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Sebastion is Missing in Calimesa, CA

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It's mommie Please realize you're in California not Las Vegas Nevada and this address I've given the world would be where you still could be our ran from the address a Total stranger but Dottie you where kidnapped from Nevada then found big Bear lake. Facebook said on rescue group then this address last seen gave to wrong owner they want tell , me who and I know you are running looking for us your family we pray for warmth and quick rescue I Love you hughes


Pure white toy poodle All big sparkling White teeth Long wire tail & very buff , strong,fit,yet light weight 13-18 pounds his hair wool like hair texture thick unless shaved thin it's never curly poodle very unique looking dog male intact very clean upkeep very swell all his life big back feet with straight long wire laying back tail not standing up nor docked facial whiskers with bottom big black lip ears fall down just right not floppy cleanest you've ever seen inside them very well taken care of the entrance to them and his anal the prettiest pink you've ever seen as he is non-stop joy and happiness to all always brings joy and happiness to anyone and everyone without having to try to be that way nor is he trying to do that it's just is truly my son along with his Christian soul . Doesn't bark Doesn't cause any concerns very human and smart very non needy nor any trouble nor hassle. He doesn't know his age nor look it in the least and I only mentioned it and everything I've mentioned from the jump of the actual assurance of abduction of a family-owned pet it All correct first time the truth not for it to be taken and used and it dwelled on and such hateful things . Why would you pick on those little things like you people have done is very sick evil and truly is mind bothering and a threat to even a soul completely of God and not of the world for it still hurts and not right . He knows his place and will and God's will And that being he is to be with me Miss Denise Hughes and his baby brothers and he'd never ever just give up no matter the time of it all never for he is not replaceable nor am I replaceable his mother owner that's all he's known since he was born the day up for I weaned him & purchased him legally and I kept him safe and of God alone & young and healthy for my lifestyle consistent that only us family not world and no addictions no hang ups no ever needy nor not of complete happiness and of my responsibilities as a pet owner for I used to feel 100 % of perfect pet & I owner . He isn't dead nor does God's will just end due to the world's intervening and uninvited into a private citizens family or purpose no mam no sir for what is written into the book of life God's own writing never changes and nor does God's will therefore if Sebastion wasn't tricked nor I and even given that chance to abduct my dog he'd still be right beside me his mother with the dog Sebastion full of life and giving me life and happiness purpose and reasons keeping me safe and our life's under god alone him still being same health for it doesn't fail at all 0-5 years hell no and his looks head too toes exactly the same way as I last held my own son for it doesn't work that way for it would take very neglected and abused physically and emotionally and forced breeding & sex our just raped and with very unclean life living spaces with flifth and not clean water and eating from dumpsters for time frame of 10-15 years straight from the creature being so loved & up kept with a lifestyle of clean & godly ness , for that reality... So legally and reality speaking Aug 2,2021 would be the last day Sebastion Hughes was seen Not by me legal the only registered by law and purchased with own hard earned means of living since Sebastion born day of I weaned and bought him He being my son by law . So posted by the pet group California on Facebook Denise Joan Bergquist & Joan Bergquist unknown suspects posting my dog and my dog pictures they took they saying Aug 2,2021 he was reunited with his family ! Not legal nor real nor true ... But , want simply give me owner and mother of fur pups the supposedly people she of taken my dog to which she has said hateful since 2021-2024 I trying to rescue my dog yet never will be able to she refuses to give me the name, address , number of the supposedly Mexican couple that she took my dog too saying they were the owners yet post she plans to help the young couple since they can't afford the chip or balls clipped or registering the dog I told them I'd help them Does the woman realize what she posted and what her own words and actions say and mean ! They aren't the owners ! I sent bid of purchase and owner ship real shit and his vet record since day of birth and proof of I own my dog she still kept lieng and with holding the evidence and that is illegal and a crime and she is in a crime until returns my dog and same as original first abductors Rene P Benaris senior flippno 58 of age and last seen 22 my ex6 west saint Louis st #2 Las Vegas nv Until moved supposedly popl parkway behind the panda express those cndmniums L-3 But , he also running from law and punishment and remorse and the return of my dog Sebastion Hughes .


Calimesa, CA 92320


Joan Bergquist (909) 794-0565 & 909-75 Denise Bergquist Lives in Redlands, CA (909) 528-5583


September 6, 2020


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