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Mili is Missing in Oakland, CA

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My dear cat has been missing for almost a week! I had her being watched at a friend place while I was away for work, and she somehow got out. She has never been out door, and Im sure she is terrified. Any help finding her would be greatly appreciated


Short hair Tabby


Oakland, CA 94606


Lake Merritt


November 12, 2022

HappyCatLady .

1 year ago

She will remain near where she got out at your friends house..whether front or back (??) keep having your friend place wet food and water with camera aimed near ecape point..she will continue to hide from humans...if in the backyard have you tried spending the night out there and calling for her every few hours? (in sleeping bag) or if she got out from the front them to keep the garage door open wiht fodo and water inside and camera - AND since it's the weekend, try spending the night in the garage with lights low..Might seem crazy ..i don't think it is...she will hide and will most likely need to be trapped - that takes monitering for her to show up...on camera...Ive helped reunite cats that got out from another location and every single time they remain for weeks and months...and they HAD to be trapped...which meant 1st getting her coming to the food you leave out before sunset and at dusk - then once sighted THEN do a stakeout -all nighter where you wait and watch with trap set...HUNGER always wins - lure her with food - don't rely on your friend if you don't think he/she is leaving wet food and water with camera..πŸ±πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Kerstin C.

1 year ago

Please find Mili. A lot of homeless cats up in the hills of Oakland. Please go look I can’t I am handicapped.


Cherie D.

1 year ago

HappyCatLady you give stellar advice !! That's what happened to me ...lost my cat years ago .not to my fault ,a roommate did ....and found my cat after days of walking to the bat at night found my cat which was black (harder to see and find ) and found my cat with a lot of dust on him late at night about 11pm he came out from some equipment or something from behind I recall and there he was .in the day I believe he was hiding real good ! I felt a week was lucky to find him could if been worse !


HappyCatLady .

1 year ago

So precious....Have your cat sitter Leave wet food and water in front AND in back since you're not sure which way she got out and get a wifi camera aimed at both spots...if cat sitter has a garage have him/her leave it open 5" with wet food and water inside THEN bedding at the far oppsoite end of garage..get the cameras in place - I am telling you it is SO helpful to SEE who eats the food and if your cat is showing up but hiding from you THEN you know to set a trap and do a stake out...I repeat here in case you skimmed previous posts since they are long. Go there tonight and call for kitty NEAR escape point. Cats will REMAIN exactly where they were displaced for weeks and weeks and weeks. Lost cat Buster got out of his carrier next to the Vet and ran across the free way and back then darted toward a neighborhood but was FOUND 3 weeks later BEHIND the vet clinic - he had remained there for 3 weeks waiting for his human..HIDING. COntinue to talk to neighbors, replace worn flyers, flyer door to door if you haven't already done so - keep track on a google map. Hang in there..πŸ―πŸ’œ We trapped a cat that got outside of at a cat sitters house a few months ago. The owner thought the cat was GONE...I said NO, the cat is scared and will remain within ear shot even though there wasn't any place to hide (cement front yards) night the cat would return every few days - caught on a camera I set up pointed at the food - it took a few nights to trap the cat - he had to be hungry enough to go all the way into the trap (I placed a trail of a couple of blobs of wet food at the entrance and midway the trap leading to the 'trip plate' (that makes the trap door close) and dish of food at the far end .... TODAY Print MORE flyers to post around your neighborhood on every lampposts (both sides) and distribute door to door to every single residence around your block and across the street... ask folks to keep an eye out and to check yards, garages...Often times a neighbor will SPOT kitty - so DO IT ALL. I'm here if you need to talk or have any questions... You can get a basic camera with night vision that will send notifications to your phone at BEST BUY in person or or via AMAZON though it may take a few can always repurpose the camera or even return it once you're done ...Get one no matter what. Wishing you Love and determination you will find patience...and don't' let ANYONE tell you kitty is GONE - I’ve helped people find cats after they’ve been lost for weeks...hang in there and focus all your worry toward taking action in all the ways mentioned. damia foti 650-339-6619


HappyCatLady .

1 year ago

Is your cat sitter leaving WET food and water every day and night by her door or open garage 5"? Hunger always wins: maybe you can place a heated bed under cover too (BUT AWAY FROM FOOD or no cat will enter) something like this: FLYER that neighborhood every single residence. Millie IS there HIDING. You must continue to go there at night and early mornign before the sun is up...πŸ±πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™



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