and may the Lord God bless and keep them all and all the others that have helped Pawboost find these dear ones find their owners and homes again and bless Pawboost and all those who are connected and work tirelessly for it as well
Signed a Animal Lover and Pet Owner and thank the blessed St. Francis for them as well!!
April 29, 2021 at 12:32 PMThank you Paw post Franklin came home