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Lennox is Missing in Daly City, CA

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2year old Un Neutered Striped tabby, neck and arm recently shaved from IV and being hospitalized overnight for a fever.


Daly City, CA 94015




May 6, 2022

HappyCatLady .

2 years ago

💖🐱Dear guardian 💖🐱 Don't give up ....FLYER YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - replace flyers so neighbors know Lennox is still missing. Cats will remain for months and months doing their best to survive…don’t give up on your furry baby - we are all praying for you...don't give up...Replace worn flyers and Put up more flyers a few blocks out in all direction ...I encourage you to talk to your neighbors AGAIN to remind them your kitty is still missing and that you need their help to keep an eye out and ask a neighbor to report your kitty is lost on the RING camera network... Every morning I get texts from people who find their cats while calling for them after 10pm at night..please continue to call for your cat and/or make that noise that kitty is familiar with whether it's keys jingling or treat bag crinkles or simply your calm voice may seem hopeless to do this but I am telling you everything you do helps! cover all possibilities: Check nearby shelter ONLINE DAILY and IN PERSON weekly (some cats are NOT posted online at the shelters!) Deliver updated flyers to each residence starting with your block and expanding outward 2 blocks in all directions...Continue to use your motion activated wifi camera pointed at wet food and water bowl daily. If you don't have one - I emplore you to get one and put out food/water every day... So many cases guardians are ready to give up then they finally put the camera out there (whether wifi to your phone or WILD LIFE camera with batteries no wifi) and after some days or a week they will Spot their cat - after being gone for weeks or months...spotting kitty eating the food changes everything and so many people discover this with the camera - then sometime they have to TRAP their cat because kitty is in survival mode and hides even from their guardian...cats are survivors and once they are back inside at home, they go back to being sweet cozy loving kitty. I didn't know about using cameras 1st year I was helping people and now I use it in every case (for disabled or seniors who can't walk around) it's a HUGE help and again this is to cover all possibilities... FLYERS all over the neighborhood and going door to door to talk to neighbors is KEY in spreading the word to the exact people who COULD spot her! Wishing you LOVE and HOPE and unwavering DETERMINATION🐱🐱🙏💖 damia foti 💜💜💜


Damia F.

2 years ago

🐱💜🙏So sorry you haven't found your sweet heart breaks for you I know the horrible worry....The thing I've learned the last few years is cats will remain VERY nearby for weeks and months ...Put up more flyers a few blocks out to be sure (in case there is a territorial cat keeping kitty away) but know that even after months, owners still find their cat within the block...cats try to return (unless they are stuck and this is why you also have to talk to your neighbors AGAIN to remind them your kitty is still m missing and that you need their help to keep an eye out and to check their RING camera for you... Every morning I get texts from people who find their cats while calling for them after 10pm at night..please continue to call for your cat and/or make that noise that kitty is familiar with whether it's keys jingling or treat bag crinkles or simply your calm may seem hopeless to do this but I am telling you - cover all possibilities 💖🐱 everything you do helps! It's checking ONLINE DAILY at all the nearby shelters in case he gets trapped by someone and going to the shelters and checking IN PERSON every 4 or 5 days (some cats are NOT posted online at the shelters!) Post up more flyers and talking to neighbors - delivering flyers to each residence...And if you haven't gotten a camera yet -buy one ASAP and point it to wet food and water bowl that you should be keeping on property (but not viewable to folks coming in and out of apt complex) So many cases guardians are ready to give up then they finally put the camera out there (whether wifi to your phone or WILD LIFE camera with batteries no wifi) and after some days or a week they will Spot their cat - after being gone for weeks or months...spotting kitty eating the food changes everything and so many people discover this with the camera - then sometime they have to actually TRAP their cat who is in a scared, survival mode and hides from their guardians...cats are survivors and once they are back inside they go back to being your normal sweet cozy loving kitty. I didn't know about using cameras 1st year I was helping people and now I use it in every case (for disabled or seniors who can't walk around) it's a HUGE help and again this is to cover all possibilities...sending you love and hope oxoxo💖🙏 many cats are found weeks and months after they've gone missing...don't stop taking action....see below another guardian finds her kitty stuck in a yard after checking more than once!...yes - talk to you neighbors - ask if YOU can check their yards etc..ask the to check RING camera footage...continue to leave wet food and water by exist door and aim a Video camera - sometimes cats flip a survival switch and won't come back inside (in case she is not stuck) unless lured back in or trapped - you want to SEE who is eating the food - you can't believe how many guardians are shocked to see their kitty eat food then run away...(once caught on tape then you'll know if you have to use a humane trap...) This is to cover ALL possibilities as we aren't sure if she's trapped or staying away due to a recent bully cat who is in the neighborhood? or if a human did something to scare her... assume everything and take action to make sure every option is considered...replace worn flyers...remind neighbors to check bats /crawl spaces or better yet - allow YOU to...she may only meow when you call her nearby where she is stuck..and it might have to be at night!. If kitty is approachable someone may have brought your cat inside or to a shelter so you must also check the shelter every few days IN PERSON (not all cats are shown online!) and adding flyers in the neighborhood and going door to door is KEY in spreading the word to the exact people who COULD SPOT her! Wishing you LOVE and Continued HOPE and unwavering DETERMINATION🐱🙏💖


Damia F.

2 years ago

Check your city's shelter today and weekly - dont rely on online only - there will be cats not posted online from shelters so it's really important to go in person and check with your eyes and while there - give your flyer and call every few days to follow up with whoever helps you in person. Many times cat get trapped and brought to the shelter AFTER the owner has stopped checking consistently and then they get processed through...if sick they tend to euthanize..if healthy and friendly they put for adoption. It's mating season and Male cats that are not fixed are driven to mate - and kinda flip to their 'wild' side mode..keep leaving wet food and water just outside the door he went out from with lights off at night (raccoons love dry food and aren't attracted to wet food usually) FLYERS are working everyday as I get texts and calls from cat owners who tell me the flyers got the word out to the exact neighbors that need to know your cat is still missing! Posting on nextdoor is great for support and more tips and also sometimes online connection works! Cover all possibilities , dont stop taking action and dont give up on your cutie💖🐱🙏


Damia F.

2 years ago

Getting FLYERS to all your neighbors about your missing baby is KEY - 2-3 blocks in ALL directions Print 250 more flyers - post UP on every street corner and middle of the block - AND deliver to each residence asking For a PHOTO of Lennex - reward for a photo of Lennex - since there are so many lost/stray/tabbies really helps to ask on the flyer "REWARD FOR PHOTO" if they THINK they spot him. Check shelters online DAILY and in person weekly the one closest to you though do NOT depend on someone finding and trapping your baby...he looks like such. sweetie...praying you find him soon xoxo


Damia F.

2 years ago

Continue to search for Lenex after 10pm and before 5am when it's dark and quiet....walk around calling for him with stinky wet food...set up a camera with food to discover if he's coming to either location - Wild life camera on amazon I use - takes 8 batteries and you don't need wifi- you set it up and review the footage directly from the your new home set up a camera like a Reolink or mini blink to access via your smart phone...FLYER both neighborhoods - distribute flyers to each residence - if apt buildings tape flyers to mailboxes (see photo below of the flyers I delivered to every single building around the block yesterday for another lost cat)



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