AnastasiaMaria A.
11 months ago
Contact Lost Animal Resource Group - LARG ASAP!!!! They help with signs, laying scent trails, and trapping.
***The FIRST AND FOREMOST thing they will advise is SIGNS!!!! They can make all the difference to successful recovery. Signs should say: MISSING, include picture, and contact number. Place sign in plastic sheet protector or gallon size ziplock bags, open side down (keeps rain out) and tape well, especially bottom. Tape signs to EVERY stop sign/ intersection, &lamp post in a 2-5 mile radius of home and where they went missing. At LEAST 100‐300 posters. TIME IS CRITICAL!!!
**Can’t stress enough the importance of signs!! Signs are THE #1 way pets get home.
DON’T HESITATE!! Contact LARG now!!! There is a form to fill out on their wwebsite to get you started.
(**Beware of anyone contacting you saying you need to pay money for help. ) Most REPUTABLE resource/rescue groups, like LARG, will NOT ask you for money to help, they will NOT send verification codes, or immediately suggest you pay for a track. In MOST cases, there are other PROVEN first line strategies, like signs, BEFORE a track is advised.) Info to help you protect yourself from scammers. ❤
**If dog is seen, do NOT Chase, do NOT call, do NOT whistle. If dog sees you, STOP,, sit down on ground or lay lower than dog,, do NOT approach,, offer smelly food (royal farm chicken off the bone, hot dogs, hamburger, kibble) from a distance and back away slowly.. do NOT make eye contact. (CALMING SIGNALS) Let pup come to you on their own terms. Most often pup in this mental state has to be trapped. Please....any chasing, calling, whistling can cause pup to panic & run into traffic.
"Download Lost Pet Tips - Missing Animal Response Network"
Vitally Important to understand, dog is in "SURVIVAL mode". It will not react as it usually does even to those it is familiar with. It is like the dog has PTSD. Anything and everything is perceived as a danger to its survival and will run immediately If approached, called, or even looked at. Any chasing or calling will cause dog to run farther and possibly get hurt.
**If dog is seen, do NOT Chase, do NOT call, do NOT whistle. If dog sees you, STOP,, sit down on ground or lay lower than dog,, do NOT approach,, offer smelly food (royal farm chicken off the bone, hot dogs, hamburger, kibble) from a distance and back away slowly.. do NOT make eye contact. (CALMING SIGNALS) Let pup come to you on their own terms. Most often pup in this mental state has to be trapped. Please....any chasing, calling, whistling can cause pup to panic & run into traffic.
Please contact
Freestate Pet Tracking
John Roth