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Pedro is Missing in Falls Church, VA

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We have another cat which is his brother and he’s been like crying the whole time he wasn’t here and please contact us our number is we miss him so much please let us know


He is around 4-5 months old and is not wearing a collar right now


Falls Church, VA 22041


Columbia Pike


May 4, 2024

Tara S.

9 months ago

If he's an outdoor cat that didn't come back, he could be trapped somewhere. In an empty house where somebody went on vacation, up a tree because something could have chased him, or in an open pipe in the ground, that happened to one person. If he got chased he could be out of his normal territory and just not know how to get home which means you have to put a flyers further away because he could be more than two miles away. He could also have been transported on the landscaping truck or delivery truck. A few outdoor cats that I helped find were 2 mi away. Also, post on the Neighbors app put out by ring video doorbell. There's a whole lost and found animal section.


Tara S.

9 months ago

VERY IMPORTANT! If he's indoor only, he could be hiding so close and you would never know it because he only comes out at night. You must ask your neighbors to search properties. At least four to five houses in each direction. A cat was found after 7 weeks and she was only two houses away the whole time. And yet nobody saw her. Indoor cats usually hide within 4-5 houses away. He could be hiding under a shed or a deck all day long and only come out at night. During the day, ask your neighbors if you can look under their decks and sheds, & any tight crawl spaces. Have a good flashlight & look for glowing eyes. A cell phone flashlight is not strong enough. Have a small flyer or a note written up in case they don't answer the door, telling them you're desperate to find your cat & could they check under their decks & sheds, or allow you to do so yourself when they get home? Leave a phone number. Ask them to keep an eye on their security cameras if they have them. If they don't answer & they have a video doorbell, talk to the doorbell & hold up your little flyer or your note. Make sure "LOST CAT" & phone # are prominent. It's better for you to do the searching yourself, because neighbors likely won't search as well as you. Be persistent about conducting the search yourself. Make sure everybody on your block knows about your lost cat because he's likely within that block. But he might only come out at night & never be seen, which is why a daytime search of neighbors' yards can be very important. Please note that walking around the neighborhood calling the cat's name likely won't work because if he's scared it takes him a while to get the nerve to come out and as you walk by, he just doesn't have the time to do that. If he's close by, you being outside as much as possible and talking and even playing recordings of his sibling cat who misses him, could help draw him out.


Tara S.

9 months ago

Indoor cats usually hide very close by. He'll come out after it gets quiet, usually late at night, 10 PM-1 AM. Other times are around dawn & dusk. At those times go outside, sit & talk in a normal tone of voice. Stay outside for at least 30 minutes if you can, rotate family to keep it up as long as possible. Hearing familiar voices speaking normally may give your cat the courage to come out of hiding. The key is to be calm, like you're having a conversation. Avoid calling him, just talk. I know of cases where cats came out of hiding after a week, when owners were outside talking on their deck at midnight. Someone else recently made a phone call on their deck, & the cat came out. If he comes out, crouch down to make yourself smaller, talk softly, remain still and let him come to you. If he's nervous, moving towards him might scare him off


Tara S.

9 months ago

For indoor-only cats: At night, put a food bowl at the spot where he got out. Lure him to the bowl w/a scent trail using “chum.” To make chum, mix at least half a tin of mackerel (SMELLY) w/1 gallon boiling water; let sit 20 minutes to let the stink set. Filter out chunks & pour into a bottle. Dribble a few drops every foot or so from the bowl outward in several directions, like wagon wheel spokes. Dribble it around the house to the other side & across the yard in several directions to property line. Walk in both directions 4-5 houses up the street, dripping scent on the grass & driveways as you walk. Grass holds scent better than pavement. Scent lasts days, re-apply after rain. If you have a garage, crack the door open a few inches and put the bowl in there. Put his kitty bed nearby in the garage so that if he comes in to eat, he might stay


Tara S.

9 months ago

Search techniques differ depending on whether the cat is an indoor only cat that got out, or it's an outdoor cat that didn't come home. See these links. You need to get friendly with your neighbors and start searching their yards, look under their sheds, look under their decks and any crawl spaces that you can find. If he's an indoor only cat, he's likely hiding within four for five houses away and comes out only at night. I would not put out a dirty litter box though, because it can attract feral cats and bring out the territorial instinct in them, which could actually chase your cat off. Better to put out a scented item, like a t-shirt from his favorite human, to help guide him home. I will post more tips. Please feel free to call me at 703-577-9553 to talk because it's hard to put everything online! Indoor only Https:// Indoor/Ourdoor



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