Featured Happy Tails! November 2021 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in November
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out November’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Featured Happy Tails
Lost Dog Reunited in Queens, NY!

“Little man was roaming around with another dog around New York Presbyterian Hospital. My partner and I were able to corral him towards us and lift him up into our ambulance. The dog was in our possession for around 6-7 hours before we were able to get in touch with his family.
Within five minutes of sending PawBoost the dog’s information, I received a message from the owners – in addition to a picture they had of him – to confirm he was theirs. PawBoost was very efficient and got the family and their fur baby back together in a matter of an hour!”
Felis: Lost Tortoise Reunited in Chelsea, AL!

“Felis bulldozed out of a temporary brick enclosure I’d made for him so he could get some sun outside. Seems I didn’t build it strong enough. This was during our hurricane Ida evacuation. Just so happens a family member we weren’t staying with saw that a neighbor in the area had posted something about a found tortoise via PawBoost on Facebook.
The day he went missing, I admit I wasn’t sure what good it would do to post. But I figured it couldn’t hurt. Well sure enough, it helped us identify him and make it known that we were looking for him to the kind people who took him in!”
Gunner: Lost Dog Reunited in Ridgecrest, CA!

“We were scouting out in the desert off 395 in Upper Centennial Springs. It’s very desolate and rugged. Gunner, our German Short Hair Pointer, was hiking with us and spotted a wild mustang. Gunner bolted after the horse and we could not keep up. We could hear him barking in the distance but could not find him.
We immediately posted Gunner’s photo and information all over Facebook missing pet pages in and near the area. Someone on Facebook referred me to PawBoost so I posted here as well. Someone told us they saw him in their neighborhood 40 miles from where we lost him. We were hopeful, but it was not him. We posted signs and went back to the location several times. PawBoost gave us hope and exposure.
A family traveling down one of the very few desert roads 20 miles out from where we were saw our Gunner trotting down the middle of the road and pulled over to check him out. They called us right away from the number on his collar tag. His collar was almost falling off him because of the weight loss. This family was kind to pick him up and they happened to live near us.
They were on their way home, so they brought Gunner with them and we picked him up shortly after they arrived home. It was one happy ending! It was a miracle! Gunner was out in the desert for 7 days. We wish he could talk and tell us about his adventure. He was in very good shape, considering. Just real skinny.”
Zoe: Lost Dog Reunited in Washington, DC!

“Zoe escaped from my daughter’s home while she was serving as Zoe’s sitter while we were at the beach. She was on their deck and escaped under the gate on the deck while my daughter went inside for a very short time. Zoe has NEVER been a runner, but my husband thinks she was trying to find me. Zoe is my velcro dog, even more so since she has gone deaf.
We posted on Facebook and Instagram and put up umpteen flyers throughout my daughter’s neighborhood. The people who returned her to us saw information about Zoe on Facebook, I think. Social media played a HUGE part in finding Zoe. I found PawBoost via a web search. I had numerous people comment on the PawBoost alert, and many shared the information with others. Without social media, I’m not sure we would have gotten her back!”
Lost Cat Reunited in Arlington, TN!

“This cat literally found us! I heard meowing and pawing at our back door one night and when I checked it out, I found the sweet, black cat! She was so trustworthy and nice, right off the bat! My dogs were on the other side of the door just watching and the cat was rubbing its body against the window.
For her to be so calm around my big dogs and so comfortable with me, I knew this was someone’s fur baby! When I opened the door, she tried to come in, immediately! I posted the found kitty on PawBoost. A neighbor of the owner saw and messaged me directly, stating she thought my description sounded like her neighbor’s cat that she lost THREE WEEKS AGO! *spoiler alert* It was!!!
The owner had been looking for over 3 weeks for her family cat and had met a few other families, claiming they thought they had found her cat, but unfortunately she and her daughter were let down quite a few times. I posted on PawBoost and in less than 24hrs the owner had contacted me!”
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