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Poppy is Missing in Westminster, CO

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Was contacted on 11/16/2020. Sent me a picture. This cat looks like Poppy. Was seen around Towers and 71st. Please help or call me!


Westminster, CO 80234


119th and Federal Blvd Westminster Colorado



Hilary D.

4 years ago

Owners of lost cats on the lost and found pet pages have said that these tips work, especially numbers 1, 3 and 5: 1. Put wet/smelly food out in the evening. Pick it up during the day or if you notice it's attracting strays. 2. Put dirty litter box outside; keep an eye on it if there are stray cats or other wildlife in your area. It may attract them, which could keep your cat away. 3. Put out an unwashed article of your clothing or a dirty sheet/towel/t-shirt. You can also make "scent strips" from these items and place them in trails leading to your door. 4. Go out in the evening with a flashlight and look under porches, sheds, hollow logs, etc. 5. You can make chum trails leading to your door by using a can of cat food and a gallon of warm water. Shake well and sprinkle in trails leading to your door. You can also make scent trails using dirty litter. 6. Your cat will be most active between dusk and dawn. Trying shaking a bag of treats and softly calling your cat's name while searching with a flashlight to catch the reflection of your cat's eyes. 7. Get fliers up right away and ask neighbors to check garages, etc. 8. File a lost report with the appropriate shelter and visit *in person* often. Most cats do not go far, especially those that are not used to spending time outdoors. I have been informed that putting the litter box out may attract other creatures. However, it worked for me. Just keep an eye out. Look up in the trees! Walk your neighborhood in increasingly large circles around your home. Your footsteps will give your kitty a scent trail home. Repeat! Give a photo and description to your mail carrier and newspaper delivery person.


Ilona M.

4 years ago

Shared and hope the best


Lisa P.

4 years ago

Put her litter box and several items that smell like you out on the porch and crack your garage door and a back door. Also ask neighbors to check under bushes, decks and in garages. Go door to door and give flyers to neighbors and ask if they have seen your pet. Check and post on craigslist lost and found,,,, Colorado lost and found pets FB page, and check every shelter every day including foothills animal shelter and humane Society of South Platte Valley. Praying you find your baby!


Nancy G.

4 years ago

Hope you find your baby


Sue T.

4 years ago

Poppy is beautiful. Recently on facebook I saw that a cat was returned home after 28 days so there is hope. Shared. I’m so sorry your sweet cat is temporarily lost. Post free on to alert your neighbors to be on lookout. Everything I am listing in this post I did, got my kitty back 2 times. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of searching at night. Always found my cats @ night. Look up in trees, found my cat 1 night, she meowed when I called out, looked up w flashlight, found her! Put your cat’s used litter box out, they will smell it, something that smells like u & a bowl of smelly cat food, battery candles - cats are attracted to light. If you have a garage door, keep slightly open 4 them 2 come in. My neighbor's cat was missing 17 days before another neighbor saw her post on Nextdoor & told her that her cat had been in her backyard, only a couple of houses away. Cats feel more comfortable coming out in the cloak of darkness, they are nocturnal. Take bag of treats, shake it, call out, then sit quietly 2 see your cat will come. My cat was stuck in a garage all night, walked down that very same alley during the daylight, did not hear him meow. Walked same alley again that night, called near garages, stopped & listened. Sure enough, I heard his little meow & I found him! He went missing once for 3 days. I hung fliers everywhere, walked alleys, went to shelters (do not depend on whoever answers the phone, they are overcrowded and have too many incoming and outgoing pets to keep track of, go look for yourself. I got him home the 3rd day, he just came walking home. Driving around @ night helped me find them because my car lights would reflect the light of their eyes. Many times I have found pets & been able to return home w tag address so it is so important to your cat chipped, collar w chip info, pet’s name, your name, current address, phone number. I now have a cat enclosure which I love. My cats can go outside, I never have to worry, they are enclosed in their wonderfully safe outdoor area and nothing can get in. Sky and Lance built my enclosure, great to work with. Their company is Cat-Topia4.7 Cat-Topia.



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