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Coco Or Morita is Missing in Phoenix, AZ

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Coco Or Morita










Color café con la nariz negra


Phoenix, AZ 85040




December 12, 2024

Lex H.

1 month ago

Hey you need better pictures! The dog is too small in this poster and people will scroll on by and not see what your dog looks like. You need a picture that is clear where your dog takes up the whole picture! This breed looks a lot alike there are so many that run away in the valley. It's really important that the owners spend time looking for their dog it's hard for the rescue volunteers to tell one from the other often times. please make sure you read this and put your pet on Petco love lost and religiously put pictures in there and check. It pulls from several places so you have a good chance of finding them by doing searches on there. Also I would stay checking comments and post on the neighbor app and the next door app as well as posting on there yourself but look for other people finding him/her and posting him on there it's really the fastest way to get pets back since they're usually less than a mile from home IF U ACT FAST!! Where Owners Typically Post👎 - Nextdoor - Facebook groups (Lost Pet groups, local community groups) # Where Finders Typically Post👏🎉 - Neighbor app - Nextdoor 🎯OWNERS YOU NEED TO BE HERE TOO! _Important:_ If you're not posting on the Neighbor app, you could be missing your pet! # Where Rescue Volunteers Tell People to Post - Straydar - Pawboost (but let's be real...) - Nextdoor _Let's Get on the Same Page!_ We've got to start telling people to post in the same place! Work smarter, not harder. _The Truth About Pawboost:_ Stop telling people to post on PB if you're not willing to go to PB and scroll through 10 pages of dogs and email the owners. I've personally emailed 20-30 owners and not one ever responded. It feels like a waste of time. _A Better Solution:_ Petco Love Lost does not pull from PB, but it does pull from: 🔥Maricopa County Animal Care and Control 🔥The Arizona Humane Society 🔥Nextdoor AND 🔥The Neighbor app!!! YOU NEED TO BE ON THE RIGHT PLACES FOR THE BEST CHANCE OF FINDING YOUR PET. If we can funnel everybody to Petco Love Lost, they have a higher chance of finding their pet! This takes dogs off the euthanasia list, which is the ultimate goal! Isn't it time we work together to make the process more efficient and effective? Let's get more dogs home and save lives!


Lex H.

1 month ago

When a dog is at the pound, DAY 3 stray hold is over. If not adoptable can be euthanized. So depending on when the person brings your pet into the shelter or animal control brings it in, you have 3 days to find your pet! Highly recommend you follow the group on Facebook called 👉mcac urgent and adoptable. These are the dogs that are out of time.😭 it's very important if you are looking for a dog especially a husky, German shepherd, or a pit that you are on this group because these are the top dogs that show up on the list. And if for some reason you didn't find your dog before it makes it to this list this is your last chance to save your pet. I also highly recommend you follow the Facebook group called 👉MCAC field officers. This is where they post when animal control picks up dogs in the community. If you're on there and you see your dog you can catch up with it right when it gets to doggy jail.


Lex H.

1 month ago

Post your found pets on Petco love lost. It does facial recognition! 👉Rescue Community you should be using this! Use different photos of the pets if possible because it will pull up different dogs each time. Get on Petco love lost without logging in! Owners should make an account though. Click on the three lines top left Click on Petco love Click on three lines again Click on Petco love lost Click on I lost a pet, Enter zip, date lost, upload picture search and scroll through! I see pets all the time that I have seen missing/found on Next door or Facebook. I can't remember where they were. ( why hashtags are important!) You will get emails with pets that match.*17sr9qk*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MzYwNjA3MTEuQ2p3S0NBaUExZU83QmhBVEVpd0FtMEVlLUR1R1FYSFpJUUZzZ0hSUnBNdE9KNlNLTjg0UFNrMlFXSFczaFpBdGtneEtzQm90UkpmVzJob0NDdFVRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*NzMyMTgwNDkwLjE3MjkzODU3MjI.


Lex H.

1 month ago

Get on Petco love lost without logging in! Owners should make an account though. Click on the three lines top left Click on Petco love Click on three lines again Click on Petco love lost Click on I lost a pet, Enter zip, date lost, upload picture search and scroll through! I see pets all the time that I have seen missing/found on Next door or Facebook. I can't remember where they were. ( why hashtags are important!) You will get emails with pets that match.


Lex H.

1 month ago

When finding a lost pet, focus on the IMMEDIATE VICINITY! 📍 Dogs are usually less than a mile from home, and cats are often found within 10 houses or less from their home! 🏠 FIRST, POST ON THESE TWO APPS! YOU HAVE TO BE ON BOTH!* post everyday TWICE A DAY to reach your neighbors, ask them to check their cameras for your pet. 1. The Neighbor App (affiliated with Ring doorbell cams) - you don't need a cam to post! 📹 2. The Nextdoor App 📱 Use hashtags like #FoundChihuahuaGlendale or #FoundBlackCatSurprise to help with searches 🔍 Clear picture of the pet 📍 Main cross streets (not neighborhood streets) and a way to contact you! Emails . Do you have your pet on Petco love lost? Have you done a facial recognition search on there yet? After neighbor and next door post this should be absolutely the next thing. Are you posting your pet on the next door app twice a day? Are you scrolling through both of them to see if anyone else has posted your pet? Then, post on Facebook groups for your city (e.g., "Lost and Found Pets of Glendale" or "Phoenix Lost and Found Pets") Cats are usually 10 houses or less from home. They often Go Over The Back Fence and end up on the next street over and get scared and hunker down somewhere. Knock on the houses on both sides of you and ask them to check their backyard while you wait! Then check the street behind you as well. My cat was missing last year for 6 days. She was literally six houses from home and I drove past that house twice a day all week calling her she never came out. They called the pound and I got her back from animal control. So you have to check. Also at night can use a flashlight to look for eyes. Last week two people took my advice and found their pets within an hour. 🎯Post on your own Facebook page! Change your settings so people can comment!💪 If it's on private nobody can comment to get a hold of you quickly, Plus it shows that you are in fact the owner and how long you've been looking. Clear close up picture, big enough people don't have to OPEN your post to see what they're looking at. Hard enough to find pets WITH a picture, posts with no picture that say there's a dog running down the road are no bueno.



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