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Mantou is Missing in Yaphank, NY

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o Friends and Neighbors, We are reaching out with a heavy heart to ask for your help. Our beloved cat, ManTou has gone missing and we are desperate to find him. ManTou is more than just a pet; he is a cherished member of our family. If you have any information, no matter how small, please contact us immediately at A $1000 reward is offered for his safe return. We are immensely grateful for any assistance you can provide in helping us reunite with ManTou. Please keep an eye out and share this message with others in our community. Thank you so much for your help and support.


2 years old, big cat ragdoll


Yaphank, NY 11980


Cornell Lp and Boulevard E. By the Southoaw Brewing Company


March 16, 2024

Marilyn E.

11 months ago



Linda G.

11 months ago

Please, it is so important if you go out there day and night early and late when it’s most quiet and call kitty’s name, shake your cats treats bring a flashlight look for glowing eyes put food and water and the camera bit right by it to see what’s going on while you’re not around your cat could be coming back at night when you’re sleeping. The best person to get the cat back is you. Very important. You continue to feed your cat around same time every day. Very important to keep calling your Cat day & night when it’s most quiet. Also get a camera, so you can see what’s going on when you’re not there. Please don’t waste time help your family kitty home. Please follow these steps to help your kitty to come home 🏡… really keep calling kitty in dusk, & Dawn. Put things out the litter. Anything you have from your brush hair anything that kitty remembers. This will help Kitty smell and find his way home. I do TNR please If you follow these steps you are sure to get your kitty....Please get a trail camera or any kind of camera, so u can see what is going on when u r not around. I got mine at Walmart or s sporting goods for less than $30, put it by the trap, we’re you will put kitty food out. You could get A trap from A shelters near you, Put some hair from your brush in trap , and try to place trap by Bush, a hedge camouflage with large leaves. With food in the back. sprinkle kitties Litter! cats can smell up to 500 to 1000 feet. sprinkle a little left right back in front of your house. took me one month to get my cat back. Stay on top of it every day. prayers.. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Also check local rescues and shelters, Vets Police Station to see if anyone Sometimes it takes a dog and a cat time to get along. I have a cats and a dog have a 11 cats at once W/ my dog .. I used two baby gates in a bedroom and I let the cats stay in the bedroom so they could sniff each other and it worked put a little bit of the cat stuff by the dog but the cat sleeping on the blanket or a towel pillow and vice versa take something from the dog and place it by the Cat 🐾🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😿 has brought your cat in … sometimes you have to check every 3 to 5 days. Somebody can find your cat weeks leader and bring them there. 🐾


Pam T.

11 months ago

Here are some names of some great trackers please call them for help or advice Check neighbor s ring camera or get camera set up at your home You can get a have a heart trap and trap yourself Leave some of your soiled clothing out around outside your home for scent Put up flyers to Post on your school district moms PTA page Prayers 🙏🏻❤️🐾


Nika Z.

11 months ago



Ji Y.

11 months ago

When my Louis ,managed to escape my fenced-in backyard, I felt like the worst pet owner, carrying immense guilt for not immediately knowing that she’d left or where she’d gone. I got a recommendation from my worker about the missing pet recovery team. I reach out to them and they’re able to find my Louis safely. I suggest you reach out to them on Instagram if you have a similar problem you can send a text to them " lookformypet " on Instagram to help you find your pet on instagram ? with photos of your missing/stolen pet



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