When a cat becomes lost various factors influence its behavior. Be sure to read Kat Albrecht's tips on what to do when your cat goes missing.
If your dog is missing, it’s important to understand common lost dog behaviors so you can find your pup safe, sound, and soon.
Be proactive and make sure your fur baby has multiple forms of identification.
Learn some top tips on what to look out for when reading the body language of a stray or lost dog.
Check out this infographic to see how many lost dogs there were in 2017 and how many were reunited. Learn the #1 day dogs go missing and how you can help more happy reunions.
If you are searching for your lost pet, you might consider consulting with a pet detective. Learn what a pet detective is and how they might be able to help.
On July 5-7th 2017, the number of lost and found pets reported to PawBoost was 115% higher than June’s average. Fur-tunately, 38% of the pets were reunited!
Discover 7 important tips to help find a missing cat. The key to reuniting with your lost cat might just be in this article, so read on!