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Boogie Butt is Missing in Brooklyn Center, MN

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Boogie Butt








This is MY BABY BOY 😢 I thought maybe the noise of the guys repaving the parking lot of my apmts this morning was scaring him from coming - but now it's been almost 18 hours and he always comes back every hour to check in with me, eat a little snack, and go back out. But he also LOVES to sleep all day and snuggle me. I just know he's got to be hungry and there's gotta be something preventing him from coming back. Please please please help me find him and get him . He's my emotional support cat and without knowing where he is, has caused me to go into full blown panic mode and have panic attacks all day long


He lost his collar outside just prior to him not coming back and looks like many other tabby cats. However he has a black spot on the roof of his mouth and his belly is more of a light brown compared to the rest of him. He's talkative and likes to be pet


Brooklyn Center, MN 55430


Humboldt Ave and 69th Ave North Brooklyn Center


May 24, 2023

Danielle S.

11 months ago

I am the owner and can I just say how cruel it is to have someone tell you that your pet is with them and then ask you for a code?? That's not even right!!!! All I want is my baby boy is to come home 😢


Dede T.

11 months ago

Put soft fishy food out on your steps and check often


Lizzie B.

11 months ago

Extra strength prayers he's safe nearby (cats usually stay in the vicinity) and home very very soon - put his food and shelter outside your door in a protected area and/or in your garage - diligently canvas the area and businesses with large colorful posters and flyers - contact local animal control, vets, and rescues for any possible leads - cross post on neighborhood/community FB pages for further reach - cats are superior survivalists - stay vigilant in searching and don’t lose hope 🙏🏻❤️💪🏼 P.s. Beware of scammers demanding codes & $$$ for information about your kitty.


Pat P.

11 months ago

If you have lost a cat, please do the following: If you have a garage or outside building, leave door open a little bit with some of your clothing out with your scent on it! Cats usually move around at night, leave outside lights on and check often! Go outside between dusk to dawn and call your cat’s name softly! If you have a community watch post there too! Ask Neighbors that if they have security cameras to please monitor! Check with your neighbors, could be hiding in a garage or building or under a porch or deck! Check under bushes and up in trees! If you search tonight, use a flashlight and look for the glow of it’s eyes! Put flyers through out your neighborhood! Maybe walk through your neighborhood spreading your scent. Check the Humane Society’s website for cats that are under their care everyday! Please keep in mind that your cat could be found in a different area. Notify the Local Veterinarians and Shelters in your area.


Tina H.

11 months ago

Please immediately take some steps to get him back in- if you have any way that you can leave the door your cat went out opened enough for him to get back in, please do so for a few hours. I’ve given this advice to multiple people and many had their cat just mosey right inside and act like nothing happened!! Also, as soon as it’s dusk and dawn- be outside and walk around or just sit within 20ft from your home. If your cats an indoor cat, they haven’t went far- only 20ft for days!! They are just great at hiding!! Ok, at dusk and dawn be outside as long as you can just calling for him like you would while inside and not missing. Do not be frantic. Do a call and listen. Multiple times. Many times you’ll hear a meow. Cats hide until foot traffic and car traffic calms down. Then they come out to explore- again- he’s most likely within 20ft of where he escaped!! Bring his food out or if he knows the sound of treats in a jar or can shaking, cal his name and then shake. Remember- sound like yourself and without worry as cats pick that up. Look everywhere within 20ft- especially a garage during these hot days! Look up too- check trees and garage roofs and definitely in between the garages. Set things out that smell like his people or himself including cat bed, worn clothing. Set them by the door where he went out to keep him close. Cats come out at dawn and dusk for a short time and then run and hide again. Hoping you get him inside!!



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