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Yuki is Missing in Ocala, FL

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**Missing** This precious baby is named Yuki, she's a little over a year old and went missing this morning around 12am when she ran out the front door of our apmt and headed into the wooded area next to us. We've been searching from 12am-5am and every hour since but no sign of her. We are located near the Ocala Horse Complex across from Jasmine Plaza off state road 200, area code 34476. There is a good 1/4 mile of woods before the main road that she disappeared into. She is very shy, we rescued her at 6 months so she is still nervous around people and will run from you unless you have food. She's a little foodie monster, not aggressive and very sweet once she warms up to you. She is microchipped and registered to me, Im putting an alert out to all the veterinary clinics in the area. She was also JUST vaccinated a few weeks ago, please do not allow them to vaccinate her again if you find her. Please help bring her to her family, we miss her 🥺.


Black and White domestic short hair, was rescued 6 months ago and is still very shy but sweet and will typically run from people unless you have food.


Ocala, FL 34476


Near Sw 73rd St Ocala Fl 34476


November 28, 2023

Mehdi L.

6 months ago

Please try @satellitepettracker on Instagram they’re a miracle worker they’ll show you how to bring your baby home with most of the time a positive rescue l'm gonna "Share" and pray you find your baby Good Luck😢❤️🐾


Lana M.

6 months ago



Sharon D.

6 months ago



Diana E.

7 months ago

I'm so sorry your adorable tuxedo cat (with white cheeks, and a black nose and chin) is lost. It sounds as if Yuki is an indoor cat and although you followed her (which is not advised) please try to remain hopeful. It's very possible if you haven’t found her by dark, Yuki may attempt to return on her own overnight if the conditions are just right, so if you know what to expect and how to react, you could have her back inside by morning. I've recovered many escaped cats and have a full set of instructions, but I’ll withhold them for now, hopeful you won’t need them. This is what I suggest you do during the daytime: alert nearby neighbors in case Yuki is hiding just within the complex (under a vehicle, outdoor furniture, shrubs, or shed, or carport, etc.), then, if there’s time before dark and you can search without dislodging her from her hiding spot, focus your efforts close to where she was last visualized and TIPTOE around in the daylight using a flashlight, but be quiet and discrete so as not to frighten her (SHHH! DO NOT CALL or shake treats), check every crack and crevice, look in, under and around sheds, vehicles, furniture, under foundations and porches, into trees etc. but suspend searching when it gets dark to give her the chance to return voluntarily. At dusk put something inconuous but familiar outside (blanket or worn teeshirt laid flat on the doorstep — NOT a litter box, bed, trap or anything that would change the landscape) to give Yuki the confidence to come out of hiding, and place tempting food right where she got out. Then watch and listen closely from inside (DO NOT GO BACK OUTSIDE OVERNIGHT!) and if you see Yuki approach be very careful not to startle her. Slowly and quietly provide a clear path inside and she may put an end to the crisis herself. (You may occasionally call for her overnight, but do so softly and from the doorway -- going back outside could scare her away. Also, if you can't wait up set an alarm and watch again just before sunrise -- it's a popular time.) Please let me know what happens tonight and if she's not back by morning I'll provide more detailed instructions. Also, although some suggest putting out kitty's litter box, EXPERTS WARN AGAINST IT. I've never used one in all the times I've been successful recovering a lost cat. Please read this to learn more about why it's neither necessary nor recommended:


Jerry D.

7 months ago

"Hi, I'm reaching out because I know that losing a pet can be an incredibly difficult experience. I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. It's normal to feel a wide range of emotions, and there's no right or wrong way to feel. I just want you to know that there are people and companies out there that can help you through this time. One of those companies is animal_search_service_ltd on Instagram. They have a team of experts who are dedicated to helping people find their lost pets.



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