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Chit chat is Missing in Brook Park, OH

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Chit chat










Typical tabby


Brook Park, OH 44142


Holland and smith


March 6, 2021

Marge H.

3 years ago



Christina S.

3 years ago

Here are a ton of good tips to try taken from many sources: Look VERY closely in the bushes, shrubs, weeds directly around your house. Many times they do not go far but can hide extremely well & will NOT come when called. Even to their owners. They get out, get very frightened & go into total stealth mode. Also look in neighbors garages, sheds, weeds & shrubs, etc. We had friends who's cat got out, did not come when called, they looked & looked in their yard & finally heard him sneeze & found him right beside the house in the flowers, shrubs, etc. They think he had been there the whole time which was, to the best of my recall, more than a week. It was really quite a long time. Here is some info from INDOOR CAT Indoor-only cats are likely to be found very close to home; in fact, sometimes they are stuck or hiding INSIDE the home! They are most often found in or around the owner’s or an immediate neighbor’s home in the bushes, under the house, in a shed, under a deck, or some other hiding place. When they get out, indoor cats tend to be quiet and fearful, and to hunker down and not emerge, even to the sound of the owner’s voice. We have counseled owners on many cases where they were calling and shaking the food bag right next to where the cat was hiding, but there was no response. Indoor cats are in danger of being labeled as feral in a shelter environment, because they are not socialized to other people and environments and will likely hiss, strike, and display other “wild” behavior when stressed. This is why it is critical to get them back in their homes as quickly as possible. SHY CAT Shy cats will hide and avoid people for very long periods of time. We have experienced many cases where cats hid for days or even weeks and miraculously survived after being found. After days or weeks of searching, the owner may give up, believing their cat is dead when he is still hiding (or stuck) nearby and in need of medical attention. OUTGOING CAT The outgoing cat may be vocal and approach people, even following them home. Because of this, he may travel away from his own home then become disoriented and unable to find his way back. Such outgoing cats are in danger of being taken in and kept by finders who mean well but assume the cat has been abandoned. Put used litter box outside - they can smell their scent from a mile away. you can also put out a piece of your worn clothing for your scent. check garages and local rescue sites. check shelters and take a flyer. you can also put out a sign in your yard with picture and contact information check with your local mail person and give them a flyer. if they like treats, go out after dark and sit down. talk like you would a phone call - they know your voice. they don't know what house is their's like we do. anything with their scent, bed, toys, ect, will help them find their house. Try a live trap - you can get one at your local shelter or tractor supply and rural king sells them. Make sure you know how to properly use it not to hurt kitty and use tuna or wet food. Put it close to a window so you can keep your eyes on it. if you have an open garage door put something with scent near cover the trap with towels to keep calm if caught and check every couple hours - dont leave over night unsupervised. Here are a few things you can try. Cats usually don’t go very far. They just hide well. Cats are very active at dusk and dawn and tend to move around more at night. So first of all go out and call for him. They know your voice!!! You can put their food/water, litter box and lots of cat nip outside your house to help draw him back. Check nearby garages, especially under porches and decks, dense bushes, etc. Get one of those strong flashlights they will catch a cat's reflective eyes two blocks away and save you tons of time!!! Go to your neighbors and let them know your kitty got out and give them your contact info. Walk your neighborhood and talk to people as you can. Again most likely your cat is nearby. Post on Facebook and other sites about your missing cat. Many times cats are found within a couple hundred feet of their homes. Post fliers around your neighborhood with your phone number that people can call day or night. And talk to your mail carrier. They see lots of animals. Make sure you call local animal shelters, etc…Run ads in local newspapers too! Try lost cat sites like Tabby Tracker,, Sam The Parrot on Face Book, Lost Cats of whatever county you're in, etc...Cats can disappear for days, weeks, months and longer and return so don’t give up!!!! If someone took your cat call the police it's a 5th degree felony now here in Ohio to hurt an animal...Keep at it, keep us updated and please get the cat micro chipped and have a collar on at all times. Indoor cats escape all the time!!! Best of luck!!! TRY THESE TIPS!!! Everyone PLEASE take a second and copy and paste this to anyone who made need it!!! Cats rarely go far and are often found very close! Indoor only cats are found the closest to home! They hide very well, especially when scared!!! Cats are very active at dusk and dawn and tend to move around more at night. The most successful things you can do; 1-Walk your neighborhood, talk to people as you can. 2-Talk to your mail carrier they see lots of animals!!! 3-Post fliers in your area with contact information and your cat’s photo!!! 4-Call for him or her, they know your voice! 5-Put their food/water, litter box and cat nip outside your house to draw him back as they can smell these a mile away. 6-Check nearby garages, especially under porches, decks, dense bushes, etc. They often wind up at your neighbors house!!! A strong flashlight will catch a cat's reflective eyes two blocks away at night and save you tons of time! 7-Let your neighbors know your kitty got out and give them your contact info. 8-Post on Facebook about your missing cat. Call local animal shelters, etc…Run ads in local newspapers too! Try lost cat sites like LostMyKitty, Sam The Parrot-Face Book, PawBoost, Lost Cats of whatever county you're in, etc… Cats can disappear for days, weeks, months, years and return so never give up!!!! If someone took your cat call the authorities it's against the law here in Ohio to hurt or put an animal in danger. Get the cat micro chipped and have a collar on at all times. Indoor cats escape often! go outside late at night or very early in the morning while everything is quiet. speak softly and gently and sit down. cats feel safest at night and you may have better luck then! Could your cat be in the house somewhere like a closet, drawer, box, in upholstered furniture, rafters, etc. and can’t get out? Small cats can hide in some unbelievable places. He's probably hunkered down somewhere close. Go out late at night and early morning and talk gently. Cats feel safest at those times. Also use a flashlight to scan the bushes and area to find him by his glowing eyes. Many rescues recommend putting the litter box outside, but some posts will say not to.


Missi B.

3 years ago

Shared with prayers for this sweet baby!!! <3


Diana S.

3 years ago

I am so sorry your kitty is missing. In case you have not already done so, try these tips; pethaps one of them will help bring him home. Put something with an odor that Chit Chat would recognize outside your door. It could be his food dish, cat bed, carrier, favorite blanket, or even something that you have worn recently but have not yet laundered. Cats who get out rarely go far and they have a keen sense of smell so a familiar scent can help lead them home. Check for Chit Chat often, especially in the morning and around dusk when cats are the most active. Use a strong flashlight to search hiding places in the area such as under porches, under bushes, behind in between garbage containers and recycling bins. Go back and check the same spots at different times of day. Chit Chat may not be in any of them when you first look, but he could show up in one of them later. Ask neighbors to look for Chit Chat in their garages. He might seek shelter in an open one, slip in unnoticed, and be trapped there when the door is shut. Give neighbors your contact number. That way if they do see him they can keep him closed safely inside and call you immediately to come and get him. Contact animal shelters and rescue organizations to see if anybody has brought in a cat that looks like Chit Chat. Somebody could find him, not know how to locate his family, and think that the best thing they can do is surrender him to a humane facility. Leave your number with all of the places that you reach. Ask them to call you if anybody should bring in a cat that resembles yours. Post flyers with Chit Chat’s photo and your contact info throughout the neighborhood, asking anybody who sees him to call you immediately. Include any information, (such as his favorite treats, if he can be picked up and if/how he likes to be petted) that might help a person who sees him keep him in the same area until you can get there. Be sure to call Chit Chat by name whenever you are outside looking for him or even if you just step out to do something like get your mail or take out the garbage. He might be nearby and able to hear you. Don’t yell since loud voices can scare a cat. Use the same tone of voice that you use when you call him inside the house. That helped us find our lost cat after she had been missing for three days. She finally meowed in response to her name, but even though we could hear her we could not see where she was. We followed the sound and discovered her hiding in a sheltered alcove by a neighbor’s garage – a place we had already checked several times. If nothing else works, you could try setting up a humane trap on your porch or by your door in case Chit Chat visits in the middle of the night when you aren’t awake to see or hear him. (I believe that some shelters will let you borrow a humane trap for a small deposit fee. Ask about it when you call to see if a cat like Chit Chat has been surrendered there.) Good luck! And don’t give up hope. Cats have been known to return after days, weeks, even months and sometimes years. But I hope that Chit Chat back home with you very, very soon.


Lissa L.

3 years ago




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