Joanne M.
1 year ago
Put out dirty laundry, sheets, blankets, shirts, socks anything with your scents on it, leave his bedding, post and toys by the door..put out food at regular times he eats, but you need to keep an eye on it and not leave it out at nite or other animals will come around.DO NOT PUT OUT LITTER OR LITTER BOX, coyotes are the ones that smell cat urine!!!Check your garage and sheds and check under bushes around and near your house.If seen do not chase, talk to him softly until he comes to you...send flyers to your neighbors ask them to check their garages and sheds, check under cars, under the wheel wells. Tonight go out and call him every hour and dont yell, make meow sounds too, listen for his meow..he could be up in a tree listen carefully. If you get a safe havaheart trap use it early morning and during day in a safe spot and you have to keep an eye on it, dont leave trap out at night, you will get skunks or raccoons, keep doing these things, especially the dirty laundry.One last thing, leave bowls of water around, closer to your door and around your house so he wont wander for water. In addition to these tips, I can’t recommend this enough: Just hang outside, chat on your phone. Be approachable to your frightened cat, and they sometimes will meow to you or even walk right up to you.