Happy Tails! June 2018 – Lost & Found, Dogs, Cats & Pets That Were Reunited in June
PawBoost loves to share happy endings! Read June’s Happy Tails to learn how these fur babies were reunited with their families.
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Monarch: Lost Dog Reunited in Cleveland, OH!
“Monarch goes outside through a dog door and our cameras show that he did that about 7 pm on a Wednesday, but the cameras didn’t show him coming back in. When we came home at 9:30 pm he was gone and had completely vanished from our immediate neighborhood. We then inspected the backyard to see how he got out and found a small portion of our fence missing.
Eight days later, we got a phone call from the Pepperidge Boarding Kennel in Bedford that they had Monarch and he was brought in by the Newburgh Hts. police department. I called the police department and spoke with the officer who found my dog because I wanted to thank him personally, plus I wanted to find out where in Newburgh Monarch was picked up.
He found Monarch heading down the ramp to get on the freeway for 77. I’m just so happy this officer spotted him before he got on the freeway. Our happy reunion could’ve had a much different outcome but God was watching over Monarch for sure!!!
PawBoost is a great service and I know we all appreciate your help!!! Just an FYI, when I told Jackie at Pepperidge that I posted Monarch on PawBoost and Sam the Parrot she told me she usually checks those sites. She also said that people can get tags made for their pets at Walmart for about $7.00 which is so minimal when you’re talking about getting your babies back safe and sound!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Monarch’s alert. A special thank you to the Newburgh Hts. police department for finding him and the Pepperidge Boarding Kennel for keeping him safe. You are all so awesome!!!
Daisy: Lost Dog Reunited in Advance, NC!
“We have a pretty large yard with a post and rail fence, with heavy gauge chickenwire-type fencing inside of it. There are a few places where the chicken wire fencing is bent up slightly, and one where it is missing. The spaces are small, possibly large enough for Daisy to squeeze through, but I never thought she would try.
We haven’t had any trouble leaving her alone in the yard, but we try not to leave her out there too long unattended. It seems yesterday she overcame this fear and squeezed through one of these places; still not sure which one. After 15 minutes or so, I went out to bring her in, and she was gone.
I had never heard of PawBoost, but a friend who was helping me with the search told me about it, so I posted Daisy. A nice lady who lives about 25 minutes away happened to be in our neighborhood for the annual yard sale. She found Daisy shortly after she disappeared, saw her darting back and forth across the main street into the housing complex, and feared for her safety.
Some other people helped her corral Daisy and she picked her up and asked around the yard sale if anyone knew of a lost Yorkie, but no one did. She took her home after the yard sale and went online. She came across a PawBoost alert and thought the dog in the photo looked a lot like Daisy, but was fairly convinced by the blue and white leash in the photo, as Daisy was wearing a 2 foot blue and white leash for training.
She called my number just after 10 AM this morning, asking me a few questions cautiously, and then told me the good news. I was just heading out of my driveway to put some PawBoost fliers in some neighbors’ mail boxes on the way to church, which it turns out was only about one mile from her house!
The thoughtful and conscientious woman who rescued and cared for Daisy overnight is the hero here, but PawBoost allowed her to find me, and reunite us. And now, some fence-patching is definitely in order :)”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Daisy’s alert. Daisy is now home safe and sound 🙂
Lulu: Lost Cat Reunited in Midlothian, VA!
“Lulu is an indoor cat. She was a feral kitten who was rescued and I adopted her 5 years ago. We are in transition from one state to another and in an apartment waiting for our home to be built. We believe she slipped out the door when we were carrying in our groceries. We didn’t realize she was missing until a couple of hours later.
PawBoost helped me in so many ways. I found out about PawBoost through notifying PetLink, the provider of her chip. I also googled ways to find lost pets and PawBoost popped up. I went immediately on the website to take advantage of printing the poster and posted signs all over our neighborhood. The picture I uploaded to PawBoost was helpful and the posters helped make the entire neighborhood aware.
Two young men returning home one evening spotted a cat surging across the street and into the culvert. One ran back to look at the poster and get a flashlight. I happened to be returning from a search that I did around the clock for 8 days. I saw them running to the culvert and approached them to ask and sure enough, they thought it was Lulu.
I ran inside, grabbed her treats and the mackerel I was using in the trap I’d set. I sat down on the curb and called her softly. She hesitated but came out when she realized it was me. All the tips and encouragement I received from PawBoost followers helped me know how to search for her and how to approach her if she was found. PawBoost followers sent me lovely messages of encouragement during those long days when she was gone.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Lulu’s alert. She is back home, skinny but otherwise doing just fine 🙂
Brutus: Lost Dog Reunited in Baltimore, MD!
“On Friday morning, my mother and I were at work and my sister was getting ready for work. She had the dogs (Brutus, his sister and mother) outside to do their doggy business. When my sister went to let them in that’s when she noticed 2 out of 3 were there. She drove around the neighborhood for 20 minutes, but couldn’t find him and texted/called us.
I left work shortly after to come home and begin searching for Brutus. I drove around looking for him in the neighborhood and posted a lost dog notice on lost dogs & pets pages. Saturday morning I took his sister with me and searched the neighborhood. I created flyers and put them all over shopping centers and throughout the neighborhood.
Sunday came and I began checking comments from websites and noticed a link that a guy named Justin shared saying a small, light brown Maltese was seen by a Home Depot and liquor store. I sent him a message and we began exchanging information, texting and talking over the phone.
Later that day, Justin sent a link about a dog that looked like mine. I sent information to the finder, but it turned out it wasn’t him. Shortly after I received a phone call that someone shared a Facebook link to my page and that’s how Kim was able to get in contact with me. We began talking and she said she had Brutus and described him in detail.
She spoke about his favorite trick ‘pretty sit’ and right there we knew it was him. She said that she found him on York and Baltimore Friday afternoon after a car was flying down the street, opened the door and put him out in the middle of traffic. She blocked traffic to prevent him from being hit by any cars and followed him until she was able to pick him up.
Sunday evening is when she finally contacted us and we met. She gave us our baby boy back and he’s reunited with his family again. Moral of the story is: never give up, I got my boy back.”
Spread the good news! Thank you for sharing Brutus’ alert to get the information out there. His family is especially thankful for Kim and Justin’s help 🙂
Meatball: Lost Cat Reunited in Belmont, CA!
“We’re still not sure how he got out. No one saw him go and he’s not one to bolt for the door when someone opens it. In fact, for a long time we thought he was still just in the house hiding and maybe a bit under the weather.
This evening at church (we live on the campus of church as I serve as pastor), one of our members who was here for a wedding shower thought she saw a cat dart by in the dark. Hearing that, I went out with a flashlight to look for him. I walked for about 45 minutes and finally decided to do a stake out near where he was.
Using the good advice I got from other people on Facebook via the PawBoost post, I setup some food and waited in the dark. I was about 10 minutes from just calling it a night when I saw two eyes peek up at me. I wasn’t sure it was Meatball at first, but then I saw the white on his neck/chest and heard his meow.
I called to him and he scurried away a bit, so I moved closer and just sat still and waited. He poked his head back around and eventually just made his way over to me, meowing as he came. He walked past the food and over to me for some snuggles. I snatched him up after a couple of pets and brought him right in!
I absolutely would recommend PawBoost. It put me in touch with people who cared and had great advice. We were the ones who ended up finding him, but with the tremendous advice of those connected via PawBoost.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Meatball’s alert and gave tremendous advice. It took a late-night stakeout, but he’s home. Soggy from the rain but HOME!! 🙂
Colonel: Lost Dog Reunited in New Berlin, WI!
“I was walking Colonel through the woods at Minooka Park with my son and his dog Lio. Colonel must have seen something and pulled to chase it. As he pulled, his harness broke. Colonel bolted and crossed the road into an area of pine trees. We searched for the next 5 hours or so in the area.
Around 6 pm we started to receive reports that he was around the area of National Avenue and Calhoun Road. We searched that area for another 8 hours or so until it got pretty late. We picked up the search the next day around 6 AM and searched that area for about 8 hours when new sightings were reported. They came in quickly, most were relayed from my daughter to me from various websites.
After chasing him in the area for the next 6-7 hours I came to learn that he was staying in a particular location which was still fairly large. Saturday night, we received a tip from a woman that said he went into a subdivision just south of Beres Road.
Sunday morning, we hit those neighborhoods. My son had just left the small subdivision south of Beres Road when I entered it. I was driving in and when I was halfway in a couple indicated to me they just saw him.
I drove until I couldn’t go further south and then I spotted him. He took off to the east into a wooded area. I parked the vehicle and gave chase and I called my son. He headed that way and he called his co-workers to go cut off his escape to the north.
We eventually caught up with him just south of Beres Road so we sent my son and his dog and they located Colonel after about 3 minutes. They were familiar faces to Colonel so he gave up the chase.
Thanks to the many people that were involved, from those who shared the information to those that left food out or left garage doors open, it was phenomenal. And thanks to your organization, as well as Facebook and Lost Dogs of Wisconsin.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Colonel’s alert. It’s amazing to see how everyone worked together to help this family’s dog 🙂
Deuce: Lost Dog Reunited in Fort Worth, TX!
“Deuce is a very well behaved dog, but he loves to play! And with his size he can easily jump ANY fence. He was caught in the front yard before playing with the neighbor’s cat! So I’m assuming he jumped the fence while being in the backyard that evening to play with some sort of animal, and since I didn’t notice right away he wandered off.
Deuce was actually only missing for 2 days before the lady who found him saw him on PawBoost and called me. I was in tears!! I had already handed out/hung hundreds of posters, been to several shelters and talked to the police department. You name it, I did it!
Shortly after she called my cell to say she was on her way to bring him home. The kids and I were in the driveway and the suspense was killing us! But when he jumped out of the back of the car and ran straight for me ready for a hug I knew that was the end of a long terrible weekend.
I tell everyone with pets about this app!! It brought my baby home! Deuce is actually my service dog for my epilepsy so saying he is my best friend is an understatement.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Deuce’s alert. Deuce is his pet parent’s savior! Thank goodness he is home safe because life never would have never been the same without him! 🙂
Max: Lost Dog Reunited in Oswego, IL!
“Max ran out of the house one Saturday morning when I opened the sliding door to let the smell of bacon out of the house. Unbeknownst to me, the gate I put up was knocked down and he seized the opportunity.
The person who found Max on the day he ran out of the house took him home. She was afraid to take him to the pound because she didn’t know what they would do to him. She had him for 3 weeks and that weekend she said she went on FB to Aurora Lost pets and saw his picture on there.
I received an alert from PawBoost indicating someone commented on Max’s post. I originally thought it would be another comment asking if I had found him or someone offering a prayer for his safe return, but I quickly realized that this person was indicating she had Max in her possession!
I was so excited, I called my co-worker so she could read the message. My co-worker told me to call, I told her I was nervous that it may not be Max. I did call right away though, and sure enough the person on the other side of the phone said it was Max and that she had had him for about 3 weeks.
PawBoost allowed my post to be shared around my area and reached a broad audience. Although I continuously reached out to animal control, vets, and police I could not have reached as many people without your help. The alerts I received every time someone posted were also very helpful. Without those alerts I never would have known (or it would have taken days) someone had posted that they had him.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Max’s alert. A special thank you to Jolise who kept him safe and brought him home. He is in good spirits, healthy and happy 🙂
Silver: Lost Cat Reunited in Denver, CO!
“Silver is an inside cat. Well, Thursday evening while my husband was taking out the trash, he left the back door open and Silver escaped. Later in the evening my husband said he heard Silver’s bells and he asked our grandson if Silver was outside and Asiah said he was downstairs.
Friday morning, Silver was no where to be found! After checking both the front and back and calling for him, no luck! I awoke my husband, and informed him of what was going on, he jumped up, put his clothes on, and went outside calling for Silver with no avail.
I posted on Facebook what happened to Silver with a picture and posted on PawBoost. I got a lot of comments about things that I should do, like put his litter box outside, put a piece of my clothing or one of his blankets that he laid on outside, so I did that. Friday came and went and still no Silver.
On Saturday, we went to church and when we arrived home, Asiah went into his room and laid down on his bed crying. His grandpa heard him crying, came into the room and said we needed to hold hands and pray for God to bring Silver home.
It was windy early Sunday morning and I kept hearing our front screen door opening and closing and a faint hollowing, so I got up to shut it. I opened the front door, looked down, and saw a paw trying to open the screen door. I opened the screen door, and LO and BEHOLD, IN COMES Silver!
We woke my grandson up at 1 AM, and told him that Silver had returned home, that God had brought him home! Silver went into the kitchen and we gave him fresh food and water. At that time, my husband told Asiah and I that we needed to gather hands again and pray to God and thank him for bringing Silver back to us!
PawBoost helped us by giving us suggestions as to what to do to bring him back. I also got comments about how people would pray for his safe return.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Silver’s alert. Silver is home safe and sound. Hopefully he won’t be sneaking out anymore doors 🙂
Lou: Lost Cat Reunited in San Francisco, CA!
“Lou went missing 3 nights ago when I stepped outside for a moment and came back only to find she pushed the small window in my room open and jumped down to the street level. She jumped onto a super busy street, but was gone by the time I had gotten back.
After advice from people on PawBoost to keep visiting the local animal shelter I went to check for the 2nd day in a row. While I was there they encouraged me that she was somewhere close by, hiding, or even unable to get out of where she was. I have 2 abandoned houses on opposite ends of my street with over grown yards and something told me she would hide there.
I went to the first yard, hopped the hedge, and called her name with treats for 30 minutes but had no luck. I did the same at a small opening in the fence of the 2nd yard and after 30 minutes of softly calling her name and shaking treats I almost gave up but heard a rustle so I kept doing it. 10 minutes later I saw her head pop up and immediately started crying with happiness and relief.
It took me another hour to get her out with the help of some neighbors who heard me, but luckily Lou is home safe and sound with her mama. PawBoost’s suggestions helped me in so many ways and led me to the shelter that advised me on places she would most likely be.
I would definitely recommend PawBoost to a friend. The support and love shared by people is not only comforting in a time of need but encouraging in the sense that it helps you do things that reassure you that you are doing all you can to find your pet.
The woman at the shelter also knew who Lou was before I even mentioned her because she had seen my post on PawBoost. A community of kind hearted individuals who care about reuniting parents with their pets is so invaluable during a crisis such as this. I cannot thank you all enough.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Lou’s alert and showed love and support. A special thank you to the neighbors who provided a ladder to help retrieve Lou from the abandoned house 🙂
Smokey: Lost Cat Reunited in Apollo, PA!
“Smokey is an indoor cat that moved to her new home in Apollo, PA this past January. This was her first time getting outside here, which was scary considering it snowed that first night and she has never experienced snow before.
Smokey got out when the door closest to the kitchen was opened for air circulation from steamy/smoky meal prep. She’s a very shy cat even with family, so it wasn’t discovered that she was missing until grandpa mentioned she never jumped onto the bed to sleep with him.
That next morning, grandpa called and relayed the news. I set up a PawBoost account because I knew that social media is a major help when pets are lost or found. In addition to PawBoost, we also had flyers attached to the neighborhood’s community mailboxes and asked the local dog-walking neighbors to keep an eye out for a grey cat with a purple harness.
The PawBoost post was shared by 191 people and the comments were super helpful. Grandpa spent the first day outside calling her name and set out some familiar-scented blankets to attract her home.
She finally came home 8 days later to eat from the food bowl that grandpa set outside. When he first tried to pick her up outside she got spooked and ran off. She soon came for another round of food and literally followed a trail of food crumbs inside the house.
Thanks so much for the help, PawBoost! Thankfully Smokey came back on her own, but the Facebook post certainly helped us by having others give advice on what to do to bring our cat home. It was tough not being there to help with the search in-person, so I’m glad those comments helped me suggest things grandpa could do to bring her home.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Smokey’s alert and gave great advice. Her family is super glad she found her way back to her new home 🙂
Sirius Black: Lost Cat Reunited in Columbus, OH!
“Sirius Black went missing on a Monday. I woke up and it was freezing in my house as I sleep with my bedroom door shut. I looked around the wall and my door was about two feet open. It has been broken for a while and fixed 3 times, but again it didn’t close when I closed it so it didn’t lock and the wind blew it open.
I looked for my Sirius and he was GONE. I was forced to go to work and constantly worry. I did put up signs, made countless shelter trips, put used litter and food out, and slept with my window open just in case he came home while I was asleep.
It had been one week and three days since he’d gone missing. I was searching everyday, even the ditches near the roads 🙁 Then my neighbor came banging on my window at about 7:30 am saying she saw a black cat with a flea collar on run in the crawl space under her building and her son was watching the only way in or out.
I got a light and one of my sticks because there is fiberglass hanging from the already low ceiling and neighborhood raccoons and strays live under there. Sure enough I get about 100ft in, almost to the end, and there’s my poor, skinny boy laying on dirt in painters plastic. He almost ran then I said his name.
He paused, smelled momma’s hand and boom, went limp for momma to grab him. I grabbed him with my arms in an X and scruff pinched just in case and my Sirius’ legs just flopping away. I came in, put him on the floor and proceeded to grab his missing poster stack and tore them into the smallest pieces and threw them everywhere.
I would definitely recommend PawBoost because they helped notify a lot of people to keep a look out for him. I was shocked how quickly everyone started sharing, sending recommendations and pictures of possible black kitties. I am so thankful for all the caring people out there.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Sirius Black’s alert and gave advice. He was found scared and skinny, but is happy to be home 🙂
Flash: Lost Dog Reunited in Uhrichsville, OH!
“My son wanted to play with bubbles so my fiancé went outside with him and Flash. My fiancé and son decided to go to the mall and they thought Flash was back in the house, but he wasn’t. I came home late from work and was very tired so I changed my clothes and went to bed. I woke up at 5am the next day to use the restroom and Flash wasn’t in bed with me so I went downstairs to check on him.
When I looked in the cage my stomach started to turn and I knew something wasn’t right! I searched for him until I had to get ready for work the next day. I then posted on Facebook about him missing. We didn’t get any leads that day but we hoped someone had him and was waiting until Monday to call the dog pound, but nothing on Monday. I then called WJER radio and they posted that he was missing along with announcing it on the local radio station.
I had a lot of shares from my post on Facebook, and then a woman told me about PawBoost so I posted on there too. The next day around 10:00am I got a tip from a woman who lived in the area about a mile and a half away. We went there, yelled and yelled and a truck stopped behind us and said that our dog had been around his house for a day and a half chasing his dogs.
We then went toward his house, but didn’t see him so we started back and all of a sudden we saw Flash coming down the hill. I got out of the car and out of excitement I ran after him, but he took off. Once I got to the top of the hill I was so tired I fell to the ground. Flash stopped and looked at me and I put my hands out and said, ‘Flash come, it’s mommy.’
He came running at me and jumped on me, licking my face. I can’t describe the feeling knowing I had finally found him. PawBoost gave me faith that my baby would be found and I would definitely recommend it to everyone. The prayers I got on this site and the people sharing gave me hope!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Flash’s alert. There are no words to describe the feeling when you are reunited with your fur baby 🙂
King: Lost Dog Reunited in Kennesaw, GA!
“King went missing because my son did not close the door that leads to the garage securely. The garage doors were also opened and King walked out when everyone was upstairs. When I went downstairs, I noticed that the door leading to the garage was open and I immediately began calling for King but he wasn’t in the house.
My son and I walked through our entire subdivision twice looking for him. While walking I told my son to call the police and Animal Control and I logged onto PawBoost to report that King was lost. I began to panic because I didn’t know if King had made his way to Barrett Parkway where he might be hit by a car or to Kennesaw Mountain where there are many different types of wildlife that could potentially harm him.
The time it took for us to walk from the end of our subdivision back to the entrance a third time, we were in tears and exhausted. We didn’t know what else to do, but as we turned to go back home we saw a lady up ahead on another street standing in the middle of her yard.
We began to walk towards her and as we got closer we could see she was with King! She had him tied to a tree in the middle of her yard. She said she was standing outside with King in hopes that his owner was looking for him. We were very happy to find King safe and alive.
I would definitely recommend PawBoost to all my friends and other pet owners I know because immediately after I made the post, the response was amazing. I was very surprised that people that had never met our King cared enough to help me find him by sharing the post and they offered much needed support for us through words of kindness.
I am forever grateful to PawBoost!! Such an excellent way to reunite animals with their owners! We love King!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared King’s alert and for all of your thoughts and prayers. His family is so thankful to have King back in their care 🙂
Willow: Lost Dog Reunited in Macomb, MI!
“Sunday afternoon we let one of our dogs, Roxy, out to go to the bathroom. She’s a bigger dog and will stay outside for around 10 minutes before she likes to come back in the house. We believe Willow ran out the door when it was open as I was distracted hooking Roxy up to her lead.
In 6 years, Willow has never snuck by me, but this time she did. Not being on her lead, we think from there she just simply went exploring, as she is a very curious little dog. By the time I let Roxy back in, I realized Willow wasn’t at the door to greet Roxy.
This is when I realized something was wrong. I frantically searched the house, and got my 3 kids to search with me. When we realized she wasn’t indoors we went outside and started running up and down the neighborhood streets and backyards calling for Willow.
I found PawBoost searching on my cell while we were out looking for Willow so I ran home and set up her profile on my iPad. Within minutes, PawBoost posted on Facebook that Willow was missing and the area she was last seen. This ended up being the connection that got our Willow home.
A young woman found Willow about 1/10th of a mile further out than we had set as a search area. She took her home, and took care of her through the evening, and fed her too. On Monday, she found my PawBoost post and sent me a text message with a picture. It was Willow! We set up a meeting place, and she brought our Willow back to us. It was simply amazing!
I would highly recommend PawBoost to a friend or anyone who’s lost a pet. PawBoost gave us a great set of tools to alert social media, create effective flyers, and alert the pet community. These tools were super easy and really fast, which is what you’ll appreciate when you’re in a panicked state of mind.
In the end, the very best result is what PawBoost provided. Our little fury family member was found safe and happy.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone for your prayers, advice and shares of Willow’s alert. Willow is now home safe 🙂
Salem: Lost Cat Reunited in Rockwood, TN!
“Salem and his big brother escaped from the kitchen screen door. The door has two hook-latches, one at the middle where the handle is, and one at the bottom, so they can’t push the door open. It didn’t have a latch at the top, but it does now.
Sashi managed to jump onto the door and escape through the top edge because there wasn’t a latch. Salem watched his big brother and escaped the same way. As soon as I heard the clatter at the door, I saw Sashi on the back steps. I got him back inside, but Salem was long gone.
After searching all day yesterday and through most of the night, I was very worried. I tried everything I read about, including putting some of his litter outside, shaking the treat bag and putting food outside by the door where he got out. Instead of calling for him, I walked around talking to him like I would if he were inside.
I thought I spotted him running through the yard around 1 AM, but he wouldn’t come to me and I couldn’t find him anywhere. I keep a little insulated hut on my porch for strays to give them shelter from the weather. So I put the hoodie I wore yesterday into the hut in hopes that it would be familiar to him.
This morning, I started the same routine again. The hut had been slept in because my hoodie was rumpled up. I searched outside, under the porch, under the house and around the neighborhood. I put out more food, but I couldn’t find him anywhere.
Then around 10:00 AM, I went out back and spotted him sleeping in the sun on the deck. I opened the screen door and talked to him. I didn’t try to go to him because I was afraid he’d run. He came inside on his own.
I would definitely recommend PawBoost! The alert had dozens of shares within minutes. People in my area whom I didn’t even know contacted me to let me know that they were looking for him too. The support and encouragement I got, some from total strangers, was important.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Salem’s alert. He’s dirty, scared and hungry, but he appears to be just fine 🙂
Abby: Lost Dog Reunited in Lakewood, CO!
“My husband and I just adopted Abby. She is absolutely perfect – she loves our 4 year old son, she’s house trained and incredibly smart. With a perfect dog comes one flaw that neither of us realized she had – an escape artist.
We left Abby home around 7am for a few hours before my husband returned around 9am. He walked through the door calling for Abby, but she did not come to him and the glass screen door was open.
He walked out on to the balcony and noticed scratch marks on the wood/solid railing. Abby leaped and fell twenty feet from our second story condo. My husband called me and immediately asked where Abby was because he didn’t believe she would have actually jumped. My heart dropped. I left work to rush home to search for Abby.
After about an hour of searching and callings vets, we finally spoke to a gentleman who reported a big, black dog running around in a park. Not only did Abby leap 20 feet, but she ran 4 MILES from our home. After searching the web frantically, I found PawBoost.
3 hours went by, continuously checking my phone and email and reading multiple comments from strangers wishing the best for my dog and family. Suddenly, I received a phone call from a wonderful lady informing me that she had seen a photo of Abby on Facebook. She pieced it together and sure enough, she was right!
A gentleman found Abby and brought her to the Humane Society of the South Platte Valley. We received an email, text and phone call informing us she had been found. My husband picked her up and sent a picture of her sleeping in the passenger seat of the truck. She will have a delicious meal and nap, and from now on, we will be certain that the sliding glass door is locked.
Thank you PawBoost for being an incredible resource. We will be sure to spread the word in case other family and friends need assistance finding their lost loved one.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Abby’s alert. After jumping 20 feet and running 4 miles, their sweetheart is wiped out and resting 🙂
Found Dog Reunited in Irvine, CA!
“I was driving home after running an errand on a Saturday afternoon (it was 90 degrees out) and I saw a dog almost get hit by a car in the intersection of a stoplight ahead. So once I got through the intersection, I pulled over. I keep a leash in my car at all times in case I see a loose dog. I got out of my car to try to get the dog and it was running away from me very quickly.
So, I went after the dog who was clearly scared. She ran out into the street again and then back to the sidewalk (thankfully!). She ran through the same intersection again and a nice girl saw what was happening and she jumped out of her car to block the dog.
The dog was clearly tired and she stopped. I dangled the leash over her and pulled to tighten it. Then the dog just came with me. She was very friendly and let me pick her up. So, back to my air conditioned car we went. I took pictures and posted on PawBoost, Nextdoor, and the Facebook neighborhood pages in my area.
Then, I took her to our local shelter because I have 2 cats and cannot have any more pets. I was heartbroken. I felt awful leaving her, but our local shelter is a good one and they were very nice. I also knew this was the best way for her owners to find her. For all social media platforms lots of people shared the posts.
I called the shelter that Monday and they said that her owners picked her up!! Yay! I have no idea if they saw her on social media as no one said anything about recognizing her. However, the shelter did inform me that the sweet doggie is 18 years old! I was shocked! If that is the case, she probably has a few years left in her given her athletic ability to run.
I always tell people who post on Facebook and Nextdoor to be sure to post on PawBoost. I have heard of many success stories and thank you for all that you do!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared this pup’s alert. It’s so refreshing to hear stories like this one and know there are great people in this world who watch out for our fur babies 🙂
Mason: Lost Dog Reunited in Los Angeles, CA!
“We are not sure how Mason went missing, but he is an inside dog and is taken out daily to play with our outside dogs. We were only away for half an hour and when we returned home all our dogs were home except for Mason. All gates were closed so we had no idea what could of possibly happened.
I was originally looking for lost dog templates on Google and PawBoost was the first website that popped up. I read what PawBoost was about and immediately posted Mason’s picture and description. Mason went missing on Monday and I posted Mason’s info on PawBoost on Wednesday. I received alerts daily about found dogs around the area.
On Friday at 10:33 pm I received a found dog alert and I immediately pressed ‘View Pet’ and it was Mason! I called the number on the information provided, but their phone had died. I told my mother we have to go there. I’m 100% sure this is Mason. We drove around the area where PawBoost put the dog was located and sure enough there was a young teen standing outside with Mason!
I literally jumped out the car and called out for him and he ran towards me! The young teenager explained how she and two other girls were doing gymnastics outside when Mason walked up to them. They noticed he was a friendly dog and looked lost.
Two other teens came out the house and one explained how she lost a pet in the past and her family was reunited with their pet because of PawBoost. So when they noticed Mason looked lost she knew she should post him on PawBoost. These girls were the sweetest!!!
Things happen for a reason and I believe they were put in Mason’s path for a reason! To return him home. I was reunited with Mason in just minutes! I will definitely recommend PawBoost. PawBoost was extremely helpful with daily alerts and the community on their Facebook page is extremely helpful and supportive.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Mason’s alert. Thank you to the three lovely, young ladies who took care of Mason and helped with his reunion 🙂
Found Dog Reunited in Albuquerque, NM!
“I walked out of work on Friday evening and saw a beautiful poodle on the street. I drove over to where she was sniffing the bushes, and she came up to me and allowed me to pet her. When I invited her into the car she ran off toward the very busy road.
She stood and pranced like a Westminster prize winner and I knew someone had lost track of her. I cornered her in the shopping center there and she was sniffing around a dog groomer’s place. I reasoned that could be because she knew the place, or possibly just that many dog smells are there.
She let me pick her up and I took her to the vet for a chip scan, but because of her long locks, show-grade Poodle hair, they were unable to locate a chip if she had one. They offered to shave her hair but I declined— If no owner emerged, then okay, but I didn’t want to cut her hair prematurely.
I came home and searched ‘Lost and Found Pets’ and the first link was PawBoost. I submitted my entry and within minutes it had over 40 shares and comments of support. Someone eventually said, ‘I think I know that dog,’ and gave me the name of a dog groomer that owned a dog like her.
I searched Google and found a picture of him showing a dog that looked remarkably like the beauty queen. This eased my mind— it all began to add up. I left a message at the groomer’s business per the woman’s suggestion. The next morning daddy called and was naturally deeply relieved to know she was safe.
An example of the power of Facebook being used for positive social gains! I definitely recommend PawBoost and am very glad I used it. It’s horrible to lose your dog, but it’s also stressful to find a dog— being aware that some fur-parent is out there worrying about their baby, you want to find them ASAP to relieve suffering. PawBoost definitely helped me identify the parent within a few hours.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared this pup’s alert, cared, offered suggestions and took the time to engage. You make the world a better place 🙂
Taco: Lost Cat Reunited in Orlando, FL!
“Taco got out on a Tuesday in the middle of the night. He busted out a window screen from a window that was cracked just a few inches. We were out of town and my father-in-law forgot to close the window. They didn’t tell us right away because they didn’t want us to worry. So we didn’t really get the ball rolling until that Friday when we got home.
We posted on PawBoost and several other sites. PawBoost had the most coverage and responses from people. They offered leads and tips on how to find Taco. We followed everyone’s advice and put out food, stinky clothes and even sprinkled litter around the yard.
We left the back porch door open so he could come in if we were sleeping. On the sixth morning I got up to check the porch area and I think he was eating and heard me (I’m on crutches). He came walking right in like nothing ever happened!
PawBoost was a tremendous help in generating leads, tips, and support. Thanks to PawBoost and the support of everyone on the site, we were able to keep our hopes up and actually get Taco home safely! I would definitely recommend PawBoost to anyone who loses or finds a pet.
Your site was by far the most superior to other lost and found sites.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Taco’s alert. He is healthy and is currently napping on a very fuzzy blanket 🙂
Scratch & Chloe: Lost Dogs Reunited in Carencro, LA!
“Scratch and Chloe got out of the house because apparently the front door wasn’t closed all of the way. They sometimes get out but never leave the neighborhood and always come back within 20 minutes or so. We searched for hours and were all hysterically crying at the thought of something bad happening to them.
I decided to post it on a few sites and PawBoost came up first. With tears, I hunted for a recent picture on the side of the road and hoped for the best. I only got the chance to make an alert for Scratch, because before I could type in Chloe’s description, I had a text message with a picture of my fur babies almost 5 miles away! I was floored!
And the hunt was on – with about 150 shares on your site (plus about 250 more), I was getting bombarded by messages of my fur babies’ sightings and little journey play by play! Emotionally and physically exhausted, we decided to call off the search at midnight, and resume in the morning.
At approximately 11 AM I received a call at work saying that someone caught them and had them in their fence! I was so thankful and relieved. We went to get them and inquired on how the rescue happened. The man saw the dogs and called his girlfriend who saw my post on your Facebook page! She convinced him to try to catch them, took a picture, and sent it to me.
I will most definitely suggest this method to anyone who is going through the nightmare that we endured this past weekend. I hope it will help some other family reunite with their children like we were lucky enough to do. I am blown away and touched by the outpouring compassion from my community and so thankful that you guys helped us get our babies home!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Scratch’s alert. Scratch and Chloe are now home safe with their family 🙂
Sadie: Lost Dog Reunited in Prosperity, SC!
“Sadie ran off chasing a deer. She is a sweet baby in the house and around people, but when it comes to hunting she is almost unstoppable. I was holding her one day when a deer walked into sight. Her head understood but her nature did not. It was a very windy and rainy day. We knew she would be tired, cold and looking for dinner/home/shelter.
She is chipped and has all her information on her collar. She missed dinner so we searched until 1 am. At some point in our desperate searching we found your site. It was clear to use and gave us hope of reaching folks who may have seen her or knew someone who found a dog.
We talked to folks at the local store, fire station, trash dump, state park and county animal control and gave them our information. We knew if she was able she would have tried to find someone to help her. We were afraid she had been stolen or worse hit by a car or overwhelmed by coyotes.
Having folks looking became our main hope for a return of our loved one. We were miles from the house when Ann, my wife, saw a dog sniffing the road a quarter mile away. While looking at the other dog we heard Sadie’s voice a few hundred yards away through the woods.
I left my wife with the vehicle, called Sadie and ran through the woods. I ended up at the back of a house where two ladies were checking her collar. She had chased their cats into their barn.
We were happy to find each other. My wife was beyond happy as we had lost much of our hope. Sadie sat as close to me as possible on the ride home. At home she ate and slept for hours.
PawBoost gave us hope and helped us search in ways we could not. Knowing the Sadie search had been shared with other animal lovers through Facebook and others during our desperate time was special. We were impressed and so glad you are there. We love your site. Thank you.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Sadie’s alert. After 20+ hours in the rain, Sadie is exhausted and happy to be home 🙂
Phoenix: Lost Cat Reunited in Layton, UT!
“We have always kept Phoenix inside since rescuing him off the streets of Arizona. When I got home on Saturday my husband opened the door so our dogs could come greet me in the driveway and without us knowing Phoenix followed the dogs out.
We all went inside and shut the door. Well, all of us except Phoenix. We didn’t realize he was gone until the next morning and that is when panic set in. We are new to this area. When I googled how to print off missing pet flyers, PawBoost came up and I was actually impressed that something like this existed. Right when I put Phoenix in as a lost pet I had people sharing my information and giving me amazing advice.
I did everything that these helpful ladies told me to do. I printed out your free flyers and hung them everywhere. Then, I put out his litter box and food. I talked to the neighbors, animal control, pet stores and local vets. We appreciate all the time people took out of their day to give us advice we would otherwise not have thought so much about.
We feel blessed that he just so happened to come wandering home 6 days later, dirty and starving. I would very much recommend PawBoost! A great community of compassionate pet lovers!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Phoenix’s alert. Phoenix’s family is overjoyed that people took the time to call in sightings and advice but most of all they thrilled that their fur baby is home safe 🙂
Found Dog Reunited in Pittsburgh, PA!
“This pet wandered past me on the sidewalk as I left my home on my way to work. Once I realized it was not with it’s owner or walker, I observed it’s behavior, slowly followed the dog and tried to safely approach it. The dog would not let me get too close to it, but I was able to corner it onto a neighbor’s porch while I called for help from the local police. I simultaneously took a photo and posted it to PawBoost.
The local police stopped by the location where I had the dog safely cornered and they informed me that they would work to approach the dog and scan it for a microchip. I immediately posted information through PawBoost and thankfully neighbors in the area recognized the dog and got in touch with me via PawBoost.
I was able to direct them to the police and together, this dog was returned home to its owners. Without the alert on PawBoost I am not sure this dog would have been recognized or if enough positive action would have been taken to reunite the dog with its family.
I absolutely recommend PawBoost to friends and family! As a pet owner who cherishes my dog and cat, I would be devastated and a nervous wreck if they ever got lost. I would want any watchful eye in the neighborhood to help network and stick together to notify me of any information concerning my lost pet. This is why I support PawBoost.
I appreciate that it’s network of services are there in case of an emergency and I am very happy to help other families and pets in times of need. PawBoost is a great network that is easy to use and easy to stay connected with. Its initial free services are exceptionally helpful and the paid service options are also helpful. Thank you to your entire staff for doing the work that you do!”
Spread the good news! Thanks to all of the involved neighbors who helped spread the word and work with police to get this dog home. A special thank you to the Forest Hills Police for coming to aide with this lost dog 🙂
Bob: Found Cat Reunited in Rochester, NY!
“When I found this cat, I printed about 20 or so fliers from your website. I posted them in my neighborhood, putting flyers on homes that I didn’t know the families. I actually ran out before I finished my immediate area.
I didn’t receive any calls or contact from neighbors. One morning, as I was walking my own dog, I passed a home that I didn’t flyer. Each morning I see the dad outside waiting for a ride and we usually just say good morning.
This particular morning, after saying good morning, something in me thought to ask if he was missing a cat by any chance. He jumped right up from his seat and asked ‘big white, fluffy one?’ and the rest is history.
He went on to tell me that Bob had run out when they let their dog out six months ago. He asked if I knew where the cat was and I told him he’s in my house. He followed me home and they were reunited. I was so, so happy. He said Bob was his young daughter’s cat and she had been heart broken.
The following morning while walking my doggy, I passed their house and all of a sudden I heard the meekest little voice say, ‘thank you for finding my kitty.’ I turned around and saw the Dad holding his little girl in their open front doorway. I melted.
A happy ending for everyone!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Bob’s alert. So happy that their family is complete again 🙂
Cooper: Lost Dog Reunited in Memphis, TN!
“A family friend visiting our home left the patio gate unlatched, which went unnoticed for 24 hrs. The next day my daughter opened the door to the patio so Cooper could go in and out to enjoy the weather. Apparently Cooper went out the gate to explore and got lost. When I arrived home from work we looked for him until we were exhausted and hopeless.
The next morning I posted a PawBoost alert and was amazed at the quick response. People immediately began sharing my lost dog info all over the internet and sent me messages of support and encouragement. I didn’t realize until later in the day that these people were in my community!
I spent all day driving or walking around looking and whistling for Cooper. I said many prayers for his return. Then I remembered the messages that were sent to me through PawBoost. Many others were also praying for Cooper’s return. This strengthened my heart.
After I got home I was donating money to a site in Memphis that finds and rehomes lost dogs. Then my son said Cooper was at the door. I got up quickly in disbelief. My son opened the door slowly, scared Cooper might run away again. Instead Cooper ran in and pounced us! I’ve never seen him so excited!
He jumped, bounced, climbed up on my face and kissed me, chewed on my nose, ran in circles and then repeated it all. He was very hungry so I gave him a plate of baked chicken and a walk before doing a head to toe assessment. Although he was muddy, Cooper did not have even one scratch and all vital signs were stable!
We are so happy to have him home! He hasn’t left our laps and we haven’t stopped holding him. I’m going to get a stronger gate clasp today. I can’t thank you guys enough for your support, for spreading the word and the prayers. PawBoost helped bring me closer to my neighbors and community.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Cooper’s alert. All of your support helped Cooper’s family get through this difficult time 🙂
Gina: Lost Cat Reunited in Edmonton, AB, Canada!
“Gina is not an outdoor cat, however when the weather gets warm, she’s always next to the door trying to sneak out. She is never out in the yard unsupervised, so it is hard to say how she got out today, as I was completely sure she was in the house. Gina is 18 years old but doesn’t act her age, she knows how to get what she wants.
Once we realized she couldn’t be found in the house, we went asking the neighbors and printed posters of her. I created a PawBoost alert in hopes social media would help. We called the Humane Society and checked the city website for lost and found pets. I posted in all my social media groups as well.
In the end, it was neighbors talking to neighbors and the posters that helped the most. We received a phone call that she was located in a yard 3 streets from us. She was identified based on the poster as she was just laying in someone’s yard.
Our neighbor across the street had seen her, but didn’t know she was our cat or that she got lost. She helped us talk to a lot of other neighbors in our area, as she has been living here for many years. She is a pet parent herself. We went and picked her up immediately.
The community support on PawBoost was so heartwarming, from encouragements to sharing the post in an effort to locate her. I can only hope every lost pet gets reunited with their family the way it happened for us. Thank you for everything, I will warmly recommend you to my pet parents friends.”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Gina’s alert. Needless to say neighbors helping neighbors can go a long way. Community spirit! 🙂
Kusha: Lost Cat Reunited in Little Elm, TX!
“Kusha is a black with orange cat and she got out in our back yard one evening without us noticing. We had been out back around 9:30 PM on a Monday with our dogs and heard a cat meowing from over the fence. We assumed it was one of the neighbor’s outside cats and never looked.
I wish I would have looked because the next morning I couldn’t find Kusha inside and realized that it was probably her meowing on the other side of the fence and probably couldn’t get back over. Now being many hours later I knew she probably wandered off but I looked in back yards and front yards, everywhere close I could look and no luck. I put flyers up in the neighborhood and posted on PawBoost and any other sources hoping someone would see her and call.
The following day, I was looking out front doing my hourly check to see if I could see her and I was talking to some neighbors spreading the word when I missed a call around 3:30. I waited a minute for a message and listened to it to find out she had found Kusha! Kusha was found hiding in a flower pot in this lady’s front yard a few blocks away.
She had seen my flyer and remembered her name and when she came to her she knew it was Kusha! She called and now we are happily reunited and it feels so good. I would definitely recommend PawBoost! Your setup is very easy to use and fast! It gets the message out to a ton of people in a very fast and professional manner and you care! Thank you for all of the help!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Kusha’s alert and helped look for her. Kusha and her family can both rest easy now 🙂
Griff: Lost Dog Reunited in San Antonio, TX!
“Griff is our deaf great dane, and he is in love with our special needs 2 year old, who has a speech delay and uses ASL to communicate. Griff also knows ASL. Griff got out the day I had eye surgery, and was missing for 8 days. Initially we used Nextdoor and a Facebook lost pet group. I finally recovered enough yesterday to make posters and hang them.
A lady in our neighborhood told me about PawBoost, and helped me set it all up. Within hours we had over 2000 views! I couldn’t believe it. We shared it on Facebook in many lost pet groups and also added where to find us on the Nextdoor app. Neighborhood help started pouring it.
Seriously, if you want to believe in humanity again, lose a dog in our neighborhood. I was brought to tears so many times today as I hung up posters with my son, and people stopped to tell me they were driving the neighborhoods several times a day to look for Griff.
It felt like PawBoost accelerated how many people knew about and saw us. I would ABSOLUTELY recommend to a friend. People reported sightings and we were able to sort of triangulate them and narrow down an area that was private property. They gave us permission to search, and people from our neighborhood turned up to help.
We crawled through brush and trees, and found him in about an hour! It was difficult because we couldn’t call his name since he’s deaf. We brought him home and had my toddler come outside to see him. The look on his face is one I’ll never forget. There were many slobbery kisses given, on both sides.
My son has a special sign for Griff, and had been asking for him everyday. We were heartbroken. I don’t have the words to describe what it’s like to see a community of real people helping each other. Our lives are changed!”
Spread the good news! Thank you to everyone who shared Griff’s alert. Their sweet boy and even sweeter dog are together again at last 🙂
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July 2, 2018 at 12:21 AMAs an animal lover it always does my heart so much good to see that with Pawboost, many more lost animals are reunited than not. I haven’t had to use this site myself, but knowing it exists makes me feel more at ease every time I let my Yorkie out. Keep up the good work Pawboost!
lauran Clarkee
July 2, 2018 at 8:54 AMi just love reading the good new about the lost pets.
i too had lost a pet and what a story do i have to tell along with videos flyers and such kind friends and neighbors i have never met.
because of my lost pet, your site friends and neighbors, i was thinking about writing a children “s with the heart warming story
of how Mia the German Shepard was reunited with us after 10 days of playing in a swamp with other friends she had made.
It’s s a heart warming story and one day i am wishing it to be a best seller! if i would just sit down and start it. 🙂
thank you pawBoost
Melissa O'Connor
July 2, 2018 at 4:12 PMI always post a lost animal to my FB friends! It is so gratifying seeing the return follow up pictures when they come home safe and sound.
July 2, 2018 at 5:54 PMI’m so happy that these pets are reunited with their families. It hurts me knowing these
family members (pets) are lost and I’m sure they are scared when lost. I love all animals ❤️
July 3, 2018 at 5:02 PMI love Reading all these happy endings! After reuniting with my missing cat Princess after 13 days of her being missing makes me so happy that others have been so lucky to find their pets too! Thanks to everyone on Pawboost who helped me find my Sweet baby! I appreciate everyone who shared her missing poster!