Featured Happy Tails! November 2022 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in November
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out November’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Featured Happy Tails
Jonsi: Lost Dog Reunited in Queensland, Australia!

“My darling boy, Jonsi, went missing because he was frightened. We were at a wedding and had organised our friend to come over and take him out for a walk and give him some dinner while we were away. When our friend arrived at our house, Jonsi was so scared of her entering the house that he bolted underneath the gate and escaped. After she couldn’t find him and let us know about the situation, I put out an alert for him on PawBoost, and they provided me with a PDF lost pet poster with his picture and information on it.
I put the posters everywhere I could think of at 5:00 AM that next morning, and dropped one off at the local coffee shop. After a while, someone from the coffee shop called me with a sighting! They told me they had seen Jonsi in a field, about 10 minutes away from us. We searched the marshland and couldn’t see him for a while, but when we finally found him, he was in disbelief that it was us. It was so wonderful to find him! Jonsi was missing for 20 hours before we were finally reunited with him. Without PawBoost’s posters, we would never have found him! Thank you for everyone’s help! It means the world to us.”
Olive: Lost Cat Reunited in Stroudsburg, PA!

“Olive is an indoor/outdoor cat. One night, as we were out walking with our kids, she began following us around the neighborhood. At some point, she turned around and we assumed that she had gone home because we weren’t that far away from the house. However, she never came back, and we immediately began searching the next day. I had been posting on the lost pet finding pages for my area on Facebook, and it just didn’t seem to get me anywhere. There were some helpful comments, but a lot of rude and hateful comments as well. Someone finally messaged me telling me about this site so I immediately posted and alert for Olive.
Within an hour, our local shelter reposted Olive’s PawBoost alert. Soon after, we got a message from the finder, who had checked the shelter’s Facebook page and saw the alert. She messaged me and, within 15 minutes, we were reunited! Olive was missing for four days before we were reunited. If it weren’t for PawBoost, we probably wouldn’t have been reunited with our Olive that day. I think it would have happened eventually, but probably not for another few days at least. It was super easy to create a PawBoost alert, and within an hour of posting he alert, our local shelters had reposted it. I am so overwhelmed by everyone who helped us search for our itty bitty kitty. We are so thankful to have her home!”
Scout: Lost Dog in Mesa, AZ!

“Scout came with us to Mesa from Utah for a wedding. He managed to wiggle out of his collar and wandered off, completely undetected, in all the activity. We searched for hours, but he was nowhere to be found. We were really starting to get worried about him out there on his own. As it turns out, a kind young man and his brother found Scout about a block and a half away. He was disoriented and lost when they found him, so they took him home with them. The brothers posted a picture of Scout on Craigslist while looking for his owners. Someone in the PawBoost community saw his picture and matched it with the lost pet alert we posted through PawBoost and contacted me about the Craigslist post. A very happy reunion followed! We can’t thank everyone involved enough. Scout was missing for ten days in total. PawBoost reaches a very broad base and it was very reassuring. Thank you PawBoost and thank you to the people who made this reunion possible!”
Bleu: Lost Dog Reunited in Las Vegas, NV!

“One day, at around 4:00 PM, my nephew let Bleu outside while I was gone. At around 6:00 PM that night, Bleu broke through the fence and escaped. Apparently, after her escape, Bleu was running through traffic at a busy intersection. A bystander was changing their flat tire at a gas station when Bleu jumped into their car! Meanwhile, we posted an alert for Bleu on PawBoost and put up the flyers from there on every pole, nearby gas station, shelter, dog park, etc. in hopes that someone would recognize her.
A few days went by, but we hadn’t lost hope. After a couple of days had passed, the finder finally saw our PawBoost flyer at the gas station where she had found Bleu. She called our number and we were happily reunited! Bleu had been missing for three days. Because of PawBoost, a lot of people shared the alert, and in the process of looking for Bleu, I actually happened to find two other dogs and returned them to their owners a day after finding Bleu! I saw their lost dog alerts on our local PawBoost’s Facebook page, and it was as easy as that. Thanks for the help!”
Frank: Lost Dog Reunited in New Orleans, LA!

“After reluctantly traveling without Frank over a weekend for the first time since I’ve had him, he weaseled out of his collar on a walk with his dog sitter and took off. He bolted away with no collar or tags, and was picked up by a stranger in a car. About an hour or so later, a passerby saw Frank being left on the corner of the street by the same man in the car. Fortunately, she had seen his PawBoost alert and was able to identify and rescue him.
I was 1,200 miles away, but Pawboost helped me find him in 2 hours, without me having even been in the city. The passerby who had seen his alert go out on Facebook recognized him when he was left on the street, picked him up, and kept him safe until we were reunited. She gave me a call and I was able to get him back with my dog sitters for the rest of the weekend. PawBoost was amazing! In fact, my friend’s cat just went missing and I recommended this service first. The size of the network and the speed of finding your pet is unmatched. Thanks for the help!”
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Helen Powell
December 1, 2022 at 12:13 PMFabulous. There are more kind people in this world than not. 🐕🐱🌹💞