Featured Happy Tails! August 2023 – Lost & Found Dogs, Cats, & Pets That Were Reunited in August
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Check out August’s Featured Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Haley: Lost Dog Reunited in Los Gatos, CA!

“Haley, our 18 year peek-a-poo, is deaf and has very bad vision. She got through a fence while we were away on vacation and ran off. Friends and family who were in the area at the time helped look for her, but couldn’t find her anywhere. PawBoost was the medium that the people who found Haley used to put out the alert that Haley was found. The community then spread it to Nextdoor and Facebook, where I would see it. Haley was missing for 15 hours before we were reunited. The PawBoost community is so strong. We were mobilizing friends and family to make flyers and go door to door. PawBoost expedited the process and aligned everyone. Thank you!”
T-Mack: Lost Dog Reunited in Gilbert, AZ!

“Our 8 year-old son opened the front door and came back inside through the garage. T-Mack followed him and just wandered off into the neighborhood. By the time I realized he wasn’t inside, an hour had already passed. I instantly jumped into our car to search for him and later created a PawBoost lost pet alert. I received a text message from someone who was watching the comments on PawBoost. She said that there was a dog on the local humane society’s website that resembled our T-Mack. She sent me all of the information so I went to identify him and I got to bring him home! T-Mack was missing for three days and two nights. It was the longest 3 days of my life. PawBoost is a terrific option for anyone trying to find a lost pet or anyone who has found a lost pet. PawBoost worked relentlessly to help me find my baby boy, T-Mack. Thank you to everyone who shared and helped!”
Toby: Lost Dog Reunited in Spotsylvania County, VA!

“Toby was with a pet sitter and ran away during a thunderstorm. We did our best in searching for him, but he was nowhere to be found. We created a lost pet alert on PawBoost for Toby in hopes that some kind soul would return our much loved pup. Luckily, someone saw his PawBoost alert and called in with a sighting. After a quick search of the area, Toby was found and we were thankfully reunited. Toby was missing for 16 long days! The reach that PawBoost had far exceeded what we would have been able to accomplish on our own. Thank you, PawBoost.”
Stormie and Mowgli: Lost Dogs Reunited in Reynoldsburg, OH!

“We let Stormie and Mowgli out in the backyard of my in-laws house, my husband locked the gate, and we went in the house for a quick visit! Once we came back out to head home, we found the gate open and Mowgli and his sister Stormie were missing. The next day, we decided to give PawBoost a try, as we couldn’t find our pup on our own. After creating a lost pet alert through PawBoost, Facebook shares of the alert started going up by the minute! After 15 minutes of it being up, there were 20 shares and I got a phone call that someone had found them last night!
We were able to meet up at a parking lot and as soon as our puppies saw us, they ran straight to us! Mowgli and Stormie were missing for about 20 hours, almost a full day before we were reunited. PawBoost is a well known company and we got results in minutes! Thank you for everyone who shared Mowgli and Stormie’s post. We were reunited with them today!”
Willow: Lost Dog Reunited in Denver, CO!

“Our side gate blew down in the wind one day and Willow got out. We didn’t realize it had happened until it was too late and Willow was long gone. We quickly took to the internet and created a lost pet alert through PawBoost. The morning after Willow went missing and after we had created her PawBoost alert, I started to get messages from community members who stayed up to date with the local shelters. I received several messages from people attaching pictures and saying, “I think this is her!”
Sure enough, my girl was safe and waiting for her dad to come get her. Willow was missing for about 16 hours before we were reunited. PawBoost is an active community of people who just want to help families reunite. They did a lot of leg work finding my pup that I didn’t even know how to do. We received so many responses and we were able to get her from the shelter right when it opened! Thanks so much!”
Love these Happy Tails? We love sharing them! Click here to read more.
August 31, 2023 at 7:49 PMThankfully happy endings ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I follow PawBoost and whenever a missing fur baby in our vicinity we go driving around searching. We always worry when we see someone’s baby missing. They are our four-legged children ❤️🐾❤️
Dorothea N Niessen
August 31, 2023 at 11:54 PMI was so happy to see this post. I’ve often wondered the percentage of dog That were returned. Thank you for this app. I got my dog thru your app. He was found by a lady and owners never came for him. I got him. HE IS SUCH A SWEET DOG.
I love him so much.