Add Lost & Found Pets to Your Site

Help reunite more fur babies with their families by adding a local lost & found pets feed to your website or blog.

Feed Installation: WordPress Site

If you have a WordPress website or blog, adding a local lost & found pets feed is simple.

Follow the installion instructions at this link, or simply search for 'PawBoost' in the Add New Plugin section of your WordPress admin panel.

Feed Installation: Non-WordPress Site

Configure the feed using the below fields, then click the 'Get Code' button.

Copy the code that generates, then paste it in the HTML where you want it to appear on your website or blog.

Add the following code to your website or blog:

<script async src=""charset="utf-8"></script>
<div id="pawboost-widget" data-url="httpss://" data-zip="20147" data-distance="25" data-sort="recency" data-within-past="90" data-per-page="8" data-height="700px"></div>

Need help getting this code added to your website? Send us an email at

Feed Settings

Setting Description Default Required
data-status The status of the pet. Lost, Found No
data-zip The zip code of the area in which pets will be searched. Your current zip code Yes
data-distance The radius of the area in which pets will be searched (miles). Max: 50 miles 25 No
data-animal-type The species of the animal which will be searched. All Species No
data-sort The order in which the pets will be displayed in the LFDB feed. recency No
data-within-past The number of days since the pet as been lost/found. 90 No
data-per-page The number of results to display per page. 8 No
data-height The height of the widget 700px No