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Castello Sharma is Missing in Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Castello Sharma








Some individuals found him a few days ago and took him to the vet. The husband brought him back meeting me at PetSmart on N Federal Highway and the wife appeared a few days later at the same location as we were still here in the parking lot with test results of heartworm positive by herself. She offered and stated it would take two days max to take him to her private vet and her husband would provide her contact information but he has not and she has not contacted in regards since Tuesday. I contacted the number her husband contacted me on later on Tuesday after his wife left through text with no response. I attempted to call eventually and to my surprise it was disconnected. I have no means of contact to them or a license plate number. She drove what I believe to be a Black Lexus Sedan to PetSmart. I have no idea what her husband drove here as he parked somewhere else in the parking lot of PetSmart. The wife stated they live about 15 mins from here and the vet is as well supposedly. Please keep an eye out for him if you see him, retrieve contact information such as address and phone number if possible with ID for full name and have them contact me on the spot and if for some reason I can't be reached have them bring him back or you can! My phone number is in this listing along with plenty of other information such as my Facebook!


Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix, 10~ Pounds, Blue Merle (Black, Grey, and White Coat), Brown Eyes


Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305


NE 16th St & N Federal Highway


August 20, 2024

Devenand J.

5 months ago

I'm completely disappointed by the actions taken by each individual who decided to do such things, as kidnapping them "in cause of concern". People are contributing to the cause of all of us being comfortable and you ruined the idealism behind helping anyone at all. Feel proud of your selves and great job, you're really proving the point we're all seeking. How you could be so naive, is beyond me.


Devenand J.

5 months ago

You want to hurt them? When I catch any of you; I'm going to beat the off of you. Bring yo in asses here. I'm waiting for you, you simple minded . Keep it self reflective so I can slap the soulmate on the other side of the mirror. Bet you just be self loathing.


Devenand J.

5 months ago

Do you want to know why these people would hesitate? In Universal, Cosmopolitan, Ethical, etc. - "Standard"; they argue about the scales they exist upon. You can be better and they'll just attempt to be right through the actions they can't support through those means. Amongst the people who follow their standard, they MAY be right. Some examples include marital relationships, excessive ual relationships, high destruction ratios and location of living : activity's pursued, who they like and who they don't. I can imagine a scenario of THE soulmate causing an issue if you thought they were sleeping around and ruining everything, and you were single and celibate attempting to find them, having to fix their mistakes as well if you were coinciding. Can you imagine how tedious it would be? Then you have individuals with lifestyles and who knows where their at. If I angled it in a percentage, the ratio of what they tend to normally is based off a majority of damage they do to the body. If they sleep around there's definitely damage & lack thereof. Then you have habits. If those habits are for example high in toxicity such has high alcohol percentages, those ruin microorganisms. There are many things to be wary of. We understand you want to help, even desire if you wanted to steal or kidnap. You wouldn't understand what you would do to your life, let alone to say you want the consequences. Trust is very important. I'm not just temporary. 🫂. Besides, I could always reduce my percentage with my fist, just for you! 👊😁 They'll call me Bare Boned no Knuckle Joe 😂 That'll probably be a courtesy. Lmao


Devenand J.

5 months ago

For anyone interested in communicating, You can contact me at 347-724-0799. You can also contact my mother as well at 347-665-8134. You can email or message online as well. If anyone finds any of them you know how to contact us!


Devenand J.

5 months ago

That threats of the police comment was made before the husband brought him back originally.



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