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Mr Grey is Missing in Fremont, CA

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Mr Grey








Mr Grey used to be a feral in someone's backyard before I took him . He recently got out and I miss my baby so much. He doesn't have a collar yet (one was in the mail) and he is skittish. Please let me know if anyone sees anything


white with grey fur on top of head and ears, tipped ear


Fremont, CA 94555


Warbler Loop


April 2, 2023

HappyCatLady .

1 year ago

Roni Depue Emma your 14 year old calico lost since Jan- did you post on pawboost? I don't see it. She is still out there too surviving as best she can. I would Flyer 2 blocks+ for both cats - a combined you need me to create the flyer for you to print? Call/text me 650-339-6619 I'm free and just want you to find your babies. Both are most likely hiding out during the days and looking for food at night...Hunger always wins so if the cats are too scared to come forward when you're walking around at night or early mornign (with flashlight to catch the reflection of their eyes) this is why you want to leave wet food and water out and aim a camera that will notifiy your phone of any movement and safe video clips for you to review. The $35 mini blinnk is very easy to connect to any smartphone you have to change the setting to receive phone notificaitons. If you don't have a smart phone you can use a BABY MONITOR that has the feature of notifiying you of need a way to monitor who eats the food - and if you will end up needing to TRAP 1 or both cats. Your flyer should ask neighbors to take a photo and call you and not to approach the cats who will run. It's not too late to find Emma. Though getting her home may take you sitting on the ground with a cat carrier case handy and luring her with treats or setting up a TRAP and waiting for her - that's why it's best to get the cats coming to the food as you'll know what time and trap at that time. first you need to FLOOD the neighborhood with flyers...Drop flyers in mailboxes door to door (knock and talk to neighbors is super helpful - most people will say I don't see any cats but they don't understand that scared cats HIDE and are very stealthy...)


Roni D.

1 year ago

HappyCatLady I’m going to have to look at this great information when I have more time tonight. Our 14yr old calico cat has been lost since Jan 26th, did have a possible sighting of Emma about a week ago, a neighbor 2 streets over called me that he thinks it was Emma he saw but she ran away when he tried to get closer. Been going over there to look for her when we can. Today the city did yard work on the pathway that goes by our house, so all that noise probably scared her more but at least the over growth is gone off the pathway so we can see better down the pathway.


Mary A.

1 year ago

Although he was previously feral he will still hide like an indoor only kitty when in a new territory ( outside)


Mary A.

1 year ago

If he is an indoor only cat, he is hiding very nearby where he was last seen. The good news is indoor cats are always found you just need to look everywhere! Look with a flashlight even during the day. Put out dirty laundry and other familiar scents outside ASAP with food and water and bedding. Litter box if no coyotes in the area. Look under bushes, decks, porches and cars with a flashlight even during the day . Look for him anywhere he could hunker down and hide in or under. Put flyers on neighbors porches asking them to check their property throughly for anywhere he could be hiding in case he slipped out of your yard. Look inside sheds and garages too. Post on Nextdoor and file a lost report with the San Leandro Animal Control asap . Hope you find your kitty soon . Just don’t stop looking everywhere . Our daughters cat, who looks alike like yours slipped out of the house and hid almost two weeks until we saw her on security cameras. We finally set a humane cat trap near her litter box and caught her within a few hours. So leave the porch light on and put out some tuna or smelly cat food where you can monitor from a distance. If he continues to hide, set the trap in the early morning hours picking up all outside food. Do not leave food out at night. You will find him , just don’t stop looking. Hope you find your sweet kitty soon.


Lynda W.

1 year ago

HappyCatLady Thanks for the Great information!!



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